On Sat, 2005-07-23 at 15:39 +0000, Andreas Fürtig wrote:
> after my last post here, i decided to buy me a geforce 4 mx and now i have a 
> setting in nvidia-settings to change the tv-overscan parameters. 

I'm quite happy with this card for progressive output.  If you deal a
lot with interlaced video you'll be disappointed, however.

> with the gui (nvidia-settings) i can change the overscan, but not with
> nvidia-settings  --config=/etc/freevo/.nvidia-settings-rc -l

What driver version are you using?

Check that /etc/freevo/.nvidia-settings-rc contains:


> maybe i have to use the TVOverScan Option in /etc/X11/XF86Conf, but where do 
> i 
> have to place it there? in screen or i monitor?

No, AFAIK TVOverScan is obsoleted since nvidia-settings was included.

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