Dirk Meyer wrote:

Karl Lattimer wrote:
I just wish I knew python and could code this stuff ;S

YE GODS MAN! I already do Java/Perl/PHP at work 5 days a week, now you
want me to learn another language...

Erm OK, when i get the time ;)

If you know Java and Perl, you learn Python in 2 hours.


Dischi is correct in this statement. Very correct.

Jacob Briggs
Systems Engineer
Core Technology
Ph: +64 (04) 499 1102


Named after its country of origin 'England', English is a little known dialect 
used by up to 1.5 billion non-Americans worldwide. Some interesting but 
obviously incorrect features of the language include:

- queues of people
- wonderful coloUrs
- the useful metal aluminIum
- the exotic herbs (h-urbs), basil (ba-zil) and oregano (o-re-gaa-no)
- specialiSed books called 'dictionaries' that tell you how to spell words 

Many people using this bizarre gutter speak also subscribe to the pagan belief 
that water freezes at 0 degrees and that distances should be measured in the 
forbidden mathematical system of base-10...

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