On Sun, 2006-03-26 at 19:12 +0000, Justin Wetherell wrote:
Let me start out by saying; I know bits and pieces of info, so I might not be 100% correct (or even 10%). You can receive a digital signal with alot of the available cards but I believe that the US cable companies haven't opened up the system to allow them actually decode the signal. So you will still need to fork the signal through the cable box first unless you are using an HD antenna.

Not entirely accurate -- I know that Rogers here in Canada offer the same channels digitally as they offer in their analog package unencrypted so you can pick them up with the right card.

North America use ATSC for its digital signal so look for a card that supports ATSC.  I don't think VDR supports a ATSC plugin, but I do know that MythTV does.  Don't know about Freevo natively.


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