DVBStreamer currently doesn't support CAMs and its not possible for me to test 
with a CAM, but if you're interested in doing some testing for me I can look 
into it.CheersAdamDate: Fri, 9 Feb 2007 13:42:46 +0100From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [Freevo-users] Testers required for DVB Live Pause 
PluginOn 2/8/07, Adam Charrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In my haste to press send I forgot to add a few things.In VideoGroups for your 
dvb adapters set the vdev to the number of the adapter,ie if you are using 
/dev/dvb/adapter0 you would have something like.
VIDEO_GROUPS = [    VideoGroup(vdev='0',                       desc='Watching 
TV',                       group_type='dvb')] Also the controls for live pause 
are the normal pause/ffwd/rewind buttons.
I haven't tested this with other types of devices, so it probably won't work 
with other type of video group.Rewind and Fast forward do work, although xine 
takes some time to resync to the stream (anything upto 30 seconds),
not idea, I'm looking into this.CheersAdamHi Adam,thanks for this. I am 
rebuilding my old VDR box and I'd love to use freevo and not VDR anymore as my 
I'm really new to freevo and got music, movies and games working just recently. 
I was looking at the freevo/VDR integration with the recent discussions that 
took place lately (freevo plugin for VDR).It looks like what you are suggesting 
might work for me, and add the pause support which I love.
Last question (not entirely related to your contribution): what can we do for 
the support of CAM?Thanks,Olivier.

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