For DVB ATSC recording using an HD5500 card from pcHDTV,
I use the following in

VCR_CMD = ('/usr/local/bin/' + ' ' +
           '/dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0' + ' ' +
           '%(channel)s' + ' ' +
           '%(seconds)s' + ' ' +

my /usr/local/bin/ looks like :

# 1: video device
# 2: channel
# 3: time in seconds
# 4: recording file

   echo "Caught SIGINT ..."
   echo "PID $SLEEP_PID"
   kill $SLEEP_PID
   kill $CAT_PID
   kill $AZAP_PID

trap 'kill_it' INT TERM

sleep 2

azap -r $2 > /dev/null &

sleep 2

cat $1 > $4 &
# $! is PID of last job running in background.

sleep $3 &


# You should add some check here to make sure cat is still running,
# otherwise you might accidentally kill some other process.
kill $CAT_PID
kill $AZAP_PID

I post process the transport streams using this:


my $dirname = shift;
my $binary = "/usr/java/jre/bin/java -jar 

opendir (DIR, $dirname) or die "Can't opendir $dirname: $!\n";
while (defined (my $file = readdir(DIR))) {
   if ($file =~ /\.ts$/) {
     $file =~ /(.*)\.ts$/;
     my $base = $1;
     system ( "$binary $dirname/$file -tom2p -out $dirname -name 
$base.mpg" );
     rename ("$dirname/$base.m2p", "$dirname/$base.mpg") or warn 
("Couldn't rename $base.m2v to $base.mpg : $!\n");
     unlink "$dirname/$file";
     unlink "$dirname/$base.mpg_log.txt";

Duncan Webb wrote:
> Xavier Beaudouin wrote:
>> Hello there,
>> I have successfully installed my Freevo using Nova-T-500 PCI card.
>> TV is running well and I'd like to use the feature of dual tuner of this 
>> card.
>> Any hint to make a somewhat "pool" of tuners ? (eg is first one is busy 
>> recording for example, then use the second one for example ?).
>> For watching TV and also recording ?
> The only supported option with freevo-1 is to dedicate one of the two
> tuners for recording and the other for playing, this should work fine
> with DVB cards, though I don't have either DVB or a DVB card. But other
> people on the list have.
> If I'm not mistaken, DVB cards write mpeg files so I think you don't
> need to use mencoder to capture the data stream. Search the wiki for DVB
> and you may come up with something.
>> For even if I specify dvb://2@<channel> in VCR_CMD, the 
>> /var/cache/freevo/record.video0 is still exist?
>> Some extract of /etc/freevo/ (debian etch) :
>> VCR_CMD = ( CONF.mencoder + ' ' +
>>              'dvb://[EMAIL PROTECTED](channel)s'  +
>>              ' -ovc copy -oac copy ' +  # Direct stream copy
>>              ' -idx ' +                 # Fix idx
>>              '-endpos %(seconds)s ' +   # only mencoder uses this so do it 
>> here.
>>              '-o %(filename)s ' )       # Filled in by Freevo
>> #
>> # [...]
>> #
>> VIDEO_GROUPS[0].group_type = 'dvb'
>> TV_CHANNELS = [('', 'TF1', 'TF1' ),
>> ('', 'France2', 'France2' ),
>> ('', 'France3', 'France3' ),
>> ('', 'France4', 'France4' ),
>> #
>> # [...]
>> #
>> ('', 'TPS STAR', 'TPSSTAR' ),
>> ('', 'Paris 1ERE', 'PARISPREMIERE' ) ]
> Duncan
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