Christian Lyra a écrit :

I have some need of 'hand tuned' fxd files for some movies, but I'm lost
in the (non existing) documentation.

You can find about fxd files here:, and inside
<freevo-sources>/Docs/fxd_files.txt. Maybe it´s not complete, but it´s
a good start point.
Thanks Christian, I knew the former, but miss the later :-) With the two, I begin to have interesting results.

So, I'm now a little further, lot of things are working, but I'm surprised of the way this works :

Suppose that I have a video in English, the French soundtrack in a separate mp3 file, and subtitle in both English and French (and yes, I use that !)

It seems that the combinations are a little 'static'. I only was able to have every combination with 6 variants in my FXD file (the file is attached).

That work nicely (freevo is great, did I told you ?) but it could be easier to have the choice of selecting the soundtrack, the subtitles, then start the movie.
Imagine the same but with three language and subtitles !

Or did I do something wrong ?


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    The information in this file are from the Internet Movie Database (IMDb).
    Please visit for more informations.
    <source url=""/>
  <movie title="Dead Like Me S02 E01 Send In The Clown">
      <file id="f1">DLM-S02E01.avi</file>
      <variant name="English Soundtrack, no Subtitles">
        <part ref="f1">
      <variant name="English Soundtrack, English Subtitles">
        <part ref="f1">
      <variant name="English Soundtrack, French Subtitle">
        <part ref="f1">
      <variant name="French Soundtrack, No Subtitles">
        <part ref="f1">
      <variant name="French Soundtrack, English Subtitles">
        <part ref="f1">
      <variant name="French Soundtrack, French Subtitles">
        <part ref="f1">
      <plot>Very usefull comment, as you see !</plot>
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