Jim Duda wrote:
> Duncan,
> 1) My local_config.py is attached.
> 2) No background freevo processes on the machine which crashes, however,
> on another server machine I have web_server, rss_server, record_server,
> and  encoding_server running.
> 3) no freevo crontabs
> 4) the machine is up all day, but the problem doesn't happen until I
> view TV guide.
> 5) I ran top and watched memory usage.  When I select TV Guide, freevo
> takes 15-20 seconds for "Preparing TV Guide".  As this was happening,
> top shows python increasingly taking 62% of the memory.   After I exit
> TV Guide, the memory is still consumed.  If I then go to Watch a
> Movie->Videos and select an mpg to watch, I get the crash.
> I do use a cron job to grab the XMLTV listings.  The cron job runs on
> the server machine.  The machine which crashes is NFS mounted to the
> server machine.
> 0 2 * * * /usr/bin/tv_grab_na_dd --output /media/xmltv/TV.xml
> Jim
> Duncan Webb wrote:
>> Jim Duda wrote:
>>> I think there is a bug/memory leak in maybe XMLTV listings or
>>> Scheduled Records.  I'm having trouble pinning it down, as it's not
>>> consistent.
>>> Sometimes, when I view the XMLTV TV Listings under Watch-TV/TV Guide,
>>> in conjunction with viewing Scheduled Recordings, a subsequent
>>> attempt to watch a recorded video results in a freevo crash.
>>> If I use the top program, I see that Python has consumed 65% of my
>>> RAM (512M bytes).  I have to reboot freevo to get things working again.
>>> I'm using the most recent released 1.7.2 version.
>>> How can I help track down this crash?
>> I think that we need more information to help you.
>> 1) It helps to post your local_config.py
>> 2) Are you running any freevo processes in the background
>> 3) Any freevo crontabs
>> 4) How log is the machine up before it crashes
>> Can you watch what is happening with top when you do certain activities
>> with freevo, such as going into the tv guide, does the memory usage
>> increase each time?
>> How did you install python, built it yourself or installed from a
>> package?

# Keep metadata in memory
# Setting this variable will keep all cache files in memory. Startup will be
# slower, but for large directories, this will speed up the display.
# 0 = Only keep current dir in memory. Use this if you have too much data
#     and not enough RAM
# 1 = Once loaded, keep cachefile for directory in memory
# 2 = Load all cachefiles on startup
# WARNING: you should not run 'freevo cache' when freevo is running.

I've never tried this but this may help, if it still works.


>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Freevo (1.7.2) start at Tue Jun 12 08:31:02 2007
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Error: VIDEO_SHOW_DATA_DIR not found
>>> ROM_DRIVES: Auto-detected and added "('/mnt/dvd', '/dev/dvd', 'DVD-1')"
>>> PyLirc resumed!
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/main.py", line 290,
>>> in eventhandler
>>>      app.eventhandler(event)
>>>    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/menu.py", line 673,
>>> in eventhandler
>>>      action( arg=arg, menuw=self )
>>>    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/video/videoitem.py",
>>> line 550, in play
>>>      error = self.player.play(mplayer_options, self)
>>>    File
>>> "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/video/plugins/xine.py", line
>>> 179, in play
>>>      self.app = childapp.ChildApp2(command)
>>>    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/childapp.py", line
>>> 369, in __init__
>>>      ChildApp.__init__(self, app, debugname, doeslogging)
>>>    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/childapp.py", line
>>> 114, in __init__
>>>      self.child   = util.popen3.Popen3(start_str)
>>>    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/util/popen3.py",
>>> line 84, in Popen3
>>>      return Popen4(cmd, cwd=cwd)
>>>    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/util/popen3.py",
>>> line 56, in __init__
>>>      popen2.Popen3.__init__(self, cmd, 1, 100)
>>>    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/popen2.py", line 46, in __init__
>>>      self.pid = os.fork()
>>> OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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