On Friday 10 August 2007 00:55, Gorka Olaizola wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 08, 2007 at 11:33:17PM +0100, John Molohan wrote:
> > I'm looking to revamp www.freevo.org. If you're interested you can take
> > a look at www.freevo.org/johnm/ to see what it might look like. If
> > you've any feedback or suggestions I'd love to hear them.
> The design is OK but the menu on the left should have more options.
> I think it would be better to separate in to boxes. One for users
> (Documentation, download, screenshots or users mailing list archives,
> etc...) and another one with links for development (bugs, request,
> development info and mailing list archives))
> Maybe it would be a good idea to have boxes with info for Freevo 2.0 and
> 1.7 roadmaps, info and goals. So people that see the web know the
> status of Freevo at a first glance.
> The upper links need a link for downloading Freevo, and the
> download section should have pointers to each distribution packages, not
> only to the tar.gz

I found the expanding and contracting left menu quite irritating. White on 
blue is not optimum for reading and the small font on my screen (I am using 
two panels side by side on a wide screen) meant I could not read what was 
coming and going before my eyes.
If you have expanding lists I would find a click-open and click-close system 
easier to read.
I agree that the menu across the top should repeat the same headings as the 
left menu.

The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings;
the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.
                -- Churchill

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