That's actually what my "detection" is based off of. As of Mplayer-1.0rc1,
the vf should be available. So, to use commdetect, you'll need that mplayer

On 8/20/07, Jaap Struyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Justin Wetherell schreef:
> > I wrote the code and wrote it to be very conservative. I've never
> > noticed a 'cut too much' scenario but I have seen the opposite but it's
> > a rarity. I have noticed that it's 100% accurate on most channels but on
> > some channels it's almost never sees the blackframes; I'm guessing that
> > the frames are dark enough. I do not have enough time to adjust the
> > algorithm or port it to use a different 'program' but it does work good
> > enough for my everyday use.
> Justin if your interested, there are some patches laying around for
> Mplayer.
> It's a filter (-vf) option wich has to be run when dumping the recorded
> stream and writes the locations of the black frames in a text (edl) file.
> The text file is read on playback and spaces between 2 black frames are
> skipped.
> If your interested:
> --
> Groetjes Japie
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