Hello Freevoers:

I was looking over old mailing list messages about getting thumbnails to work 
because it's the next part of Freevo I've decided to attack. When I picked the 
menu item, it would pop up the window saying creating thumbnail, but it 
wouldn't create it. Not even an .mpeg.raw file in the vfs.

I went through the steps outlined in the archived mails (they were recent, 
maybe August of this year) and even ran into the same error with Python 
complaining there was no core module in distutils. Apparently the original 
troubleshooter solved the problem by reinstalling kaa and/or Python. I didn't 
want to do that (I'm lazy!) so I spent a frustrated hour poking around.

To keep things short (I tend to ramble): I discovered I could import 
distutils.core without issue in any directory _except_ the 
/site-packages/freevo/utils directory. This led me to find there is a module in 
utils called distutils.py! When trying to import anything that wants 
distutils.core (in this case, videothumb asks for kaa.metadata, which asks for 
kaa.base which in turn tries to import distutils.core) while in the utils 
directory, it would go after the distutils.py package and not find a core 
module inside of it. I have since renamed the distutils.* files to 
distutils.*.back and have not run into any problems yet (that I've noticed) and 
the videothumb module works without complaint.

I'm not seeing the thumbnails on the TV interface, but the .mpeg.raw files are 
being created and the option to make a thumbnail disappears off the menu, so 
Freevo is aware the files are there. I suppose there's a chance the skin/module 
isn't set up to show them properly (rain skin with the recordings_manager 
plugin) so I'll investigate this further in the next few days. I have noticed 
that newly recorded shows since I made the distutils 'fix' are getting 
thumbnails automatically created for them. ^_^

Hope this helps... oh, this is Freevo 1.7.3 from source, by the way. Downloaded 
about two months ago.

Burbank, CA  USA

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