On Wed, 19 Dec 2007, Jaap Struyk wrote:
> >> Freevo-1.7.5 and Freevo-1.8.0rc1 will be released this weekend.
> Sorry guys for not responding earlyer but I came acros a "bug" that
> slipped in after 1.7.3 in the webserver.
> I'am starting freevo from initscript with something like:
> su - freevo -c freevo -fs &
> All seems wel but if I restart it it from a ssh console and close the
> console the webpages are all giving errors, if I keep the console open
> or use screen all is well, it's in 1.7.4 and 1.8.x from the same timeline.
> --
In 1.7-4
Of course I thought this was my install in the first place...
I've seen that, but didn't realise the exact sequence that triggered it
but no matter how I start the webserver localhost:webserver_port/config.rpy
Request did not return a string
<GET /config.rpy HTTP/1.1>

<__builtin__.ConfigResource instance at 0x86fd3cc>

u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-15"?>\n<!DOCTYPE html 
big snip
 src="scripts/browsefile.js"></script>\n<link rel="stylesheet" 
href="styles/config.css" type="text/css">\nUnable to find file.'

gives twisted errors
web.Server Traceback (most recent call last):   
exceptions.ImportError: cannot import name info_html
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/twisted/web/server.py, line 159 in process
157    self.postpath = map(unquote, string.split(self.path[1:], '/'))
158    try:
159      resrc = self.site.getResourceFor(self)
160      self.render(resrc)

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