
I believe that the most annoying part of the freevo config is the setting of 
TV_CHANNELS in local_conf.py. There is some way to create the statement using 
the XMLTV data, but this never really worked for me because the XMLTV channel 
names (if present at all...) do not match the tuner channel names. 
At least this is the case with my setup using DVB-S and a (patched version of) 
nxtvepg as XMLTV provider.

...so I've thought about creating an own helper script to create the 
TV_CHANNELS. I have attached the ("so far") outcome to this mail. It uses the 
scan utility program (with which DVB users usually create their channels.conf 
file) to detect the DVB channels, checks for already listed channels in 
local_conf.py and creates a new TV_CHANNELS statement. (Without inserting it 
in local_conf.py...)
It's far from being perfect, but maybe someone is interested. Here's a short 

Make sure that scan is installed and does something sensible.
Copy the script to the helpers directory of your freevo installation.
Check if the directories and file names set in the script are ok for you. 
Especially check the variables "scan", "initfilename" and "tmpdir".

Easiest way to run everything is using two steps.

1st step:
> freevo pfedvbchandetect langdetect
This will run the scan utility a few times (might need some time, sorry for 
that...) and produce the list of languages as an output.
Check the list of languages for those you are interested in. Make sure that 
you gather all variants of your language code. E.g. for german on Astra 
19.2E, this is "GER", "ger" and "deu".

2nd step:
> freevo pfedvbchandetect noscan languages=GER,ger,deu
...only with your desired language combination. You can also omit the 
languages option.
This will produce (much faster this time...) the new TV_CHANNELS command.

The new TV_CHANNEL command will consist out of the channels configured in 
local_conf.py before and (after them) all the new channels from the scan 
results. It only uses channels which are really running, are not scrambled, 
have a video pid (i.e. there is really a picture associated to them) and 
which contain one of the languages you've specified.
In addition, there will be a channels.conf in the temporary directory which 
can be used for mplayer (e.g.).




Attachment: pfedvbchandetect.py
Description: application/python

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