John Molohan wrote:
>> Hi and a very good morning to you out there!
>> First of all - many thanks for your replies!
>> Now I would like to give you a quick summary what I tried yesterday:
>> (1) First of all I tried John's idea
>>     >> At a complete guess you might need the development version of py-xml,
>>     >> it's probably called py-xml-devel.
>>     There's no such version out there, or maybe I'm just too blind to find 
>> it!?
>> (2) Then I switched to another freevo version as Duncan told me
>>     >> If your version of Python is 2.4 then you will need Freevo-1.5.4 as it
>>     >> contains fixes for Python-2.4.
>> (3) I then turned on the debugging feature of freevo with the following
>>     commands in my ind /USERS/xxx/.freevo
>>     -----------------
>>     DEBUG=1
>>     LOGGING = logging.DEBUG

These LOGGING settings are for 1.7.X, the has the 
settings for 1.5.4. Actually it won't matter that they have been defined 
  but they are not used.

>>     -----------------
>>     After that I tried to start freevo and looked for some log files in the
>>     directories /tmp or /var/log/freevo - NO FILES IN THERE AT ALL!
>> (4) After that frustrating thing i started python and checked mmpython:
>>     >> The next thing to do is to type python and then try importing the
>>     >> dependencies, eg:
>>        # python
>>        >>> import mmpython
>>     There's my output:
>>     ibook-g4:/opt/local/bin xxx$ /opt/local/bin/python2.4 Python 2.4.5 (#1, 
>> Mar 23 2008, 10:06:10) [GCC 4.0.0 20041026 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 
>> 4061)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more 
>> information.
>>     >>> import mmpython
>>     >>>
>>     So there should be NO problems with the dependencies!?
>> (5) Then I tried to install PyXML at my own, so I downloaded the latest 
>> version
>>     and installed it through /opt/local/bin/python2.4 install
>>     The strange thing is that the error "no module named utils" is now gone!
>>     Instead there's a new one "no module named image"
> You could try install py-pil by hand like you did for py-xml - maybe 
> there are some problems with the packages?

Good suggestion John, when you see something like this, it does not 
always mean that the module itself has not been installed correctly but 
can mean that one of its dependencies is missing. Again the trick is:
# python
 >>> import <module>
 >>> import image


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