Hi guys,
I am able to edit code at entry to mid level.
However, with the setup for dvb I am still all at sea.  The wiki is not very helpful at all for dvb setup with bits of information hidden everywhere.
Some of the code it refers to in the local_conf.py file has been changed in the latest versions of local_conf.py, and I am not sure what to change for either DVB use with Xine, Mplayer, VLC or tv streaming service or anything else.  Also, I am not interested in v4l for analog tv.

I am not too worried about xmltv either at the moment although the wiki seems to think that without xmltv the whole dvb thing won't work.  I find this hard to believe. Perhaps the wiki can just recommend the necessary code adjustments for Xine, Mplayer (or VLC) and how to get these to work, and then add a bit about xmltvand tv streaming.  I have tv working in Kaffeine, have exported a tzap scan to a channels.conf in Mplayer and Xine ./ directories, yet am missing something in the last step which IMHO is missing from documentation.

Just some positive thoughts, not meant to be picky or degrading.

Just on the off change, does anyone else have the compro T300 card working in Freevo?

Cheers guys.
Seasons Greetings :)

Running Archlinux (amd64) with KDE4mod  P4D 3.00GHz  2GB RAM  GA-8i945-GMF Mobo  Compro T300 DVB  IBM 20" CRT Monitor
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