Jim Duda wrote:
> I run freevo on different diskless computer machines in my house.
> I use a modified version of the LTSP scripts for bootstrap from a tftp server.
> I have to modify the scripts to keep LTSP4.2 compatible with newer versions 
> of fedora.
> I've tried numerous ways to boot freevo automatically, all of which I get to 
> work somehow, 
> but most are usually hacks.
> My distro is basically fedora 9 which boots from a central server.
> The easiest method I've found is to run freevo as root (right or wrong) 
> and start freevo as a server from rc.d/init.d
> Recently, I inadvertently deleted my freevo filesystem, and lost my backups, 
> losing all my scripts. I've recovered most of my scripts, and repaired my 
> backup processes :-)
> One thing I haven't restored is my method for automatically starting freevo 
> as a service.  For the life of me, I cannot recall how I "hacked" it to work.

Easy enough, I use init level 4 and simply have an init script that
contains "loadproc /usr/bin/freevo -fs"

> I cannot explain some behaviour, I'm hoping someone can shed some light.
> I want to run freevo as "root", however, use an alternate HOME directory (not 
> /root).
> In my service script, I set HOME before I launch freevo.

What do you want to achieve? To determine which config files and
directories freevo uses?

If so you can set environment variable such as FREEVO_LOGDIR, see the
log file they should be reported as the start.

> In a nut-shell I have:
> #!/bin/bash
> setenv HOME=/home/'hostname'
> /usr/bin/freevo start
> I am expecting that freevo runs with the new HOME directory, but as user root.
> I believe this is happening, because the log files indicate freevo is finding
> its local_conf.py in the proper place of /home/(host 
> name)/.freevo/local_conf.py
> So far, so good.
> What doesn't happen is when freevo spaws off mplayer.
> In this situation, mplayer is running with a HOME of /root, not 
> /home/(hostname).
> I know this because I need to have a proper .asroundrc in /root for
> my audio to work.  I am expecting mplayer to look for .asoundrc in 
> /home/(host name)/.asoundrc.  But, I've determined mlayer is using 
> /root/.asoundrc
> Can anyone explain why mplayer is using a different $HOME than freevo?

You can set-up a root equivalent user, UID=0 and GUI=0 in /etc/passwd
and then start freevo as this user.

You can use a system-wide asound.conf file as an alternative.


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