Thanks for the reply. Below is part of the channel relevant part of the file, 
and the freevo.conf I'll attach. There is another thing I forgot to mention 
above, I have to set the "Capture" in my mixer App, and often that is reset to 
off and the volume is also set to 0, particularly if I was looking TV before 
recording. I often forget about that and then the recording has no sound.

# ======================================================================
# Freevo TV settings:
# ======================================================================

# This is where recorded video is written.
# XXX the path doesn't work from the www cgi scripts!
# WARNING: see Debian specific note at beginning of this file
TV_RECORD_DIR = '/home/freevo/recordings'

# This will enable duplicate recording detection

# This will enable only new episodes to be recorded

# If true, this will automatically re-encode shows after they finish recording
# NOTE: You need to set up the REENCODE_* variables as for the 
plugin -
# these default values will be used to re-encode the recordings

# If true, this will remove the original recording after automatic re-encoding 
is done

# Watching TV
# XXX You must change this to fit your local conditions!
# NORM: ntsc, pal, secam
# INPUT: television, composite1
# CHANLIST: One of the following:
# us-bcast, us-cable, us-cable-hrc, japan-bcast, japan-cable, europe-west,
# europe-east, italy, newzealand, australia, ireland, france, china-bcast,
# southafrica, argentina, canada-cable, russia
TV_SETTINGS = 'Pal television europe-west /dev/video0'
# Video input device
# Usually /dev/video0, but might be /dev/video1 instead for multiple boards.
# FreeBSD uses the Brooktree TV-card driver, not V4L.
TV_DRIVER = 'v4l2'
# TV_DRIVER = 'v4l'
# TV_DEVICE = '/dev/video0'
# TV_INPUT = 0
# Listening to radio
# Radio device default is None, /dev/video24 for ivtv
# RADIO_DEVICE = '/dev/v4l/radio0'

# Radio commands:
# for fmtools
RADIO_CMD = 'fm'
# RADIO_CMD = '/usr/bin/radio'
RADIO_CMD_START = (RADIO_CMD + ' ' + '-q %s 65535')
RADIO_CMD_STOP = (RADIO_CMD + ' ' + '-q off')
# RADIO_CMD_START = (RADIO_CMD + ' -d %s ' % RADIO_DEVICE + ' -q %s 65535')
# RADIO_CMD_STOP = (RADIO_CMD + ' -d %s ' % RADIO_DEVICE + ' -q off')
# for ivtv-radio
# RADIO_CMD = '/usr/bin/ivtv-radio -d /dev/radio0 -i /dev/video24'
     ('Rock Nation', '104.60'),
     ('DRS 3', '97.40MHz'),
     ('Virus', '104.30MHz'),
     ('Radio 24', '102.90MHz'),
     ('Energy Zuerich', '101.10MHz'),
     ('Radio Zuerisee', '90.20MHz'),
     ('Radio Sunshine', '106.10MHz'),
     ('Radio Top', '105.40MHz'),
     ('Radio LoRa', '88.10MHz'),
     ('BBC World Service', '90.70MHz'),
     ('Radio 105 Network', '105.10MHz'),
     ('Klassik Radio', '103.30MHz'),
     ('Radio Swiss Classic', '106.90MHz'),
     ('DRS 4 News', '91.00MHz'),
#     (u'Radio Zürisee', '90.20'),
# ]

# Additional options to pass to mplayer in TV mode.
# eg. To turn off deinterlacing:
# TV_OPTS = '-vop pp=ci'
# TV_OPTS = ''

# TV_SETTINGS = '%s television %s %s' % (, CONF.chanlist, TV_DEVICE)

# Size (in MB) of the timeshift buffer. (ie: how long you can pause tv for.)
# This is set to a low default because the default buffer location is
# under FREEVO_CACHEDIR and we don't want to blow /var or /tmp.

# TIMESHIFT_ENCODE_CMD = 'mp1e -m3 -c%s -p%s -r14,100' % \
#                        (TV_SETTINGS.split()[3], AUDIO_INPUT_DEVICE)

# TIMESHIFT_BUFFER = '%s/timeshift.mpeg' % FREEVO_CACHEDIR

# TV_DATE_FORMAT = '%e-%b' # Day-Month: 11-Jun
# TV_TIME_FORMAT = '%H:%M' # Hour-Minute 14:05
# TV_DATETIME_FORMAT = '%A %b %d %I:%M %p' # Thursday September 24 8:54 am

# This is the filename format for files recorded using Freevo.
# You can use any of the strftime variables in it, provided you
# put two '%%' at the beginning.
# Some examples:
# %%A - Full weekday name.
# %%H - Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00,23].
# %%M - Minute as a decimal number [00,59].
# %%m - Month as a decimal number [01,12].
# %%d - Day of the month as a decimal number [01,31].
# %%p - Locale's equivalent of either AM or PM.
# More can be found at:

# TV_RECORD_FILE_MASK = '%%m-%%d %%H:%%M %(progname)s - %(title)s'

# If using the persistent recordserver

# RECORDSERVER_IP = 'localhost'

# If the recordserver runs as root, set the uid to the given one
# after startup. The gui must also match one of the users group ids

# Remove old recordings if GB free is less than specified value

# start every recording X minutes before scheduled,
# and stop X minutes after scheduled - default to zero minutes.
# This must be a value in seconds although at the moment only has
# the percision of one minute.

# Number of minutes before or after the start time of a favorite where
# a program matching the name, day of week etc should still be considered a
# favorite. For example a favorite has a start time of 21.00, but the program
# has been brought forward by the broadcaster by 10 minutes to 20.50, with
# a margin of less than 10 this program will not be recorded as the start time
# is outside the margin. But if the margin is set at 10 minutes or greater this
# program will be considered a favorite and recorded. Probably about 45 minutes
# is the best bet, better a false positive than a false negative.

# PRE and POST recording commands.  Set these to a runnable command if
# you wish to have special mixer settings or video post processing.
# VCR_PRE_REC  = None

VCR_AUDIO = (':adevice=%s' % AUDIO_DEVICE +
              ':audiorate=32000' +         # 44100 for better sound
              ':forceaudio:forcechan=1:' + # Forced mono for bug in my driver
              'buffersize=64')             # 64MB capture buffer, change?

# TV capture size for viewing and recording. Max 768x480 for NTSC,
# 768x576 for PAL. Set lower if you have a slow computer!
# For the 'tvtime' TV viewing application, only the horizontal size is used.
# Set the horizontal size to 400 or 480 if you have a slow (~500MHz) computer,
# it still looks OK, and the picture will not be as jerky.
# The vertical size is always either fullscreen or 480/576 (NTSC/PAL)
# for tvtime.
# TV_VIEW_SIZE = (640, 480)
# TV_REC_SIZE = (320, 240)   # Default for slower computers
# TV_REC_SIZE = (512, 320)
#TV_REC_SIZE = (384, 288)
# TV_VIEW_SIZE = (768, 480)
# Input formats for viewing and recording. The format affect viewing
# and recording performance. It is specific to your hardware, so read
# the MPlayer docs and experiment with mplayer to see which one fits
# your computer best.
# TV_VIEW_OUTFMT = 'yuy2'   # Better quality, slower on pure FB/X11
# TV_REC_OUTFMT = 'yuy2'

# XXX Please see the mencoder docs for more info about the settings
# XXX below. Some stuff must be changed (adevice), others probably
# XXX should be ("Change"), or could be in some cases ("change?")
VCR_CMD = (CONF.mencoder + ' ' +
            'tv:// ' +                      # New mplayer requires this.
            '-tv driver=%s:input=%d' % (TV_DRIVER, TV_INPUT) +
            ':norm=%s' % +
            ':channel=%(channel)s' +        # Filled in by Freevo
            ':chanlist=%s' % CONF.chanlist +
            ':width=%d:height=%d' % (TV_REC_SIZE[0], TV_REC_SIZE[1]) +
            ':outfmt=%s' % TV_REC_OUTFMT +
            ':device=%s' % TV_DEVICE +
            VCR_AUDIO +                     # set above
            ' -ovc lavc -lavcopts ' +       # Mencoder lavcodec video codec
            'vcodec=mpeg4' +                # lavcodec mpeg-4
            ':vbitrate=2400:' +             # Change lower/higher, bitrate
            'keyint=30 ' +                  # Keyframe every 10 secs, change?
            '-oac mp3lame -lameopts ' +     # Use Lame for MP3 encoding, must 
be enabled in mencoder!
            'br=128:cbr:mode=3 ' +          # MP3 const. bitrate, 128 kbit/s
            '-ffourcc divx ' +              # Force 'divx' ident, better compat.
            '-endpos %(seconds)s ' +        # only mencoder uses this so do it 
            '-o %(filename)s')              # Filled in by Freevo

# TV_VIDEO_GROUPS setting to handles multiple arbitrary groups of devices
# for viewing or recording.  It is possible to have different Freevo
# channels use different Video Groups.
# See the wiki for more details:
# This example is when you have one IVTV type card installed
#     VideoGroup(vdev=TV_DEVICE,
#                adev=AUDIO_DEVICE,
#                input_type='tuner 1',
#                input_num=0,
#      ,
#                tuner_chanlist=CONF.chanlist,
#                group_type = 'ivtv',
#                desc='PVR-350 Video Group'),
# ]
# This example is for two normal TV cards to allow you to use one card to
# view a programme and the other card to record at the same time
#     # Use this group for watching tv
#     VideoGroup(vdev='/dev/video0',
#                adev=None,
#                input_type='tuner 1',
#      ,
#                tuner_chanlist=CONF.chanlist,
#                desc='Watching Video Group',
#                record_group=1),
#     # Use this group for recording tv
#     VideoGroup(vdev='/dev/video1',
#                adev=None,
#                input_type='tuner 1',
#      ,
#                tuner_chanlist=CONF.chanlist,
#                desc='Recording Video Group',
#                record_group=None),
# ]

# Settings for ivtv based cards such as the WinTV PVR-250/350.
# TODO: Add descriptions and valid settings for each option.
# bitrate in bps
# stream type
# Options are: 0 (mpeg2_ps), 1 (mpeg2_ts), 2 (mpeg1), 3 (mpeg2_pes_av),
#              5 (mpeg2_pes_v), 7 (mpeg2_pes_a), 10 (dvd)

#     'input'         : 4,
#     'resolution'    : '720x480',
#     'aspect'        : 2,
#     'audio_bitmask' : 233,
#     'bframes'       : 3,
#     'bitrate_mode'  : 1,
#     'bitrate'       : 4000000,
#     'bitrate_peak'  : 4000000,
#     'dnr_mode'      : 0,
#     'dnr_spatial'   : 0,
#     'dnr_temporal'  : 0,
#     'dnr_type'      : 0,
#     'framerate'     : 0,
#     'framespergop'  : 15,
#     'gop_closure'   : 1,
#     'pulldown'      : 0,
#     'stream_type'   : 10,
# }

# TV Channels. This list contains a mapping from the displayed channel name
# to the actual channel name as used by the TV watching application.
# The display name must match the names from the XMLTV guide,
# and the TV channel name must be what the tuner expects (usually a number).
# The TV menu is supposed to be supported by the XMLTV application for
# up to date listings, but can be used without it to just display
# the available channels.
# This list also determines the order in which the channels are displayed!
# N.B.: You must delete the XMLTV cache file (e.g. 
#       if you make changes here and restart!
# Format: [('xmltv channel id', 'freevo display name', 'tv channel name'), ...]
# If this variable is set to None (default), Freevo will try to auto-detect
# the channel list based on the xmltv file. This doesn't work for all
# xmltv grabber, e.g. the German list doesn't contain station lists. In this
# case Freevo will output the possible list for you to add them manually.
# If auto-detection doesn't work or you want to edit the list, run
# freevo tv_grab -query.
# Setting this variable to [] will deactivate the tv guide. If you don't have
# a tv card, you may also want to add plugin.remove('tv') to remove the whole
# tv menu.
# All channels listed here will be displayed on the TV menu, even if they're
# not present in the XMLTV listing.
# Timedependent channels:
# The TV_CHANNELS-list can look like this:
# TV_CHANNELS = [('21', 'SVT1',              'E5'),
#                ('22', 'SVT2',              'E3'),
#                ('26', 'TV3',               'E10'),
#                ('27', 'TV4',               'E6'),
#                ('10', 'Kanal 5',           'E7'),
#                ('60', 'Fox Kids',          'E8', ('1234567','0600','1659')),
#                ('16', 'TV6',               'E8', ('1234567','1700','2359'),
#                                                  ('1234567','0000','0300')),
#                ('14', 'MTV Europe',        'E11') ]

TV_CHANNELS = [('x.leer', 'leer',   'E1'),
               ('', 'SF1',   'E5'),
               ('', 'SF2',   'E10'),
               ('', 'SFi', 'U35'),
               ('', 'TSR1', 'E7'),
               ('', 'TSR2', 'S12'),
               ('', 'TSI1', 'E8'),
               ('', 'TSI2', 'S18'),
               ('', 'ARD', 'E9'),
               ('', 'ZDF', 'E11'),
               ('', 'ORF1', 'S5'),
               ('', 'ORF2', 'U34'),
               ('', 'BR', 'U29'),
               ('', 'SWR/BW', 'S14'),
               ('', 'Arte', 'U21'),
               ('', '3Sat', 'S33'),
               ('', 'EuroNews', 'S10'),
               ('', 'EuroSport', 'S17'),
               ('', 'CNN', 'S13'),
               ('', 'Kabel1', 'S4'),
               ('', 'RTL', 'E6'),
               ('', 'RTL-II', 'U22'),
               ('', 'Pro-7', 'U27'),
               ('', 'Vox', 'U30'),
               ('', '3-Plus', 'S15'),
               ('', 'Star-TV', 'S7'),
               ('', 'Tele-Zueri', 'S9'),
               ('', 'Tele-Top', 'E12'),
               ('', 'DS:F', 'S16'),
               ('', 'M-Tv', 'SR19'),
               ('', 'viva', 'S24'),
               ('', 'Sat1', 'S19'),
               ('', 'super-rtl', 'S26')]
# As you can see the list takes optional tuples:
# ( 'DAYS', 'START','END')
# 1234567 in days means all days.
# 12345 would mean monday to friday.
# It will display "Fox Kids" from 06:00 to 16:59 and "TV6" from 17:00 to 03:00.
# 03:00 to 06:00 it won't be displayed at all.


# A lambda function to sort the TV_CHANNELS
#TV_CHANNELS_COMPARE = lambda a, b: cmp(int(a[2]), int(b[2]))

# TV_FREQUENCY_TABLE - This is only used when Freevo changes the channel 
# This is only the case if you are using V4L2 and any of the following plugins:
# timeshift, ivtv_record, ivtv_basic_tv.
# For the standard frequancy tables see src/tv/  To add your own just
# replace tuner_id in the following example with a valid tuner id (ie: '5' or
# 'BBC1') and a frequency in KHz.  You may have as many entries as you like,
# anything here will simply override a corresponding entry in your standard
# frequency table and you can also have entries here that are not present in
# there.

#     'tuner_id'   :    55250,
# }

# Program to grab xmltv listings. To get a grabber, you need to download
# xmltv. A possible value for users in the USA is tv_grab_na
# Use the tv_grab helper to grab the listings and cache them. Start
# 'freevo tv_grab --help' for more informations.

XMLTV_GRABBER = '/usr/bin/tv_grab_ch_search'
# If you want to run tv_sort on your listings add the path to tv_sort here.
# tv_sort will make sure all your programs have proper stop times, otherwise
# programs might get cut off at midnight.
XMLTV_SORT = '/usr/bin/tv_sort'
# Number of days the grabber should get
# GMT offset for XMLTV feeds that don't contain timezone information
# An example of this is the OzTivo feed which has the timestamps
# in the XML pre-adjusted for your timezone

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 17:14:02 +0100
> Von: Duncan Webb <>
> An:
> Betreff: Re: [Freevo-users] Recording issue

> markus frei wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm using freevo 1.8.3 on a PC running Linux Mint. When I want to record
> something from TV, it seems that I first have to watch that channel. If I
> don't, the recording starts at the given time, but the channel isn't
> selected, so the "recording" I get is just "snow".
> >
> > If after a successful recording another is scheduled on another channel,
> again the recording starts, but it stays on the last channel that was used
> or recorded from. So it seems the recording routine doesn't change the
> channel by itself.
> >
> > I'm using TvTime for viewing TV and have all my channels setup there,
> and freevo uses mencoder (mplayer) for recording. Do I have to setup a
> channel list for mencoder too, and if so, how?
> >
> > Thanx for any help here.
> >
> >
> >   
> Need more information...
> Basically the bits of freevo.conf and that deal with the
> TV settings.
> The most important part is how the channels are set-up.
> Duncan
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