markus frei wrote:
> Thanks for the reply. Below is part of the channel relevant part of the file, 
> and the freevo.conf I'll attach. There is another thing I forgot to mention 
> above, I have to set the "Capture" in my mixer App, and often that is reset 
> to off and the volume is also set to 0, particularly if I was looking TV 
> before recording. I often forget about that and then the recording has no 
> sound.

The first problem is that Python is case sensitive and the TV_SETTINGS
should be:
TV_SETTINGS = 'pal television europe-west /dev/video0'

IIRC not all the Swiss TV_FREQUENCIES are in the "europe-west" table of
src/tv/ you can add this list for cablecom into

    'K32' : 559250,
    'S13' : 246250,
    'K34' : 575250,
    'K21' : 471250,
    'K05' : 175500,
    'K98' : 175500,
    'K99' : 175500,
    'K10' : 211000,
    'K35' : 583250,
    'S23' : 319250,
    'S17' : 274500,
    'S05' : 133187.5, #133250,
    'S15' : 260350,
    'S10' : 168500,
    'S27' : 351250,
    'S19' : 288500,
    'K09' : 203750,
    'S04' : 126125, #126250,
    'K29' : 535250,
    'K27' : 519250,
    'K30' : 543250,
    'K06' : 182750,
    'K22' : 479250,
    'S26' : 343250,
    'S31' : 383250,
    'K11' : 218000,
    'K24' : 495250,
    'K31' : 551250,
    'K28' : 527250,
    'S09' : 161500,
    'S14' : 253250,
    'S07' : 147250,
    'S33' : 399250,
    'S20' : 295750,
    'S24' : 327250,
    'S11' : 232000,
    'S12' : 239250,
    'S28' : 359250,
    'K07' : 189750,
    'K37' : 599250,
    'K25' : 503250,
    'S08' : 154500,
    'K08' : 196750,
    'S18' : 281500,
    'K12' : 225000,
    'S16' : 267500,
    'S06' : 140250,

What TV card do you use?

Try running "freevo vg" too.


> # ======================================================================
> # Freevo TV settings:
> # ======================================================================
> #
> # This is where recorded video is written.
> #
> # XXX the path doesn't work from the www cgi scripts!
> #
> # WARNING: see Debian specific note at beginning of this file
> # 
> TV_RECORD_DIR = '/home/freevo/recordings'
> # This will enable duplicate recording detection
> # This will enable only new episodes to be recorded
> # If true, this will automatically re-encode shows after they finish recording
> # NOTE: You need to set up the REENCODE_* variables as for the 
> plugin -
> # these default values will be used to re-encode the recordings
> # TV_REENCODE = False
> # If true, this will remove the original recording after automatic 
> re-encoding is done
> # 
> ================================================================================
> # Watching TV
> # 
> ================================================================================
> #
> # XXX You must change this to fit your local conditions!
> #
> # NORM: ntsc, pal, secam
> # INPUT: television, composite1
> # CHANLIST: One of the following:
> #
> # us-bcast, us-cable, us-cable-hrc, japan-bcast, japan-cable, europe-west,
> # europe-east, italy, newzealand, australia, ireland, france, china-bcast,
> # southafrica, argentina, canada-cable, russia
> #
> TV_SETTINGS = 'Pal television europe-west /dev/video0'
> #
> # Video input device
> #
> # Usually /dev/video0, but might be /dev/video1 instead for multiple boards.
> #
> # FreeBSD uses the Brooktree TV-card driver, not V4L.
> TV_DRIVER = 'v4l2'
> # TV_DRIVER = 'v4l'
> # TV_DEVICE = '/dev/video0'
> # TV_INPUT = 0
> #
> # 
> ================================================================================
> # Listening to radio
> # 
> ================================================================================
> #
> # Radio device default is None, /dev/video24 for ivtv
> # RADIO_DEVICE = '/dev/v4l/radio0'
> # Radio commands:
> plugin.activate('audio.radioplayer')
> plugin.activate('')
> #
> # for fmtools
> RADIO_CMD = 'fm'
> # RADIO_CMD = '/usr/bin/radio'
> RADIO_CMD_START = (RADIO_CMD + ' ' + '-q %s 65535')
> RADIO_CMD_STOP = (RADIO_CMD + ' ' + '-q off')
> # RADIO_CMD_START = (RADIO_CMD + ' -d %s ' % RADIO_DEVICE + ' -q %s 65535')
> # RADIO_CMD_STOP = (RADIO_CMD + ' -d %s ' % RADIO_DEVICE + ' -q off')
> #
> # for ivtv-radio
> # RADIO_CMD = '/usr/bin/ivtv-radio -d /dev/radio0 -i /dev/video24'
>      ('Rock Nation', '104.60'),
>      ('DRS 3', '97.40MHz'),
>      ('Virus', '104.30MHz'),
>      ('Radio 24', '102.90MHz'),
>      ('Energy Zuerich', '101.10MHz'),
>      ('Radio Zuerisee', '90.20MHz'),
>      ('Radio Sunshine', '106.10MHz'),
>      ('Radio Top', '105.40MHz'),
>      ('Radio LoRa', '88.10MHz'),
>      ('BBC World Service', '90.70MHz'),
>      ('Radio 105 Network', '105.10MHz'),
>      ('Klassik Radio', '103.30MHz'),
>      ('Radio Swiss Classic', '106.90MHz'),
>      ('DRS 4 News', '91.00MHz'),
> ]
> #     (u'Radio Zürisee', '90.20'),
> # ]
> #
> # Additional options to pass to mplayer in TV mode.
> #
> # eg. To turn off deinterlacing:
> # TV_OPTS = '-vop pp=ci'
> #
> # TV_OPTS = ''
> # TV_SETTINGS = '%s television %s %s' % (, CONF.chanlist, TV_DEVICE)
> #
> # Size (in MB) of the timeshift buffer. (ie: how long you can pause tv for.)
> # This is set to a low default because the default buffer location is
> # under FREEVO_CACHEDIR and we don't want to blow /var or /tmp.
> # TIMESHIFT_ENCODE_CMD = 'mp1e -m3 -c%s -p%s -r14,100' % \
> #                        (TV_SETTINGS.split()[3], AUDIO_INPUT_DEVICE)
> # TIMESHIFT_BUFFER = '%s/timeshift.mpeg' % FREEVO_CACHEDIR
> # TV_DATE_FORMAT = '%e-%b' # Day-Month: 11-Jun
> # TV_TIME_FORMAT = '%H:%M' # Hour-Minute 14:05
> # TV_DATETIME_FORMAT = '%A %b %d %I:%M %p' # Thursday September 24 8:54 am
> # This is the filename format for files recorded using Freevo.
> # You can use any of the strftime variables in it, provided you
> # put two '%%' at the beginning.
> #
> # Some examples:
> # %%A - Full weekday name.
> # %%H - Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00,23].
> # %%M - Minute as a decimal number [00,59].
> # %%m - Month as a decimal number [01,12].
> # %%d - Day of the month as a decimal number [01,31].
> # %%p - Locale's equivalent of either AM or PM.
> #
> # More can be found at:
> # TV_RECORD_FILE_MASK = '%%m-%%d %%H:%%M %(progname)s - %(title)s'
> # If using the persistent recordserver
> # TV_RECORD_SCHEDULE = FREEVO_STATICDIR + '/schedule.pickle'
> # TV_RECORD_FAVORITES = FREEVO_STATICDIR + '/favorites.pickle'
> # RECORDSERVER_IP = 'localhost'
> # If the recordserver runs as root, set the uid to the given one
> # after startup. The gui must also match one of the users group ids
> # Remove old recordings if GB free is less than specified value
> # start every recording X minutes before scheduled,
> # and stop X minutes after scheduled - default to zero minutes.
> # This must be a value in seconds although at the moment only has
> # the percision of one minute.
> # Number of minutes before or after the start time of a favorite where
> # a program matching the name, day of week etc should still be considered a
> # favorite. For example a favorite has a start time of 21.00, but the program
> # has been brought forward by the broadcaster by 10 minutes to 20.50, with
> # a margin of less than 10 this program will not be recorded as the start time
> # is outside the margin. But if the margin is set at 10 minutes or greater 
> this
> # program will be considered a favorite and recorded. Probably about 45 
> minutes
> # is the best bet, better a false positive than a false negative.
> # PRE and POST recording commands.  Set these to a runnable command if
> # you wish to have special mixer settings or video post processing.
> # VCR_PRE_REC  = None
> # VCR_POST_REC = None
> VCR_AUDIO = (':adevice=%s' % AUDIO_DEVICE +
>               ':audiorate=32000' +         # 44100 for better sound
>               ':forceaudio:forcechan=1:' + # Forced mono for bug in my driver
>               'buffersize=64')             # 64MB capture buffer, change?
> # TV capture size for viewing and recording. Max 768x480 for NTSC,
> # 768x576 for PAL. Set lower if you have a slow computer!
> #
> # For the 'tvtime' TV viewing application, only the horizontal size is used.
> # Set the horizontal size to 400 or 480 if you have a slow (~500MHz) computer,
> # it still looks OK, and the picture will not be as jerky.
> # The vertical size is always either fullscreen or 480/576 (NTSC/PAL)
> # for tvtime.
> # TV_VIEW_SIZE = (640, 480)
> # TV_REC_SIZE = (320, 240)   # Default for slower computers
> # TV_REC_SIZE = (512, 320)
> #TV_REC_SIZE = (384, 288)
> # TV_VIEW_SIZE = (768, 480)
> # Input formats for viewing and recording. The format affect viewing
> # and recording performance. It is specific to your hardware, so read
> # the MPlayer docs and experiment with mplayer to see which one fits
> # your computer best.
> # TV_VIEW_OUTFMT = 'yuy2'   # Better quality, slower on pure FB/X11
> # TV_REC_OUTFMT = 'yuy2'
> # XXX Please see the mencoder docs for more info about the settings
> # XXX below. Some stuff must be changed (adevice), others probably
> # XXX should be ("Change"), or could be in some cases ("change?")
> VCR_CMD = (CONF.mencoder + ' ' +
>             'tv:// ' +                      # New mplayer requires this.
>             '-tv driver=%s:input=%d' % (TV_DRIVER, TV_INPUT) +
>             ':norm=%s' % +
>             ':channel=%(channel)s' +        # Filled in by Freevo
>             ':chanlist=%s' % CONF.chanlist +
>             ':width=%d:height=%d' % (TV_REC_SIZE[0], TV_REC_SIZE[1]) +
>             ':outfmt=%s' % TV_REC_OUTFMT +
>             ':device=%s' % TV_DEVICE +
>             VCR_AUDIO +                     # set above
>             ' -ovc lavc -lavcopts ' +       # Mencoder lavcodec video codec
>             'vcodec=mpeg4' +                # lavcodec mpeg-4
>             ':vbitrate=2400:' +             # Change lower/higher, bitrate
>             'keyint=30 ' +                  # Keyframe every 10 secs, change?
>             '-oac mp3lame -lameopts ' +     # Use Lame for MP3 encoding, must 
> be enabled in mencoder!
>             'br=128:cbr:mode=3 ' +          # MP3 const. bitrate, 128 kbit/s
>             '-ffourcc divx ' +              # Force 'divx' ident, better 
> compat.
>             '-endpos %(seconds)s ' +        # only mencoder uses this so do 
> it here.
>             '-o %(filename)s')              # Filled in by Freevo
> # TV_VIDEO_GROUPS setting to handles multiple arbitrary groups of devices
> # for viewing or recording.  It is possible to have different Freevo
> # channels use different Video Groups.
> #
> # See the wiki for more details:
> #
> #
> #
> # This example is when you have one IVTV type card installed
> #
> #     VideoGroup(vdev=TV_DEVICE,
> #                adev=AUDIO_DEVICE,
> #                input_type='tuner 1',
> #                input_num=0,
> #      ,
> #                tuner_chanlist=CONF.chanlist,
> #                group_type = 'ivtv',
> #                desc='PVR-350 Video Group'),
> # ]
> #
> # This example is for two normal TV cards to allow you to use one card to
> # view a programme and the other card to record at the same time
> #
> #     # Use this group for watching tv
> #     VideoGroup(vdev='/dev/video0',
> #                adev=None,
> #                input_type='tuner 1',
> #      ,
> #                tuner_chanlist=CONF.chanlist,
> #                desc='Watching Video Group',
> #                record_group=1),
> #     # Use this group for recording tv
> #     VideoGroup(vdev='/dev/video1',
> #                adev=None,
> #                input_type='tuner 1',
> #      ,
> #                tuner_chanlist=CONF.chanlist,
> #                desc='Recording Video Group',
> #                record_group=None),
> # ]
> #
> # Settings for ivtv based cards such as the WinTV PVR-250/350.
> #
> # TODO: Add descriptions and valid settings for each option.
> # bitrate in bps
> # stream type
> # Options are: 0 (mpeg2_ps), 1 (mpeg2_ts), 2 (mpeg1), 3 (mpeg2_pes_av),
> #              5 (mpeg2_pes_v), 7 (mpeg2_pes_a), 10 (dvd)
> #     'input'         : 4,
> #     'resolution'    : '720x480',
> #     'aspect'        : 2,
> #     'audio_bitmask' : 233,
> #     'bframes'       : 3,
> #     'bitrate_mode'  : 1,
> #     'bitrate'       : 4000000,
> #     'bitrate_peak'  : 4000000,
> #     'dnr_mode'      : 0,
> #     'dnr_spatial'   : 0,
> #     'dnr_temporal'  : 0,
> #     'dnr_type'      : 0,
> #     'framerate'     : 0,
> #     'framespergop'  : 15,
> #     'gop_closure'   : 1,
> #     'pulldown'      : 0,
> #     'stream_type'   : 10,
> # }
> #
> # TV Channels. This list contains a mapping from the displayed channel name
> # to the actual channel name as used by the TV watching application.
> # The display name must match the names from the XMLTV guide,
> # and the TV channel name must be what the tuner expects (usually a number).
> #
> # The TV menu is supposed to be supported by the XMLTV application for
> # up to date listings, but can be used without it to just display
> # the available channels.
> #
> # This list also determines the order in which the channels are displayed!
> # N.B.: You must delete the XMLTV cache file (e.g. 
> /var/cache/freevo/TV.xml.pickled)
> #       if you make changes here and restart!
> #
> # Format: [('xmltv channel id', 'freevo display name', 'tv channel name'), 
> ...]
> #
> # If this variable is set to None (default), Freevo will try to auto-detect
> # the channel list based on the xmltv file. This doesn't work for all
> # xmltv grabber, e.g. the German list doesn't contain station lists. In this
> # case Freevo will output the possible list for you to add them manually.
> #
> # If auto-detection doesn't work or you want to edit the list, run
> # freevo tv_grab -query.
> #
> # Setting this variable to [] will deactivate the tv guide. If you don't have
> # a tv card, you may also want to add plugin.remove('tv') to remove the whole
> # tv menu.
> #
> # All channels listed here will be displayed on the TV menu, even if they're
> # not present in the XMLTV listing.
> #
> #
> # Timedependent channels:
> #
> # The TV_CHANNELS-list can look like this:
> #
> # TV_CHANNELS = [('21', 'SVT1',              'E5'),
> #                ('22', 'SVT2',              'E3'),
> #                ('26', 'TV3',               'E10'),
> #                ('27', 'TV4',               'E6'),
> #                ('10', 'Kanal 5',           'E7'),
> #                ('60', 'Fox Kids',          'E8', ('1234567','0600','1659')),
> #                ('16', 'TV6',               'E8', ('1234567','1700','2359'),
> #                                                  ('1234567','0000','0300')),
> #                ('14', 'MTV Europe',        'E11') ]
> TV_CHANNELS = [('x.leer', 'leer',   'E1'),
>              ('', 'SF1',   'E5'),
>                ('', 'SF2', 'E10'),
>                ('', 'SFi', 'U35'),
>                ('', 'TSR1', 'E7'),
>                ('', 'TSR2', 'S12'),
>                ('', 'TSI1', 'E8'),
>                ('', 'TSI2', 'S18'),
>                ('', 'ARD', 'E9'),
>                ('', 'ZDF', 'E11'),
>                ('', 'ORF1', 'S5'),
>                ('', 'ORF2', 'U34'),
>                ('', 'BR', 'U29'),
>                ('', 'SWR/BW', 'S14'),
>                ('', 'Arte', 'U21'),
>                ('', '3Sat', 'S33'),
>                ('', 'EuroNews', 'S10'),
>                ('', 'EuroSport', 'S17'),
>                ('', 'CNN', 'S13'),
>                ('', 'Kabel1', 'S4'),
>                ('', 'RTL', 'E6'),
>                ('', 'RTL-II', 'U22'),
>                ('', 'Pro-7', 'U27'),
>                ('', 'Vox', 'U30'),
>                ('', '3-Plus', 'S15'),
>                ('', 'Star-TV', 'S7'),
>                ('', 'Tele-Zueri', 'S9'),
>                ('', 'Tele-Top', 'E12'),
>                ('', 'DS:F', 'S16'),
>                ('', 'M-Tv', 'SR19'),
>                ('', 'viva', 'S24'),
>                ('', 'Sat1', 'S19'),
>                ('', 'super-rtl', 'S26')]
> # As you can see the list takes optional tuples:
> # ( 'DAYS', 'START','END')
> #
> # 1234567 in days means all days.
> # 12345 would mean monday to friday.
> #
> # It will display "Fox Kids" from 06:00 to 16:59 and "TV6" from 17:00 to 
> 03:00.
> # 03:00 to 06:00 it won't be displayed at all.
> #
> # TV_CHANNELS = None
> #
> # A lambda function to sort the TV_CHANNELS
> #
> #TV_CHANNELS_COMPARE = lambda a, b: cmp(int(a[2]), int(b[2]))
> #
> # TV_FREQUENCY_TABLE - This is only used when Freevo changes the channel 
> natively.
> # This is only the case if you are using V4L2 and any of the following 
> plugins:
> # timeshift, ivtv_record, ivtv_basic_tv.
> # For the standard frequancy tables see src/tv/  To add your own just
> # replace tuner_id in the following example with a valid tuner id (ie: '5' or
> # 'BBC1') and a frequency in KHz.  You may have as many entries as you like,
> # anything here will simply override a corresponding entry in your standard
> # frequency table and you can also have entries here that are not present in
> # there.
> #     'tuner_id'   :    55250,
> # }
> #
> # Program to grab xmltv listings. To get a grabber, you need to download
> # xmltv. A possible value for users in the USA is tv_grab_na
> # Use the tv_grab helper to grab the listings and cache them. Start
> # 'freevo tv_grab --help' for more informations.
> XMLTV_GRABBER = '/usr/bin/tv_grab_ch_search'
> #
> # If you want to run tv_sort on your listings add the path to tv_sort here.
> # tv_sort will make sure all your programs have proper stop times, otherwise
> # programs might get cut off at midnight.
> #
> # XMLTV_SORT = ''
> XMLTV_SORT = '/usr/bin/tv_sort'
> #
> # Number of days the grabber should get
> #
> # XMLTV_DAYS = 3
> #
> # GMT offset for XMLTV feeds that don't contain timezone information
> # An example of this is the OzTivo feed which has the timestamps
> # in the XML pre-adjusted for your timezone
> #
> # XMLTV_TIMEZONE='+0100'
> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>> Datum: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 17:14:02 +0100
>> Von: Duncan Webb <>
>> An:
>> Betreff: Re: [Freevo-users] Recording issue
>> markus frei wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm using freevo 1.8.3 on a PC running Linux Mint. When I want to record
>> something from TV, it seems that I first have to watch that channel. If I
>> don't, the recording starts at the given time, but the channel isn't
>> selected, so the "recording" I get is just "snow".
>>> If after a successful recording another is scheduled on another channel,
>> again the recording starts, but it stays on the last channel that was used
>> or recorded from. So it seems the recording routine doesn't change the
>> channel by itself.
>>> I'm using TvTime for viewing TV and have all my channels setup there,
>> and freevo uses mencoder (mplayer) for recording. Do I have to setup a
>> channel list for mencoder too, and if so, how?
>>> Thanx for any help here.
>> Need more information...
>> Basically the bits of freevo.conf and that deal with the
>> TV settings.
>> The most important part is how the channels are set-up.
>> Duncan
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>> Freevo-users mailing list

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