Matthias Reichl wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 11:48:46AM +0200, Kari Smolander wrote:
>> I would say that as long as your card do not resample and the transfer
>> route is fully digital, it does not really matter what card you have.
>> I have a 20 euro USB Behringer with optical out and I think that it is
>> perfect. My amplifier takes care of the DAC. It would be waste of
>> money to spend more for 44 and 48 kHz 2 channel audio or raw DD/DTS
>> out.
> ACK. For example soundcards with a C-Media CMI 8738/8768 chip
> are reported to not do any resampling.
> Another thing to take care of is Alsa: In the default configuration
> Alsa uses the dmix plugin which does resampling to 48kHz. The easiest
> solution around this (if you don't need dmix) is to change the default
> device to your (hardware) soundcard:
> /etc/asound.conf:
> pcm.!default {
>         type hw
>         card 0
>         device 0
> }
> ctl.!default {
>         type hw
>         card 0
> }
> Of course you might also tell applications to use another playback
> device, for example by setting MPLAYER_AO_DEV_OPTS to "device=hw=0,0"
> in freevo's
> so long,
> Hias
A big thanks to everyone who has replied. There's been some really 
useful stuff here and I've learned quite a bit that will help if I ever 
do upgrade to an amp with digital in.


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