Because I bought an Eeebox and decided to see how it would perform for the 
Freevo box, I have made yet another new install of Freevo.

Somethings just don't work the same in the two running installs of Freevo 
1.8.3 from Debian experimental.
Number one - I have installed Xfce4 instead of Kde.

Number two - I didn't have the default user called freevo and found myself 
with a big permissions muddle. This is purely a Debian thing.
If I make myself part of the freevo group, log out, log in again, and try to 
start freevo, I get asked for a password. None of the passwords I have work. 
If I log in as root, i don't get asked for a password. Works better without 
being in the freevo group and not using the /home/freevo default directories.
"You are not part of the group 'freevo', you cannot exploit shared resources 
(such as the cache). Your data will be saved in /home/liz/.freevo"

Number three - I can't get the plugin audio.mpd_playlist to add the "enqueue 
in MPD" function to the audio files.

Has anyone got any ideas?

Real programmers don't draw flowcharts.  Flowcharts are, after all, the
illiterate's form of documentation.  Cavemen drew flowcharts; look how
much good it did them.

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