On Sat, 4 Apr 2009, Elizabeth Dodd wrote:
> Because I bought an Eeebox and decided to see how it would perform for the
> Freevo box, I have made yet another new install of Freevo.
> Somethings just don't work the same in the two running installs of Freevo
> 1.8.3 from Debian experimental.
> Number one - I have installed Xfce4 instead of Kde.
> Number two - I didn't have the default user called freevo and found myself
> with a big permissions muddle. This is purely a Debian thing.
> If I make myself part of the freevo group, log out, log in again, and try
> to start freevo, I get asked for a password. None of the passwords I have
> work. If I log in as root, i don't get asked for a password. Works better
> without being in the freevo group and not using the /home/freevo default
> directories. "You are not part of the group 'freevo', you cannot exploit
> shared resources (such as the cache). Your data will be saved in
> /home/liz/.freevo"
> Number three - I can't get the plugin audio.mpd_playlist to add the
> "enqueue in MPD" function to the audio files.

Number four - I can edit the favorite names in the new install without Freevo 

The problem with graduate students, in general, is that they have
to sleep every few days.

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