Anders Eriksson wrote:
> said:
>> I've added some notes to the wiki about how I boot into freevo (using a  gdm
>> Init script), and also how I'm using a multi-seat configuration:
>> Any feedback on either of these topics or the scripts I've provided  would be
>> welcome. 
> As I've been looking into this recently, I appreciate the writeup. However, 
> it 
> doesn't speak about runing freevo as non-root. This is rather critical imho, 
> as it's a big chunk of code, forking lots of other stuff. I hope you agree.

If you look at my script, you will see that the freevo process is 
started as the user `freevo' using the su command, so it does not get to 
keep the root privileges of gdm

> I was looking into using start-stop-daemon to exec the recordserver and
> webserver as a dedicated user, but got stuck. It seems s-s-d assumes that a
> daemon instance can be identified by its binary's name, but in freevo's case
> that's "python", and the rest is just arguments with no meaning to s-s-d.
The Debian packages implement recordserver and webserver as daemons - 
have you had a look at that?

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