Hi John,

Cheers for your speedy response.  Funnily enough I was on that wiki page just 
last night, as I was looking at adding it as a mapping in my xmodmap, but I'm 
not sure what to map it to - I had hoped Ctrl-Alt-Del would have done it, so 
added the following:

keycode 70 = Control_L Alt_L Delete

The power button on the remote does a Ctrl-F4, keycode 70 is the F4 part of 
that, and it works fine if I remap it to kp_subract (i.e. volume down), for 
instance, but does nothing with the mapping above.  I don't think the 
Ctrl-Alt-Del is sysrq thingy is setup on my machine, as I vnc'd in and tried 
that, along with a bunch of other random key combinations to see if I could get 
it to reboot, and no joy.

Also via VNC, I've tried all manner of Alt-SysRq-Shift-b, Alt-SysRq-b, adding 
Ctrl, etc., but no joy there either...

Oh, but on a positive note, after a bit of permission fiddling, the following 
does do a reboot:

echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger

This would suggest the sysrq stuff works alright, I just need to work out how 
send the signal from the keyboard/remote.

Once again, thanks so much for any help regarding this - we're watching more 
more FLVs on Freevo these days, and my gf is getting fed up when it is her turn 
to walk over to the tv and reboot the box. :)

Nothing is true; Everything is permissible...

----- Original Message ----
From: John Molohan <john.molo...@gcd.ie>
To: freevo-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Cc: Bill Burroughs <djmatu...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Sat, 11 September, 2010 3:39:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] Restarting from an MCE remote when mplayer freezes

  On 11/09/2010 15:20, Bill Burroughs wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm hoping this is an easy one - some FLV files downloaded from youpube make
> mplayer freeze on me.  The only way to fix it is a reboot (i.e. pressing the
> power button on the front of the machine to get xubuntu to shut down, then 
> 20-30 secs, press it again to start up).
> I'm hoping I can do the same thing
> from my remote, which is a standard MCE remote - i.e. it just sends keyboards
> signals.  I've tried getting it to send Ctrl-Alt-Del (and tried the same from 
> proper keyboard) and that didn't work.  I'm guessing its an OS thing I need to
> work on, but any guidance greatly appreciated. :)
> Cheers
> Ronan
Can you map the magic Sysreq keys? 



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