On Thu, 2011-03-03 at 10:40 -0600, Evan Hisey wrote:
> >>    The feature list of freevo 1.9 tells me, that there is support for
> >>    multiple recording backends. Sounds to me that arbritrary clients
> >>    could stream and play back movies from the bachend system, right?
> >
> > First off Freevo doesn't have anywhere near the flexibility/features of
> > a mythtv recording backend. A client can only talk to 1 record server
> > and a record server can only record one program at a time (even if it
> > has multiple tuners) this is something that _will_ be fixed in v2, but
> > that's a way away.
> >
>  When did this feature break? As of 1.8 at least, if you had multiple
> tuners you could set freevo to record multiple channels or record on
> one and watch on the other.
> Evan

This isn't broken, as you say you can only ever record one channel at a
time (as has always been the case). If you've got another tuner then you
can use that for watching.


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