17th Systems Administration Conference (LISA 2003)
October 26-31, 2003 - San Diego, CA USA

The Conference For and By Sysadmins - Sponsored by USENIX & SAGE
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September 10, 2003
   Freshmeat Latest Updates

abcde 2.1.6 (Stable)

    abcde is a frontend to cdparanoia, wget, cd-discid, id3, and your
    favorite Ogg/MP3/Flac encoder (Oggenc is the default). It grabs an
    entire CD and converts each track to Ogg/MP3/Flac, then comments or
    ID3-tags each file, all with one command. It supports multiple output
    in a single CD read, volume normalization, gapless encoding (with
    Lame), parallelization, SMP, HTTP proxies, customizable filename
    organization and munging, playlist generation, and remote distributed
    encoding via distmp3. 

abcm2ps 3.7.5 (Development)

    abcm2ps is a package that converts music tunes from ABC format to
    PostScript. Based on abc2ps version 1.2.5, it was developed mainly to
    print baroque organ scores that have independant voices played on one
    or more keyboards, and a pedal-board. It introduces many extensions to
    the ABC language that make it suitable for classical music. 

adamoto 0.4.3

    adamoto is an Application Deployment And MOnitoring TOol. It's a
    client/server based application for deploying software packages with a
    Web frontend. The Web frontend in conjunction with the server enables
    sysadmins to administrate and monitor the deployment of software
    packages on the computers in a network. It supports Linux RPM and
    Windows MSI files directly. 

AdvanceMAME 0.73.0

    AdvanceMAME is a port of the MAME and MESS emulators for arcade
    monitors, TVs, and PC monitors. 

airoleap 0.1

    This is a utility that performs LEAP logins on aironet cards. It is
    much like CISCO's utility, except source is included, and it works on
    more than just X86. 

AnnotateIt! 0.4.6

    AnnotateIt! is an open source electronic response system targeted at
    composition instructors and students. It allows a user to annotate HTML
    and provides facilities for group interaction. Annotations may be
    either hyperlinked or inline, depending on the user's preference. It
    also features reporting of meta information (annotation types and
    counts), predefined annotations, community annotations, conversion of
    documents to HTML for annotation, easy document management, and an
    assignments calendar. 

Ant Shell 20030908

    Ant Shell is a project that extends Apache Ant to provide a command
    shell that exposes ant tasks. In Ant Shell, you can run ant tasks in an
    interactive mode much the same way you can run commands in a command
    shell such as bash, csh, or DOS. Currently, most of the ant core tasks
    are enabled. Ant Shell is developer code and is not expected to remain
    stable or consistent. 

AntiRight Desktop Environment 1.70

    AntiRight is optimized to work on all POSIX-compatible systems
    supporting the Motif API. The software consists of a text editor, a
    clock, a CD player, a sticky notes applet, an internet dialer
    interface, a filemanager, a calculator, a shell command launcher, a
    help system, an X backdrop editor, an X resource theme selector, a
    security control panel, an xhost controller, a disk settings panel, and
    a graphical pager. 

Apache::Gallery 0.7

    Apache::Gallery is a mod_perl handler that sits on top of your
    DocumentRoot and creates an image gallery of the files and directories
    there. It creates an thumbnail index of each directory and allows
    viewing of pictures in different resolutions. Pictures are resized on
    the fly and cached. 

ArX 1.0pre12

    ArX is a distributed revision control system that features distributed
    repositories, fancy merging, support for renaming, unobtrusive
    operation, a Web interface, and revision libraries. It consists of a
    collection of shell scripts and C code, and brings together many shell
    utilities, SSH, HTTP, diff, and patch. 

Asymptopia Flashcard System 1.1

    Asymptopia Flashcard System is a C++/Motif flashcard application which
    replaces paper flashcards. New flashcard contents are entered in LaTeX
    via interface and converted to .png format via GS. The high-level
    interface makes it painless. A timer controls frequency of flashcard
    popups. Enables you to study while surfing the web and otherwise get
    more out of your time. Supports color, images and anything that's legal
    LaTeX. Ideal for students. 

BadWM 0.03

    badwm is a minimalistic window manager for the X Window System based on
    evilwm. It is less evil, but it is still bad. All window managers suck.
    This one just sucks less. 

batchgimp 0.2

    batchgimp is a batch processor for rendering of images. It uses a
    command-line interface, and supports JPEG, GIF, PNG, and PSD file
    formats. It accesses the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) plug-in
    structure to provide image processing functions. Images are processed
    in a batch for an entire directory. batchgimp is written in Perl and
    interfaces with the Scheme scripting engine provided by the GIMP. 

BINS photo album 1.1.23

    BINS is a valid HTML 4 photo album generator with support for
    internationalization, EXIF, and customizable charset encoding,
    including UTF-8 (Unicode). Albums can contains other sub-albums. The
    appearance of the album can be fully personalized by using template and
    configuration parameters. The number and size of scaled pictures can be
    chosen in pixels or percentage of the original image. Several
    description fields (date, location, etc.) can be associated with the
    pictures, and you can add additional description fields. A command line
    utility or a GTK+ GUI can be used to set or edit description fields.
    BINS can use the EXIF data structure found in some pictures to
    automatically fill some fields (most notably, date and time) and to
    produce a page providing all information available on the picture, as
    well as the DigiCam settings when the photo was taken. All image
    meta-data are stored in XML files. 

BlogSpot 0.24

    BlogSpot is a small piece of software which you can use as your online
    diary, blogger, and/or news system. It offers a control panel in which
    you can add or edit your messages and change your layout and other
    configuration settings. 

BottomFeeder 3.1

    BottomFeeder is an application that reads and displays RSS formatted
    feeds. RSS is a syndication format, used by a growing proportion of
    sites (including Slashdot). 

BugPort 1.042

    The BugPort system is a Web-based system to manage tasks and defects
    throughout the software development process. It is written with the PHP
    language, using its object-oriented capabilities, and is in use by
    INCOGEN for internal management of software development and QA. 

Build it Fast 0.1.19

    Build it Fast (BIF) is a PHP Framework. It contains several classes
    that help you develop complex Web applications in a short amount of
    time. It brings the concept of the 'widget' to Web development. It
    features Cascade Skins and transparent session management. 

CheckBook Tracker 1.0

    In order to leave Windows behind most people need a fully-functional
    money management program. CheckBook Tracker seeks to solve that
    problem. It has the feel and features of packages like Microsoft Money
    without requiring the user to build their own sources or find an RPM
    for their distribution. Its features include Import / Export QIF files
    straight from Money or Quicken, autocomplete, check printing, split
    transactions, balance forecasts, online banking, and more. 

Chemical Development Kit 20030909 (Stable)

    The Chemical Development Kit (CDK) classes are Java utitility classes
    for chemoinformatics and computational chemistry. They are a complete
    re-write of the CompChem classes that were the basis of JChemPaint, a
    Java Editor for 2D chemical structures, and of JMDraw, a Java package
    for the graphical layout of 2D chemical structures. 

Conexant HCF (controllerless) driver 1.00lnxt03090800

    This package contains generic Linux drivers for the Conexant HCF
    (controllerless) modem family used by many modem and computer system
    manufacturers. They should work on most current Linux distributions,
    based on the 2.4.x kernels. Some systems may require kernel
    recompilation with special ACPI patches. 

Conexant HSF (softmodem) driver 6.03.00lnxt03090800

    This package contains generic Linux drivers for the Conexant (formerly
    Rockwell) Softmodem HSF modem family, which are used by many modem and
    computer system manufacturers. They should work on most current Linux
    distributions, based on the 2.4.x kernels. A Pentium processor with the
    MMX enhancements is required. Some systems may require kernel
    recompilation with special ACPI patches. Preemptible kernels are not
    yet supported. 

Conexant Riptide Driver 0.6lnxtbeta03090800

    The Conexant Riptide Driver package contains Linux drivers for the
    Conexant (Rockwell) RipTide Audio/Communication Controller found in
    RipTide HCF and RipTide HSF modems. It is an OSS-compatible sound
    driver. For the HCF modems, this driver is required as well as the HCF
    driver. For HSF modems, this driver is optional to get soundcard and
    game port functionality. 

Cute PHP Library 0.44

    Cute PHP library is a small collection of classes for PHP. The purpose
    of the classes is to simplify functions for daily work with PHP (e.g.
    conversions, formatting, DB session, and so on). 

Deranged Raid 1.0

    Deranged Raid is a flight simulation/RTS mixed genre game that features
    multiplayer support and neat environmental effects like dynamic weather
    and day/night transitions using OpenGL. Sound is provided via FMOD. 

DHCP-locator 0.03.1

    DHCP-Locator is a pair of programs/scripts that log the switch IP
    address, port in switch, MAC address, and IP address when a host is
    getting an IP address from a DHCP server. It uses ISC DHCP server logs
    as input. It's excellent for abuse issues in large networks. 

Ebotula 0.1.10

    Ebotula is an IRC bot for administration tasks in one or more channels.
    It has four access levels. The top level is the bot master, where a
    user has complete access to all functions. The channel owner is the
    administrator in one channel. The other levels are friends and other
    users. The bot is a multithread application and can execute more
    commands simultaneously. The data are contained in gdbm hash files. 

Enforcer 0.2 Alpha

    Enforcer is a Linux security module designed to help improve integrity
    of a computer running Linux. The Enforcer provides a subset of
    Tripwire-like functionality. It runs continuously and as each protected
    file is opened its SHA1 is calculated and compared to a previously
    stored value. The Enforcer is designed to integrate with TCPA hardware
    to provide a secure boot when booted with a TCPA enabled boot loader.
    TCPA hardware can protect secrets and other sensitive data (for
    example, the secrets for an encrypted loopback file system) and bind
    those secrets to specific software. 

Eternal Lands 0.8.0

    Eternal Lands is a multiplatform (Windows/Linux) 3D isometric MMORPG.
    It requires a hardware-accelerated video card that supports at least
    OpenGL 1.2. 

Firewall Builder 1.0.11

    Firewall Builder consists of a GUI and set of policy compilers for
    various firewall platforms. It helps users maintain a database of
    objects and allows policy editing using simple drag-and-drop
    operations. The GUI and policy compilers are completely independent,
    and support for a new firewall platform can be added to the GUI without
    any changes to the program (only a new policy compiler is needed). This
    provides for a consistent abstract model and the same GUI for different
    firewall platforms. It currently supports iptables, ipfilter, and
    OpenBSD pf. 

Forest Web Application Builder 0.6-1

    Forest is a Web-based IDE for Web applications. It's in the alpha
    stage, but you can use it to create your XML files already. For now, it
    has four frames: the "Add Component" frame which allows you
    to add a new component to your page, the "Object Inspector"
    which allows you to add/edit properties and delete components, the
    "Preview" which will show how your XML is looking, and the
    "Component Tree" frame that show the hierarchy of components
    in your page. 

Gambit (Unstable)

    Gambit is a set of tools for doing game theory on finite games. It
    features a graphical interface as well as a (currently experimental)
    Python API for doing repetitive or econometric tasks on games. 

GNU Libidn 0.2.3

    GNU Libidn is an implementation of the Stringprep, Punycode, and IDNA
    specifications defined by the IETF Internationalized Domain Names (IDN)
    working group. It is used to prepare internationalized strings (such as
    domain name labels, usernames, and passwords) in order to increase the
    likelihood that string input and string comparison work in ways that
    make sense for typical users throughout the world. The library contains
    a generic Stringprep implementation that does Unicode 3.2 NFKC
    normalization, mapping and prohibition of characters, and bidirectional
    character handling. Profiles for iSCSI, Kerberos 5, Nameprep, SASL, and
    XMPP are included. Punycode and ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE) via
    IDNA are supported. 

GNU Radius 1.1

    GNU Radius is a radius server and an accompanying set of monitoring
    utilities. It features MySQL and PostgreSQL interfaces for
    authentication and/or logging (the ODBC interface allows you to use
    almost any existing DBMS for that purpose), the ability to rewrite
    RADIUS requests from various NASs to normalize them to a more
    understandable format, as well as the ability to completely customize
    the behavior of radius authentication and accounting based on NAS and
    user attributes. 

GTick 0.2.4

    GTick is a metronome application. It features a scale from 30 beats per
    minute to 250 BPM and arbitrary beat modes (meters). It uses GTK+ and

Gtk2::PodViewer 0.01

    Gtk2::PodViewer is a Perl POD document widget for Gtk2-Perl
    applications. The module also comes with a simple POD document browser. 

IceWM Control Panel 2.5

    IceWM Control Panel is a full-featured, GTK-based control panel for
    IceWM. It features an IceWM theme designer, Ice Sound Manager (for
    sound events), IcePref2, and tools to manage desktop wallpaper,
    cursors, keys, window options, and more. IceWM Control Panel has a
    familiar, Windows-like Control Panel user interface. 

IP Sentinel 0.7

    IP Sentinel is a tool that tries to prevent unauthorized usage of IP
    addresses within an ethernet broadcast domain by answering ARP
    requests. After receiving faked replies, requesting parties store the
    MAC in their ARP tables and will send future packets to this invalid
    MAC, rendering the IP unreachable. 

Java SOS 3.55

    Java SOS is a set of configurable Java servlets for fast site building,
    including Forums, Chat, and Calendar servlets, etc. 

JaxMe 1.65

    JaxMe is a Java/XML binding framework based on SAX2. It consists of a
    set of code generators that read an XML schema and generate code for
    parsing conformant XML documents into corresponding Java objects,
    saving those objects into a database or, vice versa, reading such Java
    objects from a database and converting them into XML. JaxMe supports
    namespaces, relational databases, and Tamino. JaxMe comes with an
    integrated application framework and a generator for EJB entity beans
    with BMP (bean managed persistence). 

Jay's Iptables Firewall 1.0 (Development)

    Jay's Iptables Firewall is a bash script that allows one to easily
    install and configure a firewall on a Linux system. It was initially
    written for use on a home LAN, but can be extend to any type of
    network. It features support for multiple (external/internal)
    interfaces, TCP/UDP/ICMP control, masquerading, synflood control,
    spoofing control, port forwarding from specific interfaces, VPNs, ToS
    (bandwith managment), denying hosts (IP or MAC address), ZorbIPTraffic,
    Spyware list IP, Pre/Post scripts, log options, and more. The firewall
    is able to launch custom iptables rules, and the configuration of the
    firewall is assisted by an optional, interactive, curses-based Perl

JChemPaint 1.9.7 (Development)

    JChemPaint is a Java 2 program for drawing 2D chemical structures like
    those found in most chemistry textbooks. 

Krystal Drop 0.7.2

    Krystal Drop is a free clone of NeoGeo's Magical Drop. In it, you play
    on a field on which lines of gems are being dropped by the top of the
    screen, at a regular basis or when your opponent makes a combo. You can
    take or drop gems from the bottom of the screen to make gems disappear.
    If you move gems in order to create a vertical alignment of at least
    three gems of the same colour, they will burst and start a chain
    reaction with all neighbouring matching gems. The aim is to prepare
    some other chain reactions while the first gems are bursting, in order
    to make a combo and send lines to your opponent. You lose when some
    gems reach the bottom of the field. 

lbdb 0.28

    The Little Brother's Database (lbdb) consists of a set of small tools
    which collect mail addresses from several sources and offer these
    addresses to the external query feature of the Mutt mail reader. 

libstatgrab 0.5.1

    The libstatgrab library provides an easy-to-use interface for accessing
    system statistics and information. Available statistics include CPU,
    Load, Memory, Swap, Disk I/O, and Network I/O. It was developed to work
    on Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris. 

Libxml 2.5.11

    Libxml is the XML C library developed for the Gnome project. The
    library code is portable (to Linux, Unix, Windows, embedded systems,
    etc.) and modular; most of the extensions can be compiled out. Libxml
    implements a number of existing standards related to markup languages,
    including the XML standard, Namespaces in XML, XML Base, Relax NG, RFC
    2396, XPath, XPointer, HTML4, XInclude, SGML Catalogs, and XML
    Catalogs. In most cases, libxml tries to implement the specifications
    in a relatively strict way. To some extent, it provides support for the
    following specifications, but doesn't claim to implement them: DOM, FTP
    client, HTTP client, SAX, and DocBook SGML. Support for W3C XML Schemas
    is in progress. It includes xmllint, a command line XML validator. 

LilyPond 1.8.2 (Stable)

    LilyPond is a music typesetter. It produces beautiful sheet music using
    a file as input. LilyPond is part of the GNU Project. 

Linux 2.6.0-test5 (2.5)

    Linux is a clone of the Unix kernel, written from scratch by Linus
    Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the
    Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance. It
    has all the features you would expect in a modern fully-fledged Unix
    kernel, including true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries,
    demand loading, shared copy-on-write executables, proper memory
    management, and TCP/IP networking. 

LON-CAPA 1.0.1

    LON-CAPA (The LearningOnline network with CAPA) is a learning content
    and course management system. It is similar to BlackBoard and WebCT in
    many respects, but with a focus on science and math in higher

Lore 1.0.0

    Lore is a knowledge base management system that allows users to easily
    create and maintain a FAQ, documentation system, or complete support
    knowledge base. It features unlimited articles, (sub)categories, file
    attachments, article comments, ratings, glossary, full- text search,
    related articles, WYSIWYG editor, and a completely customizable
    template/style system which is based on Smarty. A complete Web-based
    control panel is included, and an installation wizard allows for easy

Lorentz 0.4.1

    Lorentz is a curve fitting program aimed for the fitting of
    spectroscopic data. The fitting function is specified as a
    user-extendable list of symbols representing various peak shapes,
    backgrounds, etc. 

Mega Upload 1.00

    Mega Upload provides a progress monitor for PHP file uploads. It is
    simple to install. 

moodss 17.9

    Moodss is a modular monitoring application, which supports operating
    systems (Linux, UNIX, Windows, etc.), databases (MySQL, Oracle,
    PostgreSQL, DB2, ODBC, etc.), networking (SNMP, Apache, etc.), and any
    device or process for which a module can be developed (in Tcl, Python,
    Perl, Java, and C). An intuitive GUI with full drag'n'drop support
    allows the construction of dashboards with graphs, pie charts, etc.,
    while the thresholds functionality includes warning by emails and user
    defined scripts. Any part of the visible data can be archived in an SQL
    database by both the GUI and the companion daemon, so that complete
    history over time can be made available from Web pages, common
    spreadsheet software, etc. 

Moon Shine 1.0

    Moon Shine is a CGI of the moon reflecting off of a lake. The image is
    a 1600x1200 PNG file and is suitable for a dark theme. 

mServe 0.1

    mServe is a networked MP3 player. It has potential support for more
    formats through plugins. All operation is performed through clients
    over the network, and it is easy to implement new clients using the
    included client API. 

MUDMapper 0.2

    MUDMapper is a simple tool that uses Python and DiaCanvas to draw maps
    of MUD locations. It can save and reload maps and keep descriptions for
    every room. 

Muse.Net 1.2

    Muse.Net is a sophisticated network media player allowing users to play
    audio/video from anywhere to anywhere using an open Web Service as the
    central control point. It supports MP3, Ogg, WMA, AVI, DivX, and many
    more file types. 

NFTP 1.72.b3

    NFTP is a console/X11 FTP client with an interface similar to Norton
    Commander. It has lots of features for power users, and supports 20

OBM 0.7.0

    OBM is an Intranet application written to help manage a company. It can
    also be used as a contact and customer database or as a shared
    calendar. It is written with PHP and requires MySQL to work (although
    support for other databases is possible). It supports
    internationalization and themes, and it includes: sales force, help
    desk, time tracking, user, and administration modules. 

pcmcia-cs 3.2.5

    Card Services for Linux is a complete PCMCIA or PC Card support
    package. It includes a set of loadable kernel modules that implement a
    version of the Card Services applications program interface, a set of
    client drivers for specific cards, and a card manager daemon that can
    respond to card insertion and removal events, loading and unloading
    drivers on demand. It supports hot swapping of most card types, so
    cards can be safely inserted and ejected at any time. 

Perl Oak Component Tree 0.8

    The Perl Oak Component Tree is a set of objects designed to provide the
    maximum reusability to software development. Oak can be used in any
    development platform, but just the Web platform is implemented. In Oak,
    you define an XML file to each page and you will implement just the

Photopub 0.3.0 (Development)

    Photopub is image publication software designed primarily for easily
    maintaining a Web site of pictures taken with digital cameras (although
    it can be used for arbitrary images, it has some features which make it
    most suitable for them). It runs as a CGI script or under mod_perl, and
    is fully themable and highly customizable. 

phpMyConferences rc 7.1_37

    phpMyConferences is a Web-based manager for conference organization. It
    include features for paper registration, an online meeting for program
    committee members, registration of conference participators, and some
    administration tools for the conference organization committee. 

phpSavant 0.6.2

    Savant is a PEAR-compliant template system for PHP. It is
    non-compiling, and uses PHP itself as its template language so you
    don't need to learn a new markup system. It accepts variables for
    parsing by a PHP-based template script via assign() methods (you can
    assign references and objects as well), allows you to display() and
    fetch() template scripts, and has a plugin system so you can call
    convenience methods from within your template scripts using

phpWebDesk 0.1.0a

    phpWebDesk aims to provide a transparent conversion and compression
    system for Websites. It aims to provide a simple 'plugin' for a Website
    so that all files are compressed in the optimum format for both size
    and the receiving system, and so that the images are converted to the
    best format from just one file format, even .raw or other less
    well-used filetypes. Web pages can also be converted to other formats
    (i.e. WML, PDF) dynamically or validated and any errors corrected if

Plone CMS 1.0.5

    Plone is a content management system that is simple to set up,
    maintain, and modify. It is designed to be a corporate-ready content
    management system. It is ideal as an intranet and extranet server, as a
    document/Web publishing system, and as a groupware tool for
    collaboration between separately located entities. It can be used in a
    myriad of ways. 

Pram 0.0.2 alpha

    Pram is a Java-based implementation of a hybrid v3 Zmachine interpreter
    and decompiler for Zork and other Infocom games. 

Relax log analyzer 2.80

    Relax is a multi-platform Web server log analyzer written in Perl. It
    can be used to track which search engines, search keywords, and
    referring URLs led visitors to the Web site. It can also track down bad
    links and analyze which keywords to bid for at pay-per-click search
    engines. The parser module in Relax recognizes several hundred search
    engines and is capable of extracting the keywords used. Generated HTML
    reports can be configured to include links to other Web-based keyword
    analysis tools, making it easier to further improve the ranking of web
    pages in search engines. 

rpm-analyzer 1.0 r10

    rpm-analyzer is a graphical tool to help you analyze rpm dependencies.
    You can easily see what packages are required to install or remove a
    specific rpm. It may also help you to maintain a Red Hat-based
    distribution by providing hdlist and comps.xml analysis tools. 

S tar 1.5a24 (Development)

    Star is a very fast, POSIX-compliant tar archiver. It reads and writes
    POSIX compliant tar archives as well as non-POSIX GNU tar archives.
    Star is the first free POSIX.1-2001 compliant tar implementation. It
    saves many files together into a single tape or disk archive, and can
    restore individual files from the archive. It includes a FIFO for
    speed, a pattern matcher, multi-volume support, the ability to archive
    sparse files and ACLs, the ability to archive extended file flags,
    automatic archive format detection, automatic byte order recognition,
    automatic archive compression/decompression, remote archives, and
    special features that allow star to be used for full and incremental
    backups. It includes the only known platform independent
    "rmt" server program that hides Linux incompatibilities. The
    "rmt" server from the star package implements all
    Sun/GNU/Schily/BSD enhancements and allows any "rmt" client
    from any OS to contact any OS as server. 

Server Status 1.7

    Server Status is a server monitor that simply displays a list of
    servers to monitor and displays whether they are alive on the network
    or not. 

SISC 1.8.3-beta

    SISC is an extensible Java-based interpreter of the algorithmic
    language Scheme. It uses modern interpretation techniques and handily
    outperforms all existing Java interpreters (often by more than an order
    of magnitude). In addition, SISC is a complete implementation of the
    language. The entire R5RS Scheme standard is supported. This includes a
    full number tower including complex number support and arbitrary
    precision integers and floating point numbers, proper tail recursion,
    hygienic macros, and full support for first-class continuations (not
    just the escaping continuations found in many other systems). 

Skaringa r2p3

    Skaringa is a framework for Java and XML language binding. It transform
    Java objects into XML documents and back, and can generate XML schema
    definitions for a Java class. It is designed for simplicity, supporting
    a wide range of types, and speed. 

SOHT 0.2

    SOHT (Socket over HTTP Tunneling) allows you to tunnel socket
    connections through an HTTP proxy. Restrictive firewalls often prohibit
    all outgoing trafic except for HTTP. This application allows you to
    tunnel socket connections over the HTTP protocol. This application
    consists of a server that serves as a proxy and a client which tunnels
    a socket connection over an HTTP connection to the server. The current
    release is written in Java, and a .NET client is under development. 

splitmastream 1.0

    splitmastream reads an MPEG audio stream from stdin, writes a copy of
    it to a file named YYYYMMDD.HH-streamname.mp3, and then writes the
    stream to stdout. You can think of it as a version of "tee"
    for hour-long chunks of MPEG audio. Files are switched on every hour at
    a frame boundary so that every file should be playable without noise at
    the beginning or end. splitmastream is useful for making an archive of
    an MPEG stream which is, for example, coming from an encoder and going
    to an icecast transmitter. 

SQL Load Balancer 2.4.8

    The SQLB (SQL Load Balancer) project is used to improve SQL requests to
    a database. It provides programs that have permanent connections to a
    DB, a program that checks the integrity of transactions, and a library
    to link with programs that need to make SQL queries. SQLB supports
    Oracle8i, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. 

SSHVnc 0.1.2

    SSHVnc is a standalone Java VNC viewer that secures VNC access by
    integrating the popular TightVNC viewer with the SSHTools Java SSH API.
    It features a clean and easy to use interface, simplifying the
    complicated processes currently used to secure the VNC protocol through
    SSH port forwarding. 

stresslinux 0.2.5

    stresslinux is a minimal Linux distribution that runs from a bootable
    CDROM or via PXE. It makes use of some utitlities such as stress,
    cpuburn, hddtemp, lm_sensors, etc. It is dedicated to users who want to
    test their system(s) entirely on high load and monitor the health of
    these systems. 

SuperWaba 4.01

    SuperWaba is a Java VM for PDAs. It supports exceptions, threads, lots
    of user interface controls, double and long 64-bit types, grayscale,
    color, 3D controls, and JNI and Java libraries, amongst other features. 

swaret-tools 0.3

    swaret-tools is a set of scripts that can be used by a system
    administrator to set up a Slackware software repository and/or a mirror
    of the dependency file for swaret (an updating tool for Slackware). 

transcode 0.6.10

    transcode is a text console video-stream processing tool. It supports
    elementary video and audio frame transformations. Some example modules
    are included to enable import of MPEG-1/2, Digital Video, and other
    formats. It also includes export modules for writing to AVI files with
    DivX, OpenDivX, XviD, Digital Video or other codecs. Direct DVD
    transcoding is also supported. A set of tools is available to extract
    and decode the sources into raw video/audio streams for import and to
    enable post-processing of AVI files. 

uClibc 0.9.21

    uClibc (µClibc) is a C library for developing embedded Linux
    systems. It is much smaller then the GNU C Library, but nearly all
    applications supported by glibc also work perfectly with uClibc.
    Porting applications from glibc to uClibc typically involves just
    recompiling the source code. uClibc even supports shared libraries and
    threading. It currently runs on standard Linux and MMU-less Linux (also
    known as µClinux) systems with support for ARM, i386, h8300,
    m68k, MIPS, mipsel, PowerPC, SH, SPARC, and v850 processors. 

uClinux 2.6.0-test5-uc0 (2.6.x)

    uClinux is a set of patches for Linux that supports MMUless processors.
    It brings a full featured operating system onto platforms that would
    otherwise run less advanced, simpler operating systems. uClinux gives
    the programmer a Linux API with remarkably few concessions to the lack
    of MMU (Memory Management Unit), and in terms of code size and
    efficiency it has an advantage over standard Linux. 

Ultimate Boot CD 1.5

    Ultimate Boot CD allows users to run floppy-based diagnostic tools from
    CDROM drives. 

ustats 1.01

    ustats is a script that replaces the usage of "last",
    "w", etc. and having to open up /etc/passwd file to see the
    users on the system. 

Vector Visuals 2003.09.09-beta

    Vector Visuals provides an easy-to-use, object-based API for creating
    and manipulating Java2D-rendered shapes and images. It features object
    embedding, dynamic connectors, and multithreaded task support. 

Virtual Network Computing 4.0 Beta 4

    VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing. It is, in essence, a remote
    display system which allows you to view a computing "desktop"
    environment not only on the machine where it is running, but from
    anywhere on the Internet and from a wide variety of machine

Visual Effects Engine 0.1

    Visual Effects Engine is a powerful particle system engine written in
    C++. It is useful for games, demos, animations, and art. 

VMWare 4.0.2

    VMWare allows you to run 'virtual machines' inside Linux. It is not an
    emulator. It provides a virtual computer within Linux which can boot
    whichever OS you decide to put on the filesystem image that is used as
    a harddrive. It will run DOS 6.22, Win 3.1, Win95, Win98, WinNT 4,
    Windows 2000, Linux, and more. The only main requirement is a P-II 266
    or better, along with lots of RAM (64M minimum, 128M recommended). 

VULCAN 4.5.1

    VULCAN (Viscous Upwind aLgorithm for Complex flow ANalysis) offers
    computational fluid dynamics for subsonic speed through hypersonic
    turbulent reacting and non-reacting flows on a variety of serial and
    parallel computational platforms. The computational cost of propulsion
    flow analysis is reduced through the use of special turbulent wall
    treatments, multi-grid methods for elliptic and space marching schemes,
    and conditioning of the governing equations to reduce numerical
    stiffness. Physical modeling capabilities are improved through the
    inclusion of models for compressibility, Reynolds stress anisotropies,
    turbulent diffusivity, finite rate chemistry, and turbulence/chemistry
    interaction effects. VULCAN can simulate two-dimensional,
    three-dimensional, or axi-symmetric multi-block problems. 

wxDialer 0.2

    wxDialer is a simple program written in wxPython/Python that allows you
    to make and recieve phone calls on your modem. 

Zoe Intertwingle 0.4.7 (Stable)

    Zoe is a Web based email client with a built in SMTP and POP3 server
    and Google-like search functionality that lives on your desktop. It is
    written in Java and uses Lucene technology to provided instant
    searching and threading of your email messages. 

ZVTM 0.9.0

    ZVTM is a Zoomable User Interface (ZUI) toolkit, designed to ease the
    task of creating complex visual editors in which large amounts of
    objects have to be displayed, or which contain complex geometrical
    shapes that need to be animated. It features a graphical object model
    that makes the task of creating, modifying, and animating graphical
    entities easier, and allows the definition of custom shapes, all
    through a simple API. It also features smooth zooming capabilities
    (2.5D/ zoomable user interface), multiple independent layers inside a
    single viewport, multi-threaded views, and support for exporting SVG

ZWarehouse 0.7b1

    ZWarehouse is an e-commerce solution with a Web management interface,
    support for skins, multi-language by default, and well-documented
    interfaces for extensions. It has multiple user-defined currencies,
    exchange rates (manual and automatic), custom images to set multiple
    configurations, intuitive navigation, real time order tracking,
    unlimited product options, real time UPS shipping calculation, an
    unlimited number of custom-defined shipping modules, and credit card
    and PayPal payment modules. 


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