17th Systems Administration Conference (LISA 2003)
October 26-31, 2003 - San Diego, CA USA

The Conference For and By Sysadmins - Sponsored by USENIX & SAGE
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September 11, 2003
   Freshmeat Latest Updates

Amiga OS 1.0 (NewStyle Big)

    Amiga OS was created to give the look and feel of the Amiga OS to GNOME
    and Metacity. It's not an exact imitation, and it's not meant to be.
    The design is based on screenshots of AIAB, using Industrial as the
    base for the GTK themes. 

Amiga OS 1.0 (NewStyle Small)

    Amiga OS was created to give the look and feel of the Amiga OS to GNOME
    and Metacity. It's not an exact imitation, and it's not meant to be.
    The design is based on screenshots of AIAB, using Industrial as the
    base for the GTK themes. 

AntiRight Desktop Environment 1.71

    AntiRight is optimized to work on all POSIX-compatible systems
    supporting the Motif API. The software consists of a text editor, a
    clock, a CD player, a sticky notes applet, an internet dialer
    interface, a filemanager, a calculator, a shell command launcher, a
    help system, an X backdrop editor, an X resource theme selector, a
    security control panel, an xhost controller, a disk settings panel, and
    a graphical pager. 

Application Tools for Extension Services 1.0

    Application Tools for Extension Services consists of WebSphere
    Studio-based tools that support the development of Web applications
    targeted for the Extension Services for WebSphere Everyplace (ESWE)
    platform. These tools are based on the existing WebSphere Studio J2EE
    development tools and they are part of an emerging suite of tools for
    the ESWE platform. 

Arabic Wordlist 0.5

    Arabic Wordlist is a project to deliver an English to Arabic translated
    word list to be used in translations and/or dictionaries. The word list
    contains in excess of 83,500 words (and growing), and spans a variety
    of categories (i.e. it is general in nature). This word list is encoded
    in UTF-8, and is expected to be used in many online free dictionaries. 

ARIA Business Management 0.99-5

    ARIA is business class management (ERP) software. It lets you manage
    inventory levels, maintain payroll, and process orders. It is written
    primarily in PHP and incorporates the ADODB database abstraction layer.
    There are currently translations for Chinese, Spanish, Italian, and

ATLAS 3.5.9 (Development)

    The ATLAS (Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software) project is an
    ongoing research effort focusing on applying empirical techniques in
    order to provide portable performance. It provides C and Fortran77
    interfaces to a portably efficient BLAS implementation, as well as a
    few routines from LAPACK. 

Atlassian JIRA 2.4

    JIRA is a J2EE-based issue tracking, bug tracking, and project
    management application. It handles all kinds of issues (including bugs,
    features, enhancements, and tasks) and can be used for bug tracking,
    development help, project management, or group task cataloging. 

Bandwidth Management Tools 0-1-1

    Bandwidth Management Tools is a total bandwidth management solution for
    Linux and can be used for firewalling, traffic graphing, and shaping.
    It is not based on any currently-available bandwidth management

Binc IMAP 1.2.2-1 (Stable)

    Binc IMAP is a well designed, modular IMAP server for Maildir. Its
    goals are to be secure, stable, and fast, yet flexible and easy to
    maintain. It is designed to be familiar for qmail-pop3d users, uses
    checkpassword to authenticate, and is very easy to set up. 

broken.miho F

    broken.miho is a purple and grey theme based on artwork by Megatokyo
    artist fred [piro] gallagher. It includes an Xwm menu screen (visible
    in screenshot) and backgrounds for 800, 1024 (default), and 1152 screen

CATool Certificate Authority 1.2.6

    CATool is a Web-based, self-service private Certificate Authority for
    Unix. It can generate PKI encryption certificates for 802.1x wired and
    wireless authentication, Web servers, Web browsers, SSL, AOL Instant
    Messenger, Radiator, and any other PKI-compliant application. It
    supports Certificate Revocation Lists, email notification, etc. for
    small to large organisations. 

CDox 1.0.3

    CDox is an editor for CD documents like CD covers, back sides, and
    booklets. It features many image processing options like sharpen,
    contrast, etc. One can use images and text as elements, and those
    elements can be flipped/rotated/resized in any way. It has easy-to-use
    features for previously-made images that are meant to be CD covers. It
    has also some features for automatic cover creation from MP3 CDs, CDs
    with filesystems, and CDs with video files. 

cdvtoc 1.4

    cdvtoc is a simple utility for creating Solaris VTOC records suitable
    for building bootable CDs on Sun SPARC systems. The utility will create
    a VTOC that is aligned to cylinder boundaries and display the padding
    required for each component of the ISO. If required, the utility will
    stitch all the components together with the new VTOC to create your ISO

Clover 1.2.2

    Clover makes the gathering and analysis of code coverage metrics as
    painless as possible. It features include tight integration with the
    Jakarta Ant build tool and accurate, configurable coverage recording.
    It gathers Method, Statement, and Branch coverage data. Compile-time
    properties and source level directives allow for precise control over
    the coverage gathering process. Coverage data can be viewed in XML,
    HTML, or via a Swing GUI. Report-time options allow for the exclusion
    of particular statement types from coverage analysis. Plugins for the
    Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ IDEs are provided. 

Cluster SSH 1.36

    Cluster SSH opens xterm windows with connections to specified hosts,
    and an administration console. Any text typed into the administration
    console is replicated to all other connected and active windows. This
    tool is intended for, but not limited to, cluster administration where
    the same configuration or commands must be run on each node within the
    cluster. Performing these commands all at once via this tool ensures
    all nodes are kept in sync. Currently, this tool is only known to work
    on Solaris. 

COnfigurator for Gnome 0.6.1

    COnfigurator for Gnome is a program for editing advanced GNOME settings
    in an easy way. 

coWiki 0.3.0

    coWiki is a sophisticated but easy-to-use Web collaboration tool that
    helps you and your coworkers create and organize Web documents,
    Weblogs, and knowledgebases (or any other document structures) directly
    in HTML browsers. You can evolve ideas and gain a concomitant XML
    documentation of your brainstorming without having to concentrate on
    complicated structural syntaxes. coWiki follows the tradition of loose
    Wiki Wiki Webs with easy and intuitional markup, adding Unixlike access
    management, a directory/document hierarchy, and a plugin API for your
    functionalities and enhancements. It is template-based and

cqual 0.99

    cqual is a typed-based analysis tool for finding bugs in C programs. It
    extends the type system of C with extra user-defined type qualifiers.
    The programmer annotates their program with the appropriate qualifiers,
    and cqual checks for errors. Incorrect annotations indicate potential
    bugs. cqual presents the analysis results using Program Analysis Mode,
    an emacs-based GUI. Among other applications, cqual can be used to
    detect potential format-string vulnerabilities and to detect
    user-space/kernel-space pointer errors. 

Customer-Touch CRM 1.6pre

    An easy to use and install CRM for small to medium farms. 

CVS-SSH2 Plug-in for Eclipse 0.0.7

    CVS-SSH2 Plug-in for Eclipse is an Eclipse plug-in to allow CVS access
    on an encrypted session by SSH2 protocol. 

CVSGnome 0.4.7

    CVSGnome is a build environment for the GNOME project which allows a
    systems administrator to install GNOME from either released source
    Tarballs or from bleeding edge CVS depending on what is wanted. This
    script also works as a general building wrapper around other sources.
    When started, it shows an interactive self-explanatory menu. 

Cycling 0.2.0

    Cycling helps you in managing your training. It can display a list of
    your training sessions, let you define a list of circuits, and manage
    cyclist information such as weight, height, heart rate, etc. 

DansGuardian 2.7.3-1 (Unstable)

    DansGuardian is a Web content filtering proxy that uses Squid to do all
    the fetching. It filters using multiple methods including, but not
    limited to, phrase matching, file extension matching, MIME type
    matching, PICS filtering, and URL/domain blocking. It has the ability
    to switch off filtering by certain criteria including username, domain
    name, source IP, etc. The configurable logging produces a log in an
    easy to read format. It has the option to only log text-based pages,
    thus significantly reducing redundant information (such as every image
    on a page). 

DansGuardian 2.6.1-5 (Stable)

    DansGuardian is a Web content filtering proxy that uses Squid to do all
    the fetching. It filters using multiple methods including, but not
    limited to, phrase matching, file extension matching, MIME type
    matching, PICS filtering, and URL/domain blocking. It has the ability
    to switch off filtering by certain criteria including username, domain
    name, source IP, etc. The configurable logging produces a log in an
    easy to read format. It has the option to only log text-based pages,
    thus significantly reducing redundant information (such as every image
    on a page). 

DbModeller 0.1

    DbModeller is a database schema modelling application for building
    physical database designs. This can connect to an existing database a
    pull down the schema or create from scratch. It currently allows
    modelling of tables and referential integrity constraints and generates
    SQL for the model. It saves the schema in open XML format. 

DKMS 0.35.01

    DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Module Support) is a framework where device driver
    source can reside outside the kernel source tree so that it is very
    easy to rebuild modules as you upgrade kernels. This allows Linux
    vendors to provide driver drops without having to wait for new kernel
    releases (as a stopgap before the code can make it back into the
    kernel), while also taking out the guesswork for customers attempting
    to recompile modules for new kernels. For veteran Linux users it also
    provides some advantages since a separate framework for driver drops
    will remove kernel releases as a blocking mechanism for distributing

Emerging Technologies Toolkit 1.1.1

    The ETTK is a software development kit for designing, developing, and
    executing emerging autonomic and grid-related technologies and Web
    services. It provides an environment in which to run emerging
    technology examples that showcase recently announced specifications and
    prototypes from IBM's emerging technology development and research
    teams. In addition, it provides introductory material to help
    developers easily get started with development of autonomic
    technologies, Web services, and grids. 

Epiphany-browser 1.0

    Epiphany is a GNOME web browser based on the Mozilla rendering engine.
    Its goals are simplicity, standards compliance, and integration with

EQ 0.5

    EQ is a realtime graphical equalizer that will equalize the audio of
    everything you play through XMMS (OGG, MP3, WAV, etc.). It features
    three different bands (10, 15, and 31), all of them with ISO central
    frequencies, independent gain settings for left and right channels, and
    more than +-14dB of gain per band. 

Etherboot 5.3.1 (Development)

    Etherboot is a free software package for making boot ROMs for booting
    Linux and other operating systems on x86, Itanium, and Hammer machines
    over a network using Internet Protocols, i.e. DHCP and tftp. 

Etiquette 0.3.0

    Etiquette is an interaction protocol construction toolkit. The
    project's goal is to build a framework for rapid design of network
    communication code. Etiquette interaction protocols are intended to
    describe valid communication processes that can occur in networked
    applications, along with error-handling code. Etiquette provides
    protocol tracing and single-stepping support. 

Expect 5.39.0

    Expect is a tool for automating interactive applications such as
    telnet, ftp, passwd, fsck, rlogin, tip, etc. Expect really makes this
    stuff trivial. Expect is also useful for testing these same
    applications. And by adding Tk, you can also wrap interactive
    applications in X11 GUIs. Expect can make easy all sorts of tasks that
    are prohibitively difficult with anything else. You will find that
    Expect is an absolutely invaluable tool - using it, you will be able to
    automate tasks that you've never even thought of before - and you'll be
    able to do this automation quickly and easily. 

File Service Protocol 2.8.1 beta 13 (Beta)

    FSP is a UDP-based protocol for transferring files. It has many
    benefits over FTP, mainly for running anonymous archives. It is usable
    on lines with high packet loss ratio (70% WiFi), can go behind
    firewalls and unoticed by port scans (because of UDP), does not
    overload networks when hosting ISOs or movies, share files on modem
    lines without eating all of the bandwidth, and keeps lamers away from
    your site (they don't know how to get to it). This project is active
    continuation of the FSP code base (abandoned for the last 5 years). 

Finomaton 0.7

    Finomaton allows users comfortably draw and typeset finite state
    machines (automata). The resulting graphs can be exported to plain
    MetaPost and subsequently be included in TeX and LaTeX documents for
    excellent typesetting quality. Contrary to many other packages, the
    mouse can be used to interactively move objects around. States are
    magnetic to facilitate connection, and any TeX command can be embedded
    in the labels of states and lines. 

Flava 1.0

    Flava is a personal video recording system which can be distributed
    over multiple nodes to perform the actions of recording, encoding, and
    storing television shows, as well as an adaptive management system,
    which can, among other things, track a series of programs and allow
    multiple users to make requests. 

FSPClient 0.0.1

    FSPClient is single executable client for the FSP protocol. FSPClient
    uses an FTP-like user interface. It feels like FTP, but under the hood
    it uses FSP. FSP is a UDP-based protocol for transfering files around,
    and was designed for anonymous archives. 

furious_tv 1.2

    furious_tv is a PVR backend that uses an SQLite database to hold XMLTV
    listings data. Using that data, it can automatically execute commands
    to record TV shows off of a capture device (multiple capture devices
    are supported). If Shuriken is installed, furious_tv can also
    automatically power the system on/off for recordings to save power. 

Galeon 1.3.8 (Unstable)

    Galeon is a GNOME Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering
    engine). It is fast, has a light interface, and is fully

GetDCC 0.2

    The GetDCC project aims to provide a user-friendly interface to
    downloading files from XDCC fileservers (as found on IRC). The project
    is written in Perl and uses Perl/Tk for the GUI. 

gettext 0.12.1

    gettext is the GNU internationalization library. 

glsnake 0.8.9

    glsnake is an OpenGL stress toy, based on Rubik's snake. One can use
    this toy to create extra models for the glsnake XScreenSaver hack. It
    also includes a large collection of predefined snake models. 

GNOME NetSelect Applet 0.5

    The GNOME NetSelect Applet is a GNOME applet for launching Netscape or
    Mozilla. It can jump to the currently highlighted URL or perform a
    search using the currently highlighted text. 

GNU Solfege 2.0.1 (Stable)

    Solfege is an ear training program for GNOME 2, but can also run with
    only the GTK+ libs. It even runs in Windows. 

GNU texinfo 4.6

    "Texinfo" is a documentation system that uses a single source
    to produce both on-line information (info, HTML, XML, Docbook) and
    printed output (DVI, PDF). 

GNU TeXmacs

    GNU TeXmacs is a free scientific text editor, which was inspired by
    both TeX and GNU Emacs. The editor allows you to write structured
    documents via a "wysiwyg" and user friendly interface. The
    program implements high quality typesetting algorithms and TeX fonts.
    It is also possible to use TeXmacs as an interface to computer algebra
    systems. Finally, TeXmacs supports the Guile/Scheme extension language,
    which makes it possible to adapt the user interface to specific needs,
    and even to extend the editor. 

Gnumeric 1.1.90 (Development)

    Gnumeric is a powerful and easy to use spreadsheet using GNOME. Its
    goal is to provide a full featured spreadsheet and a smooth migration
    path for people and organizations currently using proprietary
    applications. It provides more sheet functions and greatly improved
    accuracy when compared to Microsoft's Excel. A plugin system lets you
    extend Gnumeric, adding functions, I/O formats, and real time data
    capabilities. The existing Python, Guile, and Perl plugins let you
    define complex functions. Gnumeric is capable of reading and writing MS
    Excel, and reading Lotus, Applix, Quattro Pro, OpenCalc, XBase, DIF,
    SYLK, HTML, Psion, MPS, oleo, sc, misc. text formats, and its native
    XML. It can also generate Latex, HTML, and others. 

Grinch 0.9

    Grinch is a small Perl script which can be used to check whether a
    given address is an open mail relay host. It can operate as a daemon,
    and speaks the tcp_map protocol implemented in Postfix when it runs as
    a daemon. It can also be used in arbitrary shell script environments
    where the hostname is read from stdin and the error code is written to
    stdout, which allows it to be used with qmail and other MTAs. 

Hierarchical Data Format 1.7.2 (Development)

    HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) is a general purpose library and file
    format for storing scientific data. It arranges data into datasets
    (multidimensional arrays) and groups (a structure for organizing

iClip 2.5

    iClip is a multiple clipboard/scrapbook application. It lets you
    quickly store, organize, and access bits of information, and
    copy-and-paste and drag-and-drop clippings to and from its multiple
    "clipping bins". The clippings can be text, pictures, URLs,
    sounds, etc. They can be arranged into unlimited groups called
    "clipping sets". 

Information Resource Manager 1.4.1 (Stable)

    IRM is a Web-based asset tracking and work request system built for IT
    departments and helpdesks. It keeps detailed information about each
    computer, as well as a complete history of work requests. It keeps
    track of detailed computer information such as CPU type/speed, amount
    of RAM, Hard Drive Size, serial numbers, etc. The system includes the
    ability to track networking hardware and any type of software. Also
    included is support for email notification of both users and
    technicians, and some support for monitoring computer systems via SNMP. 

Jabber Gadu-Gadu Transport 2.0.7

    The Jabber Gadu-Gadu transport provides Gadu-Gadu protocol support
    (which is a very popular proprietary instant messaging protocol in

JAR Class Finder 1.0

    JAR Class Finder is a WSAD/Eclipse plug-in utility for finding JAR
    files containing a given class for the Java build path of a project and
    for helping to fix NoClassDefFound exceptions. This utility helps users
    to quickly and easily resolve ClassDefNotFound exceptions, which
    commonly occur during run time. It can also be used to avoid getting
    such errors if used before run time. 

jose 1.0.2

    jose is a graphical chess tool. You can use it to store chess games in
    a database, view and edit games (including variations and comments),
    and play against a plugged-in chess engine and use it for analysis. It
    features a 3D board view. 

JRxToolkit 2.0

    JRxToolkit is a GUI written in Java to test and write regular POSIX

jSai Preview-0.2

    jSai is a servlet authentication implementation which aims to allow
    easier to use, more powerful authentication for Java servlets. It is
    aimed at servlet developers who want more than the servlet spec, but
    not as much as a full Enterprise Server. It provides a powerful set of
    authentication and authorization features for user level security in
    servlet-based Web applications. 

Lame Node System 0.4-0 (Themes)

    Lame Node System is a Web-based idea repository. It supports files,
    pictures, external links, and (limited) HTML input. 

Lame Node System 0.6-11

    Lame Node System is a Web-based idea repository. It supports files,
    pictures, external links, and (limited) HTML input. 

Layer-7 Packet Classifier for Linux 2003-09-10 (Pattern Definitions)

    This project is a filter that classifies packets based on application
    (or layer 7) data. This means that it is able to classify packets as
    HTTP, FTP, Gnucleus, etc, regardless of what port the services are run
    on. It complements existing filters that classify based on route, port
    numbers, and so on in the existing Linux QoS infrastructure. 

libgtk++ 0.3

    libgtk++ is a C++ wrapper for GTK 2.x that aims to create a GTK API
    similar to the API for Qt. 

libstree 0.3

    libstree is a generic suffix tree implementation, written in C. It can
    handle arbitrary data structures as elements of a string. It is
    therefore not limited to simple ASCII character strings, like most demo
    implementations of suffix algorithms are. libstree can handle multiple
    strings per suffix tree, including dynamic insertion and removal of
    strings. It provides various means of obtaining information about nodes
    in the tree, such as depth-first and breadth-first iteration, leaves
    iteration, and bottom-up iteration. 

libwebserver 0.5.1

    libwebserver is a library for adding Web-based remote interfaces to
    your programs. It is independent of other Web servers, easy to use, and
    supports HTTPS with OpenSSL. 

Manageability Services for Linux 1.0

    Manageability Services for Linux are grid services that provide
    manageability functions for system resources. These services take
    advantage of self-describing and on- demand features of grid services
    to control resources in autonomic and/or grid environments. This
    prototype consists of a Sametime messaging service for notifying users
    of critical changes, and a collection of manageability services for
    some of the most commonly used resources, including Linux OS, Linux
    processes, disk partitions, system statistics, and system services. 

mdate 1.4.0

    Mdate is a freely-available mayan date utility. It calculates Mayan
    Long Counts, Julian Day Numbers, and dates of the Mayan Tzolkin and
    Haab calendars. 

media-box 0.23

    media-box is a program to watch all kind of multimedia files using a
    computer. It suports playing DVDs and VCDs, various movie files, audio
    CD, various music files, and watching various still pictures. The main
    goal is to have a dedicated computer in your living room by replacing
    your Hi-Fi component (DVD or CD-player). media-box runs in a Linux
    environment so the need for computer power is very low. It can be also
    called an embedded distribution for playing all kinds of multimedia. 

Mindmeld 1.2.1 (Development)

    Mindmeld is an enterprise-capable knowledge sharing system designed for
    any Web community that needs to capture and share information. It is
    unique in that the knowledge base grows smarter every time it's used.
    It incorporates terms used in each search into a contextual map of the
    answer itself, continually improving its ability to derive contextual
    information from a given search. The system learns how people typically
    search for an answer by identifying which terms are most valuable in
    any specific context. 

mnoGoSearch-php 3.2.1 (Stable)

    mnoGoSearch-php is a PHP frontend for the mnoGoSearch free Web search
    engine (formerly known as UdmSearch). It supports most of all original
    search.cgi features including cache mode, phrase search, weight
    factors, spell daemon, and others. 

Monkey HTTP Daemon 0.7.2 (Stable)

    Monkey HTTP Daemon is a small, powerful, and fast Web server for Linux
    written in C. Its features include language support, GET, POST, and
    HEAD methods, CGI, PHP4 , a config file (optional for every user), a
    mime.types file, virtual hosts, the ability to deny URLs and IPs, to
    run as a different user (such as nobody), serve users home directories,
    resume, and more. 

Moon Shine 2 1.0

    Moon Shine 2 is a CGI showing a wide view of the night sky just below
    the moon glow. The image is a 1600 x 1200 JPEG suitable for a dark

mosquitotools 0.1.1

    The mosquitotools allow to read dive profiles from a Suunto mosquito
    dive computer and to show them graphically, including depth, tissue
    saturation, and ascend / descend speed vectors. Additional tools are
    allow to create dive profiles from a few command line options and to
    create decompression tables. 

MSL 1.3

    MSL is a real time distributed simulation environment interpreter. MSL
    scripts can be linked to eachother to create a simulation network. This
    is a beta development release. 

MySQL Database Server 4.0.15 (Production (4.0.x))

    MySQL is a widely used and fast SQL database server. It is a
    client/server implementation that consists of a server daemon (mysqld)
    and many different client programs/libraries. 

Naiban 0.1.0

    Naiban is a complete standalone Java application and an Avalon/Keel
    framework classification service. It features Naive-Bayes based
    algorithms, JDBC backed persistance, and support for text and numerics.
    Naive Bayes learning classifiers have recently gained popularity in
    their application to the spam vs. ham problem. Naiban provides a
    learning classifier service to the Avalon/Keel framework, and comes
    complete with two text classifiers and a simple numeric classifier. It
    is easily extendable, and provides two persistance mechanisms for
    storing trained data. 

NetBSD Ppbus Project alpha-1-2

    The NetBSD Ppbus Project aims to remedy some of the shortcomings of the
    current printer driver by porting to NetBSD a more modern
    implementation of parallel port support in FreeBSD called ppbus. It
    allows faster modes of operation, IEEE 1284 support, and a generic
    abstract layer that multiple devices such as printer, PLIP (parallel
    port Internet protocol, similar to SLIP), and Zip drives. It allows
    bidirectional communication and an abstract parallel port interface
    that devices can attach to: the many chipset implementations of the
    parallel port will only have to provide this common interface. 

Non-Networked File System 2.1.4

    NNFS (Non-Networked File System) provides a consistent file system over
    several non-networked Unix computers (or slow networked). 

NX 1.2.2

    The NX project provides a suite of libraries and X11 proxying agents
    implementing efficient compression and optimized transport of X11,
    HTTP, SMB, and arbitrary protocols, like audio, over low-bandwidth
    links. By translating and embedding RFB and RDP in X protocol, it is
    also able to compress VNC and Windows Terminal Service sessions. 

OpenIM 1.1RC2

    OpenIM is a Java implementation of a Jabber server. It is a complete
    rewrite of the Jaba Server project, and it supports the Jabber server
    to server communication protocol. It also supports Presence, Message,
    and Roster. Persistant storage is done in an XML file, using the Apache
    cornerstone store class. It has been tested successfully with many
    clients such as Exodus, GAIM, Psi, Greenthumb, and the Kopete. 

OpenNMS 1.1.2 (Unstable)

    OpenNMS is an effort to build a fully distributed network management
    platform providing both enterprise and element management capabilities,
    using Java 2, XML/XSL and other open source projects/tools such as
    RRDTool, Nessus, Tomcat, and PostgreSQL. 

PeerProtect 0.4

    PeerProtect is an addon for Jay's firewall that generates a file which
    contains all IP addresses from the RIAA and MPAA, etc. and will protect
    peer-to-peer programs from them. 

PennMUSH 1.7.7p20 (Development)

    PennMUSH is a MUD server that is often used for running social or
    role-playing games, with an extensive internal programming language. It
    runs on Unix systems, Windows, and MacOS. 

PHP Doctor 1.1

    PHP Doctor is a Javadoc-style comment parser for PHP code, written in
    PHP using the PHP tokenizer extension. It is designed with an emphasis
    on speed and simplicity. 

ps-watcher 1.02

    ps-watcher periodically a gets a list of process names via ps. A
    configuration file specifies a list of Perl regular-expression patterns
    to match the processes against. For each match, a Perl expression
    specified for that pattern is evaluated. The evaluated expression can
    refer to variables which are set by ps and pertain to the matched
    process(es), including the amount memory consumed by the process, or
    the total elapsed time. If the Perl expression for a matched pattern
    evaluates true, then an action can be run such as killing the program,
    restarting it, or mailing an alert. 

psycopg 1.1.9 (StablePlus)

    psycopg is a PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming
    language. Its main advantages are that it supports the full Python
    DBAPI 2.0 and it is thread safe at level 2. It was designed for heavily
    multi-threaded applications that create and destroy lots of cursors and
    make a conspicuous number of concurrent INSERTs or UPDATEs. The psycopg
    distribution includes ZPsycopgDA, a Zope Database Adapter. 2003-09-10 renames all files in a directory to a sane name; it replaces
    spaces with underscores, removes semicolons, and replaces German

schedutils 1.3.3

    The Linux scheduler utilities take advantage of the scheduler family of
    syscalls that Linux implements across various kernels. These system
    calls implement interfaces for scheduler-related parameters such as CPU
    affinity and real-time attributes. The standard UNIX utilities do not
    provide support for these interfaces, thus this package. The programs
    that are included in this package are chrt and taskset. Together with
    nice and renice (not included), they allow full control of process
    scheduling parameters. The taskset program allows manipulation of task
    CPU affinity and the chrt program allows manipulation of scheduling
    priority and policy. 

Scribus 1.1.0 (Development)

    Scribus is a DTP program for Linux. Its goal is to provide an
    easy-to-use tool for simple Desktop Publishing. It tries be as
    professional as possible. 

Sentry Firewall CD-ROM 1.5.0-rc4 (Development)

    The Sentry Firewall CD-ROM is a Linux-based bootable CD-ROM, suitable
    for use as an inexpensive and easy to maintain firewall or
    IDS(Intrusion Detection System) node. The system is designed to be
    immediately configurable for a variety of different operating
    environments via configuration files located on a floppy disk or a
    remote server. 

SML/NJ 110.43

    sml/nj (Standard ML of New Jersey) consists of a compiler, compilation
    manager, and libraries for Standard ML. Included are CML (Concurrent
    ML) and eXene (a toolkit for X based on CML). The compiler produces
    efficient code for most popular architectures (Intel x86, Sparc, Alpha,
    Mips, HP-PA, PowerPC) and runs under Unix, Linux, or Windows

Solution Enabler 1.0

    Solution Enabler is a framework for creating and deploying solutions
    locally or to remote machines with different operating systems. The
    framework helps to simplify the creation and deployment of software
    solutions by capturing detailed knowledge of a solution package
    deployed through a common installer. 

SQua Flux 0.1

    SQua Flux is a simple, square Aqua theme based on artwork from 

Squirrel Jukebox 0.4.1

    Squirrel Jukebox plays all your local MP3 files via its own
    libmad-based decoder. It allows the tracks to be ranked and grouped in
    the user-preferred way. It also supports text searches by any ID3 tags
    or filenames. It is a commandline application. Currently only Linux is
    supported (OSS). 

Sylpheed 0.9.5claws (Claws)

    Sylpheed is a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast email client. Almost
    all commands are accessible with the keyboard. It also has many
    features such as multiple accounts, POP3/APOP support, thread display,
    and multipart MIME. One of Sylpheed's future goals is to be fully
    internationalized. The messages are managed in the MH format, so you'll
    be able to use it together with another mailer that uses the MH format. 

SynCE-KDE 0.6.1

    SynCE-KDE is a PC / Windows CE connection service application like
    ActiveSync. It consists of three sub-projects: a full-featured KIOSlave
    for browsing the PDA (RAPIP), a panel applet for accessing the PDA
    (RAKI), and a daemon which listens for PDA connections (VDCCM). 

Syntext Serna 1.0.b1

    Syntext Sema is an XSL-on-the-fly WYSIWYG XML document editor. During
    the editing process, it renders XML documents according to XSL
    stylesheets (e.g., a Docbook XSL stylesheet similar to the Norman Walsh
    one). As a result, authors constantly see rendered and transformed
    content which looks similar to the final presentation. It also provides
    on-the-fly XML schema validation and extensive entity support. 

The Microsoft Bytecode Engineering Library 0.1

    The Microsoft Bytecode Engineering Library (MBEL) is a tool for
    parsing, creating, editing, and rewriting .NET executables and
    libraries. It is implemented completely in the Java programming
    language, which facilitates portability across different systems. The
    objects defined closely resemble the metadata structures defined in the
    ECMA-335 specification. Among the many uses of MBEL are code analysis,
    optimization, obfuscation, and watermarking. 

The Squirrel programming language 0.2 pre-alpha

    Squirrel is a light-weight programming language (around 6000 lines of
    code) that features higher-order functions, delegation, tail recursion,
    generators, exception handling, and automatic memory management through
    reference counting or garbage collection. It has a C-like syntax. 

TimesTool 1.2b

    TIMES is a tool suite designed mainly for symbolic schedulability
    analysis and synthesis of executable code with predictable behaviors
    for real-time systems. Given a system design model consisting of a set
    of application tasks (required to meet mixed timing, precedence, and
    resource constraints), a network of timed automata describing the task
    arrival pattern and a preemptive or non-preemptive scheduling policy,
    TIMES will generate a scheduler, and calculate worst-case response
    times for the tasks. The design model may be further validated using a
    model checker and then compiled to executable C-code. 

txt2pdf 6.7

    txt2pdf is a very flexible and powerful Perl program that converts
    files from text to PDF format. 

Visual Application Builder 1.0

    The Visual Application Builder is a set of WebSphere Studio plug-ins
    that allow even non-expert programmers to quickly develop
    browser-based/J2EE applications and application templates that target
    various devices. The model-based Rapid Application Development (RAD)
    environment allows easy building of form-based applications that
    interface with data from various sources, such as RDB and Web services.
    It allows the use of one project to generate code for various target
    platforms and for new technologies that will evolve. 


    WOCIES (Web Object Change Interval Estimation Simulator) is a simulator
    for designing and investigating Web robots that estimate the average
    change interval of objects on the Web. Object change events are modeled
    as a Poisson process. The simulator has many variable parameters,
    including presence of last-modified date, visit scheduling algorithm,
    time period simulated, and estimation formulas used. Using the
    simulator, you can test various combinations of these parameters and
    compare the results to determine the most efficient robot

xMule v2 Web UI 0.1.2

    xMule2 is a file-sharing application that supports several platforms,
    and is designed with a separated core and highly customizable interface
    modules. It currently connects to the eDonkey2000 network, and support
    for other networks is being planned. 

XSH 1.8.2

    XSH (the XML Editing Shell) is a very powerful command-line shell
    designed to allow easy navigation and manipulation of XML documents.
    XSH may be used either interactively or for off-line XML processing
    (like bash). XPath can be used to select parts of an XML document to be
    listed or processed. The system shell and Perl are also accessible from
    XSH in a very natural way. XSH itself is written in Perl using the
    XML::LibXML bindings of the libxml2 library. 

Zolera SOAP Infrastructure 1.4.1 RC1

    ZSI, the Zolera SOAP Infrastructure, is a pure-Python module that
    provides an implementation of SOAP messaging, as described in The SOAP
    1.1 Specification. It can also be used to build applications using SOAP
    Messages with Attachments. ZSI is intended to make it easier to write
    Web services in Python. In particular, ZSI parses and generates SOAP
    messages, and converts between native Python datatypes and SOAP syntax.
    Simple dispatch and invocation methods are supported. 


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