Crude quantitative measures are no good. For instance, the intro of OO
techniques can increase functionality with sometimes a decrease in the
number of lines of code. An example close to home for me was the
change from EcoLab 3 to EcoLab 4. The number of lines halved, but
functionality was increased maybe tenfold (**subjective measure warning**).

On Thu, Jul 20, 2006 at 12:22:20PM +0200, Carlos Gershenson wrote:
> > I wouldn't be surprised if software development was actually
> > exponential, however it is harder to measure improvement, and the
> > improvement is not a smooth as hardware improvement.
> I guess that we would like to have a general measure of the growth of  
> software complexity, but I don't know if there is anything like that,  
> nor how easy would it be to develop... moreover to check... where  
> could we get the data of e.g. number of lines of code, or source code  
> size in Kb, of software for the last 20 years or so???
> A rough and naive way would be to check e.g. the size in KB of the  
> installation files of a certain software, e.g. Linux, Windows, MS  
> Office, Corel Draw, AutoCAD...
> (with Linux it's quite difficult, because a minimal version of it can  
> fit in a couple of floppies, all the rest are add-ons...)
> Best regards,
>      Carlos Gershenson...
>      Centrum Leo Apostel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
>      Krijgskundestraat 33. B-1160 Brussels, Belgium
>    ?Tendencies tend to change...?
> ============================================================
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