Here are some actual facts, which folks may wish to use for discussion – on 
t’other hand maybe they just prefer their own opinions!  Doesn't matter to 
anyone who just wants to ramble on a fascinating subject.   I am designing 
flight systems to use turbulent energy, in test flight right now, so, 
unfortunately, gotta stick to Newton’s Laws!.
1. A lifting wing develops one half its induced wash AHEAD of it.  Yeah, folks, 
before the air has even met the wing.  It’s a continuous fluid, remember!  The 
balance of the induced wash due to the trailing system develops downstream of 
the wing and is reaches its asymptotic value about 3 spans downstream.  Within 
the span of the wing this induced flow is downwash, more or less spanwise 
uniform; outboard it is upwards, very intense just beyond the tip and 
attenuating rapidly as one moves away from the wing.
2. If another wing system is positioned outboard of the wing, it experiences a 
strong upwash, that will greatly reduce its power requirements.  This effect is 
mutual, and its integrated intensity depends only on the tip separation as a 
fraction of span.
3. Consider three identical wings, line abreast, call them Left (L) Center (C) 
and Right (R).  In this configuration the wing R experience a favorable upwash 
due to C and L, but the L contribution is fairly small.  So it has a certain 
saving in its induced drag.  But the wing C experiences the full upwash effect 
from both L, R and  consequentially C has approximately double the saving.  
Good news for C!
4. If the wings L, R get pissed off at all that hard work, and drift 
downstream, they will experience stronger upwash due to the trailing system of 
C, but their influence on C will be attenuated, so they will experience larger 
savings at the expense of C.  If they drift very far downstream, then they will 
have no influence on C, but L, R will still experience the induced flows of C 
so that ALL the saving will now be transferred to R , L.   In the vernacular, C 
doesn't even know the wingmen are there, far astern, but they can see C’s fully 
developed wake lying right between them!  There is a configuration providing 
equipartition which defines the Vee angle of this little “Vic”.
4. This mechanism continues for flights with larger numbers of wings.  The 
calculations indicate, as so often in aerodynamics, that infinity is not far 
away, and reached very soon, so that large flights are advantageous but with 
diminishing returns.
5.  The stability mechanism (we have the math, but it’s too much for here) is 
that if a formation were in echelon (a single skewed line) then the front bird 
would have a hard time, and he'd drift downstream. His wingman would then be 
leading and think, “Jesus, I'm in front now!  No way”.  And he'd drift 
downstream.   This would proceed until you had about three or four birds in one 
file of the Vee.  By that time the current lead bird would be experiencing 
maximum favorable induction from both sides, and would be quite comfortable and 
equipartition would have been achieved.
6.  Steady winds have no effect on formation flight, of course.  Chap called 
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) had some wise words on that topic, almost a century 
after Leonardo had made some nearly right hypotheses re flight.   But wind 
variation due to shear layers or turbulence due to these shear layers can 
always be exploited.  Albatrosses use the marine shear layers to fly thousands 
of Km across the southern oceans with flapping a wing. This dynamic soaring has 
recently been validated in manned flight with a two place L-23 Super Blanik in 
a recent (May, 2006) USAF project out of Dryden.  Energy extraction from random 
turbulence is also attractive, but requires wings with rapid sensing and 
response systems.  The Santa Fe ravens are pretty good at riding the gusts of 
the Sangres, but it’s hard for machines to operate at this time scale.   A 
Ph.D. student of mine is investigating this with a 2 m R/C IMU instrumented 
computer controlled flight model at Stanford.  He and I are giving a paper on 
this at the Annual AIAA meeting in Reno this week.  It’s my idea of reality -- 
not talking, and  not (God forbid!) computer simulation – it’s a real airplane 
flying in a real atmosphere.
7. Flight speeds, size and other physical aspects of the wing system have no 
effect on the benefits of formation flight, but the savings are reflected only 
in the induced drag term.
8. There is no favorable drafting effect in any flight system.  Drafting is 
always bad news for the draftee and has no effect on the lead vehicle.  Anyone 
who has flown under tow, or seen movies of glider towing, will know that you 
have to stay high above your tow plane to get away from that bloody wake.   
Brown Pelicans are often observed flying line astern on fishing forays, but one 
sees each bird stays well above the preceding one.
9. All the above mechanisms apply to gliding, powered or ornithopter flight, 
and to the first order, the savings are independent of the propulsion system.  

Peter Lissaman, Da Vinci Ventures

Expertise is not knowing everything, but knowing what to look for.

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