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As promised, here is the URL for the Brazil talk I gave.


Download the PPT so you can read the notes on some of the slides.

Any mistakes are mine.

Any surprising insights are the work of other people smarter than me.


Please point out mistakes to me so I can fix them.

- --
Best regards,

Justin Lyon

M: +423 663 168892 (Worldwide)
M: +44 781 480 2797 (London, UK)

O: +1 210 787-3498 (San Antonio, USA)
O: +44 20 8144 4072  (London, UK)

W: http://www.simudyne.com

Justin Lyon wrote:
> Owen and Phil,
> Traditional economics borrowed ideas from equilibrium physics and tried
> to force-fit reality to make the math tractable prior to the emergence
> of computers sufficient to solve the math. No need to do that now.
> Also, Pareto optimitality is a sacred cow that must be slaughtered.
> And, the myth of rational humans....hah...that is a good one.
> I'll find the PPT for the Brazil conference, type up my notes and post
> it to the web for the group's reading pleasure. The conference
> organizers recorded the speech and I'll try to hunt down the URL.
> I will be giving a workshop on simulation in London for a Gartner Group
> conference where I will elaborate in more detail.
> http://www.europe.gartner.com/bpm

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