Re: [FRIAM] The quintessence of complexity thinking: paradox, BB --> "Dubya" 
Bush: Rich Murray 2008.04.08

" 2008.04.08 "  " Santa Fe ", " New Mexico "


Part of the astrophysical consensus after 448 years of exponential evolution 
of modern global science complex adaptive knowledge processes since the dawn 
of the Royal Society in London in  "1660 AD ":

About 380 Ky ABB ( " After Big Bang " -- a temporarily expanding quantum 
fluctuation of a tiny region of a dynamic geometry with ten spatial 
dimensions and one temporal dimension ???...

Isn't it likely that this admittedly higher dimensional, hugher source 
reality still exists and evolves within itself, untouched by our universe 
bubble, transcendent to our spaces and times? ),

while now the currently observable universe at light speed seems to be 13.7 
By old -- sedately spaceous, cold, dark, and deep --  " then " it was making 
a phase transition from a hot, optically opaque plasma of mostly protons and 
electrons to cooler, transparent hydrogen atoms and molecules, with a 
uniformity of about one part in a hundred thousand.

Incidentally, in order to explain the extraordinary large scale flatness and 
uniformity of OOUB  ( " Our Observable Universe Bubble " ),
the wider universe so unreachable by light speed signals must be 10exp25 
times wider, with 10exp75 vaster volume,
clock full of just as many galaxies and molecular life forms as OOUB, as 
estimated by A. Guth et al," 1980.

So, even a billion years more would allow scientific access to only 10exp27 
of the vaster volume, leaving 10exp48 unknown.

This is a tad profligate, in terms of the original invocation of Occam's 
Razor as a guiding principle for evolving efficient, elegant unifying 

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin, anyone....?

All of this may be the evolution of a single dynamic geometry, everywhere 
contiguous, continuous, smooth, finite, with a single path of deterministic 
causal evolution along a single likewise contiguous, continuous, smooth, 
finite " temporal ", but strictly one-way and one-dimensional dimension --  
anyone else catch the smell of reified dogmas, fossilized assumptions, 
anthropomorphic superstitions, limiting beliefs.....?   May be high time to 
apply the axe to the root assumption of strict nonexistence of "backwards" 

For, we have the prime paradox of BB --> President "Dubya" Bush -- how it 
possible, or, worse, inevitable?  -- as well as, the undeniable existence of 
this moment of awareness,

in which these l i  t   t    l     e       b l  a   c    k    ma r  k   s 

within the visual space of your awareness,

catalyze remarkable ( hopefully ) subtle appreciations in " your " cognitive 
space of awareness....,

Tonto, where is this space of awareness, anyway ..... inside OOUB, for 
instance, pray tell?

For OOUB happens within the original source.

" Rich Murray, MA, SFb "  505-501-2298  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Phil Henshaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 8:58 AM
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'The Friday Morning Applied Complexity 
Coffee Group'" <>
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] The quintessence of complexity thinking

Well, it would be hard for me to draw the picture of what the local Santa Fe
FRIAM community 'does', but it's often that a complex system retains it's
original concept and develops from that idea by addition and adjustment as
it grew.     It may have reached a stable form or have a stability only of
wandering perhaps, and says a lot about it.     Using that 'story form' is
one good way to describe a complex system that gives people a well ordered
ladder of both insights and open questions that they can then plug into as
they like.


Of Nicholas Thompson
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 2:32 AM
Subject: [FRIAM] The quintessence of complexity thinking


Colleagues at my former institutution have asked me to provide a reading or
other ...... representation .... that can be consumed in less than an hour
that would give a sense of what it is "we" do in Friam, in Santa Fe, etc.
Hopefully not words ABOUT it but an example OF it, if you see what I mean,
but we might have to settle for words.  If you had ONE SHOT at turning a
colleague into a complexitist, what would you do with him/her.

Does FRIAM have some suggestions????

A related question in my mind:  if agent-based-models come closest to
capturing the essense of complexity thinking,  WHY?

Discuss.   I will collect your responses and forward them on to Worcester.


Nicholas S. Thompson

Research Associate, Redfish Group, Santa Fe, NM ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Professor of Psychology and Ethology, Clark University

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