May be slashdotted, I'm having "forbidden" errors.  Try later I guess.

This points something we've said for ages: the chief problem the  
"agile" systems have is that the graphics is not built in .. which  
often drives folks to Java (NetLogo, Processing).  Javascript has  
always had graphics, and is enjoying a huge resurgence due to its  
being not only a "scripting language" but with graphics and UI  

    -- Owen

On May 9, 2008, at 12:20 PM, Stephen Guerin wrote:

>> From /. this morning:
> The Processing API is now partially implemented in Javascript by  
> John Resig.
> wow. This could allow for some very speedy development times for web- 
> based
> visualizations without loading the Java JVM, Flash or Shockwave in a  
> browser.
> This is very related to what Greg Malone is working on with his  
> Javascript-based
> Game Engines...
> -S
> --- -. .   ..-. .. ... ....   - .-- ---   ..-. .. ... ....
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