Owen Densmore wrote:
> This points something we've said for ages: the chief problem the  
> "agile" systems have is that the graphics is not built in .. which  
> often drives folks to Java (NetLogo, Processing).  Javascript has  
> always had graphics, and is enjoying a huge resurgence due to its  
> being not only a "scripting language" but with graphics and UI  
> capabilities.
To do 2d graphics in JavaScript on Windows it is necessary to use the 
Windows-specific VML language.   And until recently there was no 2d 
graphics possible in Firefox or Safari.   Now these browsers have 
interoperable and scriptable 2d canvas and SVG.   There are software 
adapters (Ajax libraries) to make the an VML and Canvas look the same, 
but it doesn't sound like JavaScript Processing uses one of libraries or 
provides its own.

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