This is based on nothing more than reading the entry on categories at so please take with a pinch of

It seems that the tools necessary to construct category systems are severely
broken. Specifically, there is no generally accepted method for
distinguishing between categories. For example, the Ryle/Husserl method
boils down to a highly subjective notion of whether a statement is absurd or
not. That means it's perfectly possible for Nick to see a category error
("it's crazy to say that a point can have position and velocity") and me not
to see one ("nothing wrong with a point having position and velocity") and *we
can both be right*.

IMHO, this means that category theory really can't tell us very much about

On 7/8/08, Nicholas Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   All who have patience,
> Once of the classic critiques of mentalism .... the belief that behavior is
> caused by events in some "inner" space called the mind ... is that it
> involves a category error. The term "category error" arises from ordinary
> language philosophy (I think). You made a category error when you start
> talking about some thing as if it were a different sort of thing altogether.
> In other words, our language is full of conventions concerning the way we
> talk about things, and when we violate those conventions, we start to talk
> silly. To an anti-mentalist a "feeling" is something that arises when one
> palpates the world and to talk about our "inner feelings", say, is to doom
> ourselves to silliness. Feelings are inherently "of" other things and to
> talk of "feeling our own feelings" is, well, in a word, nutty.
> As many of you know, I have been engaged in a geriatric attempt to recover
> what  slipped by me in my youth, the chance to understand the Calculus. As I
> read more and more, it became clear to me that the differential calculus was
> based on a huge "category error." To speak of a point as having velocity and
> direction one had to speak of it at if it were something that it essentially
> wasn't. And yet, of course, the Calculus flourishes.
> Now the reason I am writing is that I am not sure where to go with this
> "discovery." One way is to renounce my behaviorism on the ground that
> category errors ... any category errors ... are just fine. Another way is to
> start to think of the mind/behavior distinction in some way analogous to the
> derivative/function distinction. That mind is just the derivative of
> behavior. For instance, a motive, or an intention, is not some inner thing
> that directs behavior, but rather the limit of its behavioral direction. A
> third way, is to wonder about how the inventors of calculus thought about
> these issues. They, presumably, were steeped in mentalism and it cannot have
> escaped their notice that they were attributing to points qualities that
> points just cannot have. Many of the texts have been reading have alluded to
> the idea that some contemporaries ... perhaps Newton himself ... attributed
> to the Calculus some sort of mystic properties. I really would like to know
> more about that. Any intellectual historians out there????
> So, I am hoping somebody will help me go in any, or all, of these
> directions.
> --Nthompson<>04:14,
>  9 July 2008 (GMT)
> This noodle, and perhaps some subsequent revisions and commentary, may be
> found at
> Nicholas S. Thompson
> Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Ethology,
> Clark University ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> ============================================================
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