One approach might be to break it down a bit finer, into the techniques used. Two spring to mind:
1 - Optimization Techniques (GAs, Ant Algorithms, ..)
2 - Game Theory types (ultimatum game, prisoner's dilemma, ...)

It's be nifty to see the "spanning set" underlying the popular models.

    -- Owen

On Dec 31, 2008, at 9:35 AM, Jochen Fromm wrote:

In Physics there are many equations, but only a few
are really fundamental (for example the Maxwell
equations, or Newton's laws, etc.).

There are a number of basic agent-based models, too,
for example Arthur's El Farol Bar Model, Craig Reynolds' Boids, Schelling's Segregation Model, and Axelrod's Tribute or Dissemination Models.

What agent-based model do you know and which are
the most fundamental? Do we have a basic model for every basic agent interaction pattern, see ?


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