Thus spake Jochen Fromm circa 31/12/08 08:35 AM:
> What agent-based model do you know and which are
> the most fundamental? Do we have a basic model for every basic agent
> interaction pattern, see
>   ?

I think the question is ill-formed.  Agent-based _models_ are just
models. The phrase agent-based model is context free, unlike physics or
biology.  And without context, there isn't any one model that's more
fundamental than any other model.

A better question would be "what agent-based model is most fundamental
in physics" or "... in biology" or "... in politics".

Regarding "patterns", a pattern is just a particular inference made by
an observer.  Granted, there may be some dominant patterns we settle on
by consensus as prominent or important; but, such consensus will always
assume some context.  And the prominence of that (class of) pattern(s)
will go away if that assumption changes.

glen e. p. ropella, 971-222-9095,

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