On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 11:46 AM, Parks, Raymond <rcpa...@sandia.gov> wrote:
> (it's organic :-).  Alternately, you wait two weeks after all your
> neighbours have planted squash and then plant.  All the bugs will go to
> them first and you shouldn't have many of them.

This suggests another option:

When you cull your seedlings, select twice the number of plants you
need. Pick out the weakest half. Plant them. Wait 2 weeks. Destroy the
planting. Plant the (now two weeks older) 1st string plants. Maybe
less bugs.

Ah, I remember the nights in pumpkins patch. A flashlight beam through
the vines exposed the shadows of the  (huge!) vine-borer grubs. Then,
with scalpel and hemostats, we'd extract the grubs, finally wrapping
and taping the wounds and injecting a good dose of Bacillus

I don't garden anymore.


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