How about Blender?

I've played with it occasionally over a period of several years.  I don't
have any experience with commercial alternatives, so can't comment on how it
compares.  But it satisfies your stated requirements, it's free, has got
very active user and development communities and has been used to make more
than one short film.

My main complaint is the ugly and unusual GUI.  However, regular users
maintain it enhances usability and productivity compared to alternatives.


From: "Owen Densmore" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:34 AM
To: "The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group"
<>; "General topics & issues" <>
Subject: [FRIAM] 3D Modeling Software

I'm looking at 3D modeling software, and would like help deciding on
which system to use.

A few requirements:
- Not too expensive .. $150 fine, but certainly not the pro tools at
- Has a book or two at least that make it easy to learn
- Can import/export standard files so can be used with other programs.
- Reasonable feature set: easy to create meshes, texture maps, rendering
   (Animation/Game Engine not required .. export/import can help there)
- Run on both Mac/Windows

As usual, wikipedia has some pointers to jog your memory if need be:

Are any of you experienced with a 3D modeling system that you could
give a brief review of?

     -- Owen 

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