The most interesting point I've seen made is the question of what does the
new Apple A4 CPU bring to the table?  Oh, you didn't notice that Apple is
building it's own CPU for the iPad?

For the consumer's benefit, I expect that it will be the most power stingy
CPU that has ever been seen in an Apple product, cycles per milliwatt it may
beat everything else.  That's what PA Semi was building for the defense
marketplace when Apple bought them.

So I just googled and found a chip commentator who predicted it would be the
best power/watt, power/dollar, and power/cubic-mm system on a chip ever

But for Steve Job's peace of mind, wanna bet it incorporates a silicon lock
down which will require delaminating the chip packaging and applying an
electron microscope to jail break?  It will not run anything that Apple has
not approved.  The consumer experience will not exceed Apple's expectations,
except when they're fooled, and they'll probably have the backdoors
necessary to fix those problems, too.

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