A Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet is my principle computer, on the desktop or on the
road, running Ubuntu primarily or Windows if required.  A G1 serves as a
WWAN modem and as a portable computer on many trips.   A Chumby as a home
alarm clock, though it may be reitired in favor of the phone.

The Thinkpad went out for depot service early last month, but it took longer
to get the backup computer configured for action than it did for Lenovo to
handle the service and shipping.  I should have just read a few books.

-- rec --

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net> wrote:

> On Jan 30, 2010, at 10:56 AM, Owen Densmore wrote:
>  In thinking about my "device ecology" in the iPad discussion, I mentioned
>> the MacBook air.
>> Just curious: How many of us have one or have used one?  What was it like?
>> Behind this is the observation that most laptops today are not really all
>> that mobile.  I rarely have mine with me, for example but I always have my
>> iPhone with me.  I was wondering if the Air would increase the times that I
>> *do* have my lappy with me.
> Wow, I would have thought a couple of us would have an Air.
> Second question: how do you manage your computer mobility?
> - Lug around a laptop that serves both as home "desktop" and portable
> computer? (That's me, for example).
> - Have two or more computers, one that is your mobile computer? .. If so,
> is it really light weight enough for you?  How do you keep it in synch?  Or
> do just use it for simple mobile use (mail, web, gdocs...) and don't need
> synch?
> Thanks!  I'm groping around for how to go back to multiple computers and
> remember it being difficult to keep in synch.
>   -- Owen
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