
Even if it has nothing to do with sperm it is a nifty model.  

There is an idea lurking here that i dont know whether it plays a covert
role in your thinking or not, but what about the fate of a "genefur"

My email program is misbehaving and my computer is about to crash so I wont
say more, now. 


Nicholas S. Thompson
Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Ethology, 
Clark University ( [City University of Santa Fe]

> [Original Message]
> From: Hugh Trenchard <>
> To: <>; The Friday Morning Applied Complexity
Coffee Group <>
> Date: 3/27/2010 10:54:41 AM
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Sperm pelotons; article in Nature
> Thanks for taking a peek at my post. Great questions, and they help me to 
> see how/where my descriptions can be clarified.
> On the paradox part - that is one of the really interesting features of a 
> peloton: the energy savings effect of drafting narrows the range of
> between the strongest and weakest riders.  In contrast, think of a pack
> runners of varying fitness levels.  There is negligible drafting effect 
> there is some, esp if running into a headwind, but overall it's small
> that it can be ignored for this illustration.  Say there are 50 runners,
> separated incrementally by 1% difference in fitness; say they run a
> of miles. If they all start off slowly at say the max speed of the
> runner, they can all run in a big group, separated only by enough
> between them to keep them from kicking and elbowing each other.  As they 
> pick up speed, the group thins into a line and are separated
> by distances that correspond to their differences in fitness.  In the
> of two miles, they all finish individually in a single long line
> to their fitness, and it can be predicted accurately where runners will 
> finish if you know their starting levels of fitness.
> This is not the case with a peloton.  For example at 25mph, riders can
> at least 25% by drafting (approx savings 1%/mph) - all the riders who are 
> within 25% fitness of the fastest rider can ride together even at the max 
> speed of the strongest rider.   So their fitness levels are effectively 
> narrowed, and they can all finish together as a group (ie. globally
> by finishing within drafting range of each other), and so the paradox. 
> of the paradox is also that, while fitness levels are effectively
> by drafting, it means, conversely, that a broader range of fitness levels 
> can ride together in a group, which maybe isn't something that is clear
> my initial post (though it is certainly implied).  Also, there are other 
> important things going on in a peloton which precede the sorting of
> into groups, some of which I see I do need to clarify to make my model 
> clearer.
> Of these, particularly important are 1) the occurrence of peloton
> and 2) points of instability when riders are forced into positions where 
> they do not have optimal drafting advantage. Below a certain output 
> threshold, when all drafting riders in a group are sufficiently below max 
> output, riders have sufficient energy to shift relative positions within
> peloton, and in this particular phase, a self-organized rotational
> forms whereby riders advance up the peripheries and riders are forced 
> backward down the middle of the peloton. However, instabilities in pace 
> occur along the way, caused by such things as course obstacles, hills
> lower speeds reduce drafting advantage, but when output may be at least
> high), cross-winds, narrowing of the course, or short anaerobic bursts
> riders at the front - all of which cause splits (i.e. PDR>1 at these 
> points).   In a competitive situation, instabilities occur frequently 
> causing temporary splits at various places in the peloton, but these are 
> often closed when the cause of the instability has ceased.  Sorting thus 
> occurs according to some combination of peloton rotations in which
> riders are able to get to the front and the continual splits in the
> at points of instability and reintegrations. I would need to develop the 
> model some more to show this as an equation (though I touch on a basic 
> version of it in my Appendix).
> For sperm, I don't know what the initial state of the aggregates are when 
> they begin their travels, but I am assuming (perhaps quite incorrectly), 
> that there is some initial phase in which they are mixed (such as
> on a starting line), and then they begin to sort as they increase speed. 
> During the process, they aggregate like cyclists because a broader range
> fitness levels can aggregate together (causing an effective narrowing of 
> fitness). As in a peloton, there are  instabilities that allow for 
> continuous re-adjustments to the relative positions of all the sperm, and 
> over time they begin to sort into groups where each have fitness levels 
> closer to the average.  This is my hypothesis, at least.
> On the second last question, there would be an advantage to sperm among
> first pulse aggregation if all the pulsed aggregations do not mix first,
> the principles apply to each aggregation.  However, I don't know whether 
> there is some other process of mixing first among all the pulses of sperm 
> aggregations before they begin traveling (I imagine I could find the
> in the literature), in which case there could easily be a sperm in,  say, 
> the second pulse, which could end up impregnating the egg.
> I don't know about the kamikaze sperm - I'll leave that one for now!  But
> do remember that scene from the movie as clear as day!
> In any event, my aim is really to ask the question - are there energetic
> coupling principles that allow sperm to end up in groups which otherwise 
> appear to have occurred because genetically related sperm can somehow 
> identify each other?   I am really only suggesting the existence of some 
> dynamics of the sperm aggregations that could be studied for, which don't 
> yet appear to have been addressed.
> Hugh
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Nicholas Thompson" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 8:04 PM
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Sperm pelotons; article in Nature
> > This is fun to think about.  Hopefully, REC will help me:
> >
> > Is there a paradox here.  let it be the case that sperm sort themselves
> > fitness;  let it further be the case that sperm in peletons have an
> > advantage over sperm that dont.  Isnt it now the case that sperm are no
> > longer sorting themselves by fitness?
> >
> > Ok, forget that:  so let be the case that "fitness" is not defined by
> > fertization probability, but more in the sense of "physical fitness". 
> > Some
> > of the sperm go to the gym, and some don't.  Or some are more muscular 
> > than
> > others.  So let it be the case that sperm sort themselves by swimming
> > speed. The more muscular sperm swim side by side and the less muscular
> > sperm swim side by side.  But wait a minute, other things being equal
> > wouldnt everybody bet the peleton effect?  Ok,  forget THAT, too.
> >
> > All these models assume that everbody starts from the same starting
> > right?  Are they  jostling at the starting gate in the prostate as they 
> > are
> > mixed with the seminal fluid.  Is there an advantage to being in the
> > pulsation?  So f orth.  Wouldnt these factors overwhelm the peleton 
> > effect?
> >
> > And, what about the kamakaze sperm, that stick pumps in the spokes of
> > unrelated sperm as in that unforgettable scene in Breaking Away.
> >
> > Ok.  Sorry.  Forget the whole thing.  I do so like metaphors.
> >
> > Nick
> >
> > Nicholas S. Thompson
> > Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Ethology,
> > Clark University (
> >
> > [City University of Santa Fe]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >> [Original Message]
> >> From: Hugh Trenchard <>
> >> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
> >> <>
> >> Date: 3/26/2010 8:38:22 PM
> >> Subject: [FRIAM]  Sperm pelotons; article in Nature
> >>
> >> On February 12, Roger Critchlow posted a reference to "sperm pelotons",
> >> which inspired me to read the Nature article and to think a bit about
> >> principles of peloton interactions could be applied to sperm
> > aggregations.
> >> I've outlined some thoughts below.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> __________________________________________
> >>
> >> DRAFT
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Applications of a peloton model to sperm aggregration dynamics
> >>
> >> An analysis of article: Fisher, H., Hoekstra, H. (2010) Competition
> > drives
> >> cooperation among closely related sperm of deer mice. Nature. Vol. 463,
> > 11
> >> Feb 801-803
> >>
> >> Hugh Trenchard
> >>
> >>
> >> Abstract
> >>
> >> The Nature article by Fisher and Hoekstra suggests that a mechanism
> > exists
> >> among the sperm of certain species of mice to identify genetic
> >> The identification mechanism itself is not apparent and, based upon
> >> observations of analogous processes in bicycle pelotons, an alternative
> >> hypothesis is suggested.  There are similarities between bicycle
> >> and sperm aggregations: they are both competitive dynamical systems,
> >> there are energy savings mechanisms by which agents couple and
> >> self-organized aggregate formations.  A model for the division of a
> > peloton
> >> at critical output levels is shown and suggested as analogous to
> >> but not all, sperm aggregations, and a model for the relative energy
> >> consumption of coupled and non-coupled aggregates is shown, which
> > suggests
> >> how sub-aggregates may form that are composed of agents within a
> >> fitness range, and also why the strongest individual agents may not
> > always
> >> reach the target objective first.  This suggests that no mechanism is
> >> required for the identification of genetic relatives, but that sorting
> >> occurs according to a self-organized metabolic process whereby sperm
> >> close fitness levels will aggregate.  Sorting among sperm is
> > to
> >> occur at a critical output threshold, and is more likely to occur among
> >> promiscuous species than monogamous species because sperm velocity of
> >> monogamous species may not be high enough to reach the critical sorting
> >> threshold.  Genetically related sperm are more likely to have closer
> > average
> >> fitness levels, and so will naturally sort into groups composed of
> >> predominantly related sperm. Thus proposed is an alternative framework
> >> which to analyze the data.
> >> _______________________
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Introduction
> >>             Fisher and Hoekstra (2010) provide evidence that supports
> >> hypothesis that sperm identify related sperm, aggregate and cooperate
> > with
> >> them and, through increased velocity when travelling in aggregations,
> >> provide an advantage to genetically related sperm in advancing one of
> > their
> >> kind to impregnate the egg. The authors report a species of mouse whose
> >> sperm exhibits "the ability to recognize sperm based on genetic
> > relatedness
> >> and preferentially cooperate with the most closely related sperm." The
> >> question was raised: "how do sperm identify their brothers?" (FRIAM,
> > 2010).
> >> The question reveals a problem in Fisher's and Hoekstra's analysis,
and a
> >> clear mechanism for this identification process does not appear to be
> >> suggested in their article.
> >>
> >> Observations of peloton dynamics allow an alternative explanation to
> >> cooperative aggregates that Fisher and Hoekstra (2010) have observed.
> > Here
> >> presented, instead, is the hypothesis that any aggregation among
> > genetically
> >> related sperm is coincidental to what is better explained by aggregates
> > that
> >> form due to coupling among groups of sperm as a result of an energy
> > savings
> >> effect that occurs when sperm travel closely together, an effect that
> >> similar to drafting in a bicycle peloton. This is a self-organized
> > process
> >> and, as such, no mechanism is required for sperm to identify
> >> related sperm to adjust their positions to be near each other.  This
> > process
> >> includes a sorting of individual sperm into groups with proportionately
> > high
> >> numbers of sperm whose swimming fitness is closest to their own.
> >> Genetically related sperm are more likely to have similar swimming
> > fitness
> >> levels than are unrelated sperm.  Hence grouping is based upon swimming
> >> fitness and not genetic relatedness, which also partially explains why
> >> aggregates are not entirely homogenous according to relatedness:
> > genetically
> >> unrelated sperm with fitness levels near others, who may be related,
> >> group with them.
> >>
> >> For simplicity, here this self-organized energetic process is referred
> > as
> >> drafting, although for sperm the energy savings mechanism is a
> > hydrodynamic
> >> one (Lauga and Powers, 2009; Woolley et al, 2009).  Similarly, the
> >> interactive dynamic between sperm that allows for this energy savings
> >> occur is referred to as coupling.  Coupling of this nature has been
> >> described as a synchronization of flagellar motion and optimal
> > positioning
> >> of sperm-heads for friction reduction and increased sperm velocities
> >> travelling in coupled formations as opposed to individually (Woolley,
> > al,
> >> 2009). Woolley et al (2009) describe the mechanism for coupling in bull
> >> sperm as follows:
> >>
> >> The subject of the present study, the flagellar synchronisations,
> > resulted
> >> from chance contacts between individual spermatozoa. These events will
> >> called 'conjunctions'. In a few instances, the two spermatozoa
> >> again after a period of conjunction and they resumed the swimming
> > and
> >> beat frequencies that they had shown before the conjunction.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>     Woolley et al. (2009) go on to show distinct increases in mutual
> > speeds
> >> when coupled (i.e. in conjunction states).  Their article does not,
> > however,
> >> appear to discuss overall average savings in energy as sperm accelerate
> > and
> >> decelerate while alternating between conjunctive and separated states
> >> between different sets of coupled sperm, nor do they appear to discuss
> > the
> >> durations of conjunctions/separations, which would provide clues as to
> >> relative differences in inherent fitness and whether sperm aggregations
> > form
> >> with sperm whose range of fitness is relatively narrow.  Here it is
> >> hypothesized that this is, however, what does in fact occur:  this
> > narrowed
> >> fitness range among sperm sub-aggregates due to sorting is more likely
> > be
> >> the mechanism underlying the genetically related sperm aggregations in
> > the
> >> Fisher and Hoekstra (2010) findings.
> >>
> >> The Woolley et al (2009) article suggests that, similarly to cyclists
> >> save energy by coupling in a peloton, it is unnecessary for sperm to be
> > of
> >> equal physical fitness to travel at the same (mutually increased)
> > to
> >> travel at equal velocity while being of unequal fitness is facilitated
> > a
> >> coupled energy savings mechanism.  Similarly, Riedel et al (2005), and
> > Lauga
> >> and Powers (2009), for example, appear to support the notion that there
> > is
> >> in fact some form of energy savings occurring among sperm aggregates.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> The peloton sorting model
> >>
> >> In bicycle pelotons, drafting allows riders within a range of output
> >> capacities to sustain the same speed: weaker riders drafting can
> >> the same speed as stronger riders ahead according to the equation
> >>
> >>                         PDR = (Wa-Wb/Wa) / D*100
> >>
> >> ¡  Wa is maximum sustainable power (watts) of cyclist A at any given
> > moment
> >>
> >> ¡  Wb is maximum sustainable power of cyclist B at any given moment
> >>
> >> ¡  D/100  is the percent energy savings at the speed travelled
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> This is referred to as the Peloton Divergence Ratio (PDR) (Trenchard,
> > 2009;
> >> 2005). Cyclists save energy by drafting at approximately 1% per mile an
> > hour
> >> (Hagberg and McCole, 1990).  So, if for example, cyclists are traveling
> > at
> >> 25 mph, they save approximately 25% energy by drafting riders ahead.
> >> Extending the illustration, if stronger cyclist A has a maximum
> > sustainable
> >> output at 400w at 25mph, and cyclist B has a maximum sustainable output
> > of
> >> 300w, cyclist B could not sustain the same speed as cyclist A if they
> > were
> >> travelling individually and without drafting.  Thus where cyclist B has
> > only
> >> 75% the output capacity of cyclist A, PDR = (400-300/400) /D*100;
> > As
> >> long as PDR is <1, cyclists can maintain the same speed.  If PDR>1,
> > cyclists
> >> will not be able to maintain the same speed and will diverge, or
> > decouple.
> >> So, at a speed of 25mph, all cyclists within a range of 25% output
> > capacity
> >> can travel at the same speed.
> >>
> >> Here it is suggested that PDR applies to certain types of sperm
> >> aggregations, though not necessarily to all types, as there are several
> >> different types of sperm morphology (Immler, et al. 2007), and their
> >> respective energy savings mechanisms therefore cannot be assumed to be
> > the
> >> same.  In fact, PDR does not appear to apply to the Woolley et al
> >> bull sperm observations, although it may to the Riedel (2005)
> > observations,
> >> the Moore et al. (2002) and Immler (2007) observations of "train"
> >> aggregations, which in pelotons occur during a distinctive phase of
> > energy
> >> output when all riders are riding at or near maximum sustainable
> > or
> >> when riders are at or near PDR=1.   The phase is unstable and small
> >> increases in speed or disturbances in rider positioning can put riders
> >> PDR>1 and precedes peloton separations and the formation of
> >>
> >> When cyclists in a peloton approach PDR=1,  a sorting process occurs
> > whereby
> >> sub-pelotons form that are composed of cyclists within a smaller range
> >> inherent fitness levels; i.e. each cyclist in the group has an inherent
> >> fitness level (max sustainable output) that is closer to the average of
> > the
> >> sub-group than it is to the larger aggregate.  When peloton divisions
> > occur
> >> at points of instability (PDR >1) and cyclists in a competitive
> >> exert maximal efforts to remain among the composition of the group
> >> but are unable to do so, it is self-evident that the average fitness of
> > the
> >> group behind is less than that ahead, and that each of the groups
> >> cyclists of closer average fitness than when among the undivided
> > aggregate.
> >>
> >> The range of fitness within each sub-group is also effectively narrowed
> >> further by the drafting process, as evidenced by the fact that
> > sub-pelotons
> >> in a mass-start bicycle race finish a race with nearly identical
> > finishing
> >> times (eg. see data in Trenchard, H., Mayer-Kress, G., 2005). This
> > not
> >> be self-evident or a reasonable conclusion if the groups were not all
> >> proceeding at maximum sustainable outputs, but had divided for
> >> non-competitive reasons.
> >>
> >> This conclusion, however, does not preclude the possibility that some
> >> cyclists with fitness levels which could sustain them in faster groups
> >> end up in slower groups (i.e. fitness levels that are substantially
> >> the average of the group), and so there may be a small proportion of
> >> cyclists with fitness levels that overlap the ranges of different
> > as
> >> would there be among sperm sub-aggregates.
> >>
> >> The sorting process and formation of aggregates with close average
> > fitness
> >> is well illustrated by imagining a peloton composed of 75 cyclists
with a
> >> broad range of abilities: 25 cyclists are professional level and can
> > sustain
> >> speeds of 50k an hour on the flat without drafting, 25 cyclists are
> > medium
> >> amateur level and can sustain speeds of 30km on the flat without
> > drafting;
> >> 25cyclists are kids who can sustain speeds of 15km per hour on the flat
> >> without drafting.  If they all start together, the peloton is 75 strong
> > up
> >> to approximately 20km/h (because the kids can draft, they can go faster
> > than
> >> they could without drafting); at 21 km/h, the peloton sorts into two
> > groups:
> >> 25 kids, and 50 medium and pro cyclists.  The group of 50 accelerates,
> > and
> >> when they travel at approximately 36km/h the peloton divides again.  It
> >> divides at 36km/h and not 30km/h because the medium-level riders can
> > draft
> >> up to speeds approximately 20 percent faster than they could achieve on
> >> their own without drafting.  When speeds of 36km/h are sustained,
> > eventually
> >> all the medium-level cyclists will be separated from the professional
> >> cyclists, and most, if not all, will end up together in a group.  At
> >> point the original peloton has divided into three groups containing
> > riders
> >> with fitness levels near to the average of the group.  In an actual
> >> competition and peloton that is composed of all professional riders,
> >> sorting process is more subtle because average fitness of all the
> > cyclists
> >> is very close from the outset, but the effect is fundamentally the
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Applying the peloton model to sperm aggregations and the Fisher and
> > Hoekstra
> >> findings
> >>
> >> Here it is hypothesized that a similar sorting dynamic occurs in sperm
> >> aggregations and may provide a clue as to the composition of the
> >> sub-aggregates and the proportional representation of conspecific and
> >> heterospecific sperm in any given aggregate, as identified by Fisher
> >> Hoekstra (2010).  Thus if the sperm of two males, say heterospecific in
> > the
> >> first example the authors provide, is mixed into an initial single
> >> aggregate, the aggregate will begin to divide according to PDR as the
> > sperm
> >> accelerate. Sorting occurs as weaker sperm end up being "dropped" into
> >> trailing sub-aggregates, as in the peloton illustration above.  Thus,
> > a
> >> set of sperm from an individual conspecific male are, as a group,
> >> than those of the heterospecific competitor, there will be a
> > self-organized
> >> tendency for sperm of close physical fitness to group together.  Some
> >> individual sperm from other groups, however, will be capable of
> > sustaining
> >> the speed of fitter sperm if they group with fitter sperm, as long as
> > they
> >> are at PDR<1  The proposition is thus that genetically related sperm
> >> naturally closer in physical fitness and therefore will tend to
> >> together through self-organized coupling dynamics, as presented here.
> >>
> >> The composition of sperm aggregates is thus determined by individual
> > sperm
> >> fitness levels and the energy savings due to drafting at the velocity
> >> travelled.  Divergences in the aggregates occur at critical individual
> >> output/speed levels.  This is particularly so in the case of the
> > promiscuous
> >> species, P. maniculatus, and here it is assumed that sperm in a
> > competitive
> >> situation naturally swim at or near maximum sustainable speeds.  This
> > a
> >> reasonable assumption in a competitive situation, in which all sperm
> >> seeking to reach the egg first.
> >>
> >> However, as indicated in the Fisher and Hoekstra article, in the case
> > P.
> >> polionatus, the monogamous species, sperm may not travel at or near
> > maximum
> >> sustainable speeds, which suggests that the same degree of sorting does
> > not
> >> occur as among their faster swimming P. maniculatus counterparts.  This
> >> provides an explanation why P. polionatus sperm tend to mix
> >> indiscriminately, as the authors describe (see Table 1); i.e. the sperm
> > have
> >> adapted to swimming at less than maximum speeds as an intrinsic
> >> characteristic of monogamous species, and the sorting of sperm into
> > groups
> >> with nearly equal fitness does not occur because the critical output
> >> threshold is not reached for this to happen.
> >>
> >> Table 1 summarizes findings presented in the Fisher and Hoekstra
> > and
> >> provides an alternative peloton model explanation.  Fisher and Hoekstra
> > show
> >> results for three experiments involving different combinations of mouse
> >> species sperm mixes.  Table 1 summarizes both the results of the Fisher
> > and
> >> Hoekstra study, and the alternative peloton model explanation:
> >>
> >>
> >>      Test
> >>      Result
> >>      Peloton model explanation
> >>
> >>       1
> >>      Sperm from one heterospecific (P. polionotus) male and one
> > conspecific
> >> (P. maniculatus) male are mixed in vivo assay
> >>      "found that overall groups were composed of significantly more
> >> conspecific sperm than expected at random"
> >>      Sperm from each of the conspecific males exhibit closer
> > physiological
> >> fitness than as between heterospecifics; i.e. conspecific males have
> > average
> >> fitness close to each other, as do rival heterospecifics to each other
> >> Some sperm for each sets, however, exhibit close physiological fitness
> >> levels, and these represent the proportion of the aggregates that are
> >> from conspecific males. There are also percentages of each of
> >> heterospecifics and conspecifics whose fitnesses are such that they are
> >> capable of travelling with groups, but which are "trapped" in the
> >> travelling groups.
> >>
> >>       2
> >>      Sperm from two unrelated male P. maniculatus, a promiscuous
> >> are mixed
> >>      "sperm group significantly more often with sperm of the same male
> > than
> >> expected at random"
> >>      The explanation above applies to the related conspecific
> >> males
> >>
> >>       3
> >>      Sperm from two unrelated conspecific males of P. polionatus, a
> >> monogamous species, are mixed
> >>      "aggregations form indiscriminately in assays"
> >>      The speed at which these sperm aggregations travel is relevant. 
> > may
> >> be that the sperm of monogamous species travel slower (due to decreased
> >> competition) than the critical speed at which self-organized sorting
> > occurs.
> >>
> >>       4
> >>      Sperm from related P. maniculatus was mixed
> >>      "found a greater proportion of sperm from the same male grouped
> >> together than was expected at random."
> >>      The explanation in cases 1 and 2 above applies to the related
> >> conspecific maniculatus males
> >>
> >>
> >> Table 1
> >>
> >> In cases 1,2 and 4, the sorting process described in the foregoing
> > provides
> >> a reasonable alternative explanation to the formation of sperm
> > aggregrations
> >> with close average fitness, and the proposition that it is likely that
> > sperm
> >> of one male have closer average fitness than another male, whether it
> >> related or not.  Some proportion of the two sets of sperm will mix, but
> > at
> >> the critical threshold when sorting occurs, sperm with nearest average
> >> fitness will aggregate.
> >>
> >> In case 3, the lower vitality of monogamous sperm, as the authors'
> > finding
> >> indicate, and the smaller testes of P. polionatus suggests that sperm
> >> swimming speeds are slower and/or do not proceed at near maximal output
> >> levels.  The slower sperm speeds of monogamous species is supported by
> > other
> >> finding (Nascimento, 2008; Fitzpatrick et al. 2009), although it is not
> >> clear whether sperm are simply slower with a lesser maximum output
> > capacity,
> >> or whether they are in fact capable of swimming faster, but simply do
> > not.
> >> If the peloton model holds, then the inference is that the sperm of
> >> monogamous species are capable of swimming faster but do not do so and,
> > as a
> >> result, are less likely to reach the critical output threshold by which
> > they
> >> will sort into sub-aggregates that contain sperm of near equal fitness
> >> levels.  These relative speeds and output levels should be investigated
> > and
> >> confirmed.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Conclusion
> >>
> >> The analysis here presents an alternative hypothesis for the findings
> >> presented in the Fisher and Hoekstra article. Based upon analogous
> > behavior
> >> observed in bicycle-pelotons, it provides an analytical and
> >> framework by which existing data could be re-analyzed or further
> > experiments
> >> conducted to test for the observations and principles outlined.
> >>
> >> References
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> FRIAM email listserv Feb 12, 2010, R. Critchlow. Vertical axis
> > and
> >> sperm pelotons.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Hagberg, J. and McCole, S. 1990.  The effect of drafting and
> >> equipment on energy expenditure during cycling. Cycling Science 2:20.
> >>
> >> Immler, S., Harry D.M. Moore, H., William G. Breed, W., Birkhead, R.
> > (2007).
> >> By Hook or by Crook? Morphometry, Competition and Cooperation in Rodent
> >> Sperm, PLoS ONE. 2(1): e170.
> >>
> >> Published online 2007 January 24.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Lauga, E., Powers, T. The hydrodynamics of swimming microorganisms. 
> >> Prog. Phys. 72 (2009) 096601
> >>
> >>
> >> Moore, H., Dvorakova, K., Jenkins, N. Breed., W. (2002). Exceptional
> > sperm
> >> cooperation in the wood mouse. Nature 418, 174-177
> >>
> >>
> >> Nascimento JM, et al.(2008) The use of optical tweezers to study sperm
> >> competition and motility in primates. J R Soc Inter 5:297-302.
> >> online 2007 July 24. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2007.1118.
> >>
> >> Fitzpatrick, J., Montgomerie, R., Desjardins, J., Kelly, S., Kolm, N.,
> >> Balshine, S. Female promiscuity promotes the evolution of faster sperm
> >> cichlid fishes PNAS January 27, 2009 vol. 106 no. 4 1128-1132
> >>
> >>
> >> Riedel, et al. 2005. A Self-Organized Vortex Array of Hydrodynamically
> >> Entrained Sperm Cells
> >>
> >> Science 8 July 2005: 300-303
> >>
> >> Trenchard, H., Mayer-Kress, G.  (2005) Self-organized oscillator
> >> and synchronization in bicycle pelotons during mass-start bicycle
> >> Intl Conference on Control and Synchronization of Dynamical Systems.
> > 4-7
> >> Leon, Gto. Mexico.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Trenchard, H.  (2009).  Self-organized coupling dynamics and phase
> >> transitions in bicycle pelotons.  AAAI Fall Symposium, Arlington VA.
> >> Technical Report Series FS-09-03.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Woolley, D., Crockett, R., Grook. W., Revell, S. (2009). A study of
> >> synchronisation between the flagella of bull spermatozoa, with related
> >> Observations. The Journal of Experimental Biology 212, 2215-2223
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Yang, Y., Elgeti, J, Gompper, G. (2008) Cooperation of sperm in two
> >> dimensions: synchronization, attraction, aggregation through dynamic
> >> interactions. Phys Rev. E. 061903
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Appendix A
> >>
> >> Further development of the peloton/sperm aggregation model
> >>
> >> Note that PDR is a useful model if an energy savings mechanism exists
> >> whereby one of two coupled sperm benefits from the energy savings
> > mechanism,
> >> while the other does not.  This may be the mechanism in the mouse
> >> described in the Moore (2002) and Immler (2007) articles, as indicated
> >> the "train" formation, which is similar to "single paceline" peloton
> >> formations when cyclists are aligned near or at PDR=1 to each other
> >> (Trenchard, 2009; 2005).
> >>
> >>  There do appear, however, to be other energy savings mechanisms in
> >> aggregates, such as for example the conjunction and synchronized
> > of
> >> bull sperm (Woolley et al, 2009).  In a sperm conjunction (Woolley et
> >> 2009), the PDR equation does not strictly apply and must be adjusted
> > because
> >> the stronger sperm also appears to benefit from the coupled formation,
> > which
> >> does not occur to any significant degree between coupled cyclists; i.e.
> > in a
> >> peloton the front riding cyclist does not receive any reduction in
> >> from the rider behind, while the rider behind benefits substantially by
> >> drafting; for bull sperm, it appears that both coupled sperm benefit by
> >> increased velocity.
> >>
> >> This leads to a further hypothesis that the stronger sperm increases
> > speed
> >> with some reduction in metabolic cost, while the weaker sperm increases
> >> speed with little or no change in metabolic cost, although they both
> > travel
> >> faster than they would individually.  Thus it is the stronger sperm
> >> benefits by energy savings, while the weaker sperm benefits by
> >> speed, but with no savings in energy.  There is an implication that the
> >> stronger sperm will always be able to advance to the front of the sperm
> >> aggregation faster than weaker sperm.  However, this is not necessarily
> > so,
> >> as it depends on the relative durations of coupling and separations.
> > That
> >> is to say, a weaker sperm could advance farther and faster than a
> > stronger
> >> sperm if it spends sufficiently more time coupled than a stronger sperm
> >> which may spend relatively more time isolated.  Thus the faster sperm
> >> not necessarily those that are stronger, but those whose proportion of
> > total
> >> coupling time exceeds the percent differences in their relative fitness
> >> levels.
> >>
> >> The following model is descriptive for coupled organisms that may
> > alternate
> >> durations of time spent coupled with time spent non-coupled, and which
> >> mutually benefit from coupling because it accounts for the proportions
> >> total time spent both saving energy in coupled positions and not saving
> >> energy in non-coupled positions.  It is a simplified model because
> > are
> >> other factors that affect total output than time spent in energy-saving
> >> positions (coupled) and positions where there is no energy savings.
> >> However, it provides insight into the energetic dynamics of coupled
> > agents
> >> of varying degrees of fitness and why they do not necessarily achieve
> >> positions based on inherent fitness.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> TO = Wa-(Wa*%E) * T)  /  Wb-(Wb*%E) * T)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ·         Where TO is ratio of total output of two agents in coupled
> >> positions (not necessarily with each other) with identical objective
> > (e.g.
> >> to win a race or impregnate an egg); here, sperm or cyclist; in the
> > of
> >> sperm, millijoules; for cyclists, calories
> >>
> >> ·         T is total time spent in coupled positions and travelling at
> >> mutually faster velocities than achievable in isolation
> >>
> >> ·         %E is percent energy savings in coupled formation
> >>
> >> ·         Wa is the maximum sustainable power output; picoNewtons for
> > sperm,
> >> watts for cyclists of stronger agent A (cyclist or sperm) at a given
> > moment
> >> , assuming that in a competitive situation, agents are travelling as
> > as
> >> their metabolisms will allow.
> >>
> >> ·         Wb is the maximum sustainable power output at a given moment
> >> weaker agent B, again assuming that in a competitive situation, agents
> >> travel as fast as metabolisms will allow.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> For example (quantities and units for illustration only): if stronger
> > sperm
> >> A has max sustainable output of 50pN, and B has max sustainable output
> >> 45pN, and A saves an average of 10% output when coupled and spends a
> > total
> >> of 10 minutes coupled, total output for A is 50-5*10, or 450mj, while
> >> weaker sperm saves no energy when coupled, but spends 11 minutes in
> > coupled
> >> positions, we have 45-0*11, 495; and 450/495 = 0.91. Thus where this
> > ratio
> >> is <1, the weaker sperm potentially can be ahead of the stronger sperm
> > over
> >> the duration of the coupling interactions.  Thus this ratio indicates
> > it
> >> is not necessarily the case that stronger sperm will impregnate the
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
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