"promiscuous peromyscus spermatozoa cycles"

Nope, I'm afraid the fixation remains...


On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Roger Critchlow <r...@elf.org> wrote:

> Hugh --
> I like the analysis very much.  There should be other cases of velocity
> sorting in microbiology and perhaps in developmental biology, any place
> where cells are potentially crowded and need to get some where.
> I think that sustainability for sperm is an oxymoron -- they have fixed
> food reserves and run until they succeed or starve.  Fitness is probably the
> wrong word, too, you can frame this in terms of individual and group
> efficiency:  the "peloton" goes further and gets anywhere sooner than any of
> its individuals could do by itself.
> So the doggerel version of the proposal would be able to start with:
>  "promiscuous peromyscus spermatozoa".
> Perhaps Doug can get over his brightly colored spandex fixation and finish
> it for us?
> -- rec --
> **
> On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 9:42 AM, Hugh Trenchard <htrench...@shaw.ca>wrote:
>>  Thanks Eric for taking the time to look through my post.  For Nick's
>> last post, I am not entirely sure what a "genefur" is, although it sounds
>> like it is a reference to an inherent genetic trait, as you also discuss.
>> Yes, I agree it will help my argument if I hone in more closely on what I
>> mean by fitness, and I will add some description to clarify this. My useage
>> relates to inherent physical fitness in terms of maximum power output
>> capacity. That too needs fine-tuning because I refer to "maximum sustainable
>> output", which is not the same as absolute maximum power output, and I would
>> need to outline more carefully what this means.  Regardless, I  think there
>> are ways of testing for the actual power-output capacities of individual
>> sperm - I have seen references in the literature to testing procedures for
>> this.
>> Because I know very little about genetics, for my part I would be treading
>> dangerously to begin describing the process in a gene-related sense (and
>> I would not want to get into discussion about chromosomes), but to address
>> the issue you raise (if I understand it correctly), it would be necessary to
>> measure the power output of the sperm of individual male mice to determine
>> the range of their output capacities and/or the sperms' average output. This
>> is no doubt not easy, but I imagine there would be some sampling size that
>> would provide an accurate indication of the overall output range. And
>> certainly one would want clearly to correspond average sperm outputs and
>> ranges with the genetic descriptions of the various mice tested, but this
>> could be done according to a replication of the Fisher and Hoesktra
>> procedures.  It would also be necessary to determine percentages of energy
>> savings that occur when sperm are coupled (if this does in fact occur).
>> My model assumes that there is a difference in the average power output of
>> individual males' sperm, whether related or unrelated or of the same species
>> or not - a difference sufficiently significant to demonstrate that sorting
>> occurs according to fitness (in the power-output sense) and not according to
>> some mechanism for identifying the genetic relatedness of the sperm, as the
>> authors of the Nature article appear to suggest.  The fact that sperm
>> aggregate indicates coupling and energy savings, which is why (in my view)
>> the peloton model applies.
>> In terms of chance, it seems to me Fisher and Hoekstra have taken a lot of
>> care to establish that there is sorting beyond chance, but implicitly
>> ascribe that sorting to some sensory/perceptual capacity of the sperm to
>> identify related sperm.  My model begins with their proven result that there
>> is sorting beyond chance, and asks whether there is some
>> sorting mechanism involved other than an unidentified mechanism to perceive
>> the location of related sperm, which is intuitively problematic because (it
>> seems) sperm do not have a sufficiently developed sensory system (i.e. eyes,
>> ears, or other) to do this.
>> My model provides a simpler explanation for the sorting process than the
>> Hoekstra & Fisher explanation, because, in my model, sorting occurs
>> according to self-organized energetic principles, and not according to a
>> perceptual/sensory mechanism, as apparently implied by the authors.
>> I can see how a basic computer simulation would be helpful as a starting
>> point for making predictions according to my model, which I see is really my
>> next step.
>> Does anyone know how/where one could apply for some funding to resource
>> such a simulation?  I could develop it myself (and have developed at least
>> one simulation, but it really needs to be worked through again), but it
>> would happen a whole lot faster if I could engage someone more adept at
>> computer modelling than me.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* ERIC P. CHARLES <e...@psu.edu>
>> *To:* Nicholas Thompson <nickthomp...@earthlink.net>
>> *Cc:* Hugh Trenchard <htrench...@shaw.ca> ; friam@redfish.com
>> *Sent:* Saturday, March 27, 2010 2:54 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Sperm pelotons; article in Nature
>> Hugh,
>> Very interesting model! One of my doctoral adviser's, Jeffrey Schank has
>> demonstrated repeatedly that scientists are very bad at predicting what
>> 'chance' looks like when trying to do experiments involving synchrony. This
>> seems one of those situations, and the only way around it is modeling.
>> Nick's sarcasm aside, he has a point, and it has to do with some of the
>> flavor text surrounding your model (for geeks of the wrong variety to know
>> what flavor text is, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flavor_text). If I
>> can take a shot at identifying the problem:
>> Rather than looking at 'fitness' as if it were a unified trait, you have
>> created a model that needs some mutli-stage selection language (the better
>> term escapes me at the moment). The reality is that what makes a 'fit' sperm
>> is not necessarily what makes a 'fit' organism. To fix the flavor text of
>> your model, you would need to explicitly recognize that (if the sperm sort,
>> then) the sperm are going to sort based on a similarity in the genes that
>> 'build' the sperm. Their sorting will be completely independent of all the
>> other genes, or of any role that the sperm-building genes might later play
>> as body-building genes. Ignoring chromosomal linkages (which you shouldn't),
>> two sperm could be identical on all the genes important for building sperm,
>> but completely different in terms of all other genes.
>> Your model would thus al! low a much clearer test of the prediction that
>> sperm identify each other in some way. It does so because it provides a
>> vastly improved predicted relatedness due to chance. GIVEN: We would expect
>> sperm to cluster along the race track based on the similarity of certain,
>> specifiable genes. MODEL: If we know the genes important for building sperm,
>> we can model the expected relatedness of sperms within a cluster. IF: Sperm
>> are implementing some weird sort of kin selection mechanism - THEN: we would
>> expect the relatedness to be significantly larger that what our model
>> predicts.
>> Any help?
>> Eric
>> On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 01:36 PM, *"Nicholas Thompson" <
>> nickthomp...@earthlink.net>* wrote:
>> Hugh,
>> Even if it has nothing to do with sperm it is a nifty model.
>> There is an idea lurking here that i dont know whether it plays a covert
>> role in your thinking or not, but what about the fate of a "genefur"
>> peletonizing.
>> My email program is misbehaving and my computer is about to crash so I wont
>> say more, now.
>>  Nick
>> Nicholas S. Thompson
>> Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Ethology,
>> Clark University (nthomp...@clarku.edu)
>> http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/naturaldesigns/
>> http://www.cusf.org [City University of Santa Fe]
>> > [Original Message]
>> > From: Hugh Trenchard <htrench...@shaw.ca>
>> > To: <nickthomp...@earthlink.net>; The Friday Morning Applied
>> Complexity
>> Coffee Group <friam@redfish.com>
>> > Date: 3/27/2010 10:54:41 AM
>> > Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Sperm pelotons; article in Nature
>> >
>> > Thanks for taking a peek at my post. Great que!
>>  stions, and they help me to
>> > see how/where my descriptions can be clarified.
>> >
>> > On the paradox part - that is one of the really interesting features of a
>> > peloton: the energy savings effect of drafting narrows the range of
>> fitness
>> > between the strongest and weakest riders.  In contrast, think of a pack
>> of
>> > runners of varying fitness levels.  There is negligible drafting effect
>> -
>> > there is some, esp if running into a headwind, but overall it's small
>> enough
>> > that it can be ignored for this illustration.  Say there are 50 runners,
>> all
>> > separated incrementally by 1% difference in fitness; say they run a
>> couple
>> > of miles. If they all start off slowly at say the max speed of the
>> slowest
>> > runner, they can all run in a big group, separated only by enough
>> distance
>> > between them to keep them from kicking and elbowing each other.  As they
>> > pick up speed, the gr!
>>  oup thins into a line and are separated
>> incrementally
>> &!
>>  gt; by d
>> istances that correspond to their differences in fitness.  In the
>> space
>> > of two miles, they all finish individually in a single long line
>> according
>> > to their fitness, and it can be predicted accurately where runners will
>> > finish if you know their starting levels of fitness.
>> >
>> > This is not the case with a peloton.  For example at 25mph, riders can
>> save
>> > at least 25% by drafting (approx savings 1%/mph) - all the
>> riders who are
>> > within 25% fitness of the fastest rider can ride together even at the max
>> > speed of the strongest rider.   So their fitness levels are effectively
>> > narrowed, and they can all finish together as a group (ie. globally
>> coupled
>> > by finishing within drafting range of each other), and so the
>> paradox.
>> Part
>> > of the paradox is also that, while fitness levels are effectively
>> narrowed
>> > by drafting, it means, conversely, that a broader range of fitn!
>>  ess levels
>> > can ride together in a group, which maybe isn't something that is clear
>> from
>> > my initial post (though it is certainly implied).  Also, there
>> are other
>> > important things going on in a peloton which precede the sorting of
>> riders
>> > into groups, some of which I see I do need to clarify to make my model
>> > clearer.
>> >
>> > Of these, particularly important are 1) the occurrence of peloton
>> rotations,
>> > and 2) points of instability when riders are forced into positions
>> where
>> > they do not have optimal drafting advantage. Below a certain output
>> > threshold, when all drafting riders in a group are sufficiently below max
>> > output, riders have sufficient energy to shift relative positions within
>> the
>> > peloton, and in this particular phase, a self-organized rotational
>> pattern
>> > forms whereby riders advance up the peripheries and riders are forced
>> > backward down!
>>   the middle of the peloton. However, instabilities in pace > oc
>> cur along the way, caused by such things as course obstacles, hills
>> (when
>> > lower speeds reduce drafting advantage, but when output may be at least
>> as
>> > high), cross-winds, narrowing of the course, or short anaerobic bursts
>> among
>> > riders at the front - all of which cause splits (i.e. PDR>1 at
>> these
>> > points).   In a competitive situation, instabilities occur frequently
>> > causing temporary splits at various places in the peloton, but these are
>> > often closed when the cause of the instability has ceased.  Sorting thus
>> > occurs according to some combination of peloton rotations in which
>> stronger
>> > riders are able to get to the front and the continual splits in the
>> peloton
>> > at points of instability and reintegrations. I would need to develop the
>> > model some more to show this as an equation (though I touch on a
>> basic
>> > version of it in my Appendix).
>> >
>> > For sperm, I!
>>   don't know what the initial state of the aggregates are when
>> > they begin their travels, but I am assuming (perhaps quite
>> incorrectly),
>> > that there is some initial phase in which they are mixed (such as
>> cyclists
>> > on a starting line), and then they begin to sort as they increase
>> speed.
>> > During the process, they aggregate like cyclists because a broader range
>> of
>> > fitness levels can aggregate together (causing an effective narrowing
>> of
>> > fitness). As in a peloton, there are  instabilities that allow for
>> > continuous re-adjustments to the relative positions of all the sperm, and
>> > over time they begin to sort into groups where each have fitness levels
>> > closer to the average.  This is my hypothesis, at least.
>> >
>> > On the second last question, there would be an advantage to sperm among
>> the
>> > first pulse aggregation if all the pulsed aggregations do not mix first,
>> but
>> &g!
>>  t; the principles apply to each aggregation.  However, I don't!
>>   know wh
>> ether
>> > there is some other process of mixing first among all the pulses of sperm
>> > aggregations before they begin traveling (I imagine I could find the
>> answer
>> > in the literature), in which case there could easily be a sperm in,
>> say,
>> > the second pulse, which could end up impregnating the egg.
>> >
>> > I don't know about the kamikaze sperm - I'll leave that one for now!  But
>> I
>> > do remember that scene from the movie as clear as day!
>> >
>> > In any event, my aim is really to ask the question - are there energetic
>> and
>> > coupling principles that allow sperm to end up in groups which otherwise
>> > appear to have occurred because genetically related sperm can somehow
>> > identify each other?   I am really only suggesting the existence of some
>> > dynamics of the sperm aggregations that could be studied for, which don't
>> > yet appear to have been addressed.
>> >
>> > Hugh
>> >
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