Allright you all-
Although chiming in without having read the entire thread is probably an error with you all, re Vladimyr's intriguing comments below: I agree completely, although I do not see this as an uncomfortable conclusion. I see it as less hubristic and more integrated. Must be my lack of sperm.

How can you identify in the moment which aberrations will lead to evolution, versus which aberrations will lead to atrophy? Development over enough time changes circumstances so that former criteria are no longer accurate. I've never seen a dynamic evolving system without random noise, errors, unexpected elements, unpredictability, weirdness and the like in there. Responses to these elements are what drive dynamism and evolution. A pristine corruption-free state is stagnant. Non-complex. No emergence. Problem-solving around 'corruption' is a motivator for growth.

        Enjoying this tremendously. Thanks, Vlad-

On Mar 31, 2010, at 10:04 PM, Vladimyr Ivan Burachynsky wrote

The corruption has been there since the very beginning and it is impossible
for an ideal system to be constructed that is immune to corruption.

... In fact evolution is simply corruption, the positive or
negative attributes are simply the consequence of observer perspective.

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