Thanks, Grant and Owen, for the votes of confidence. Concerning complex 
adaptive systems, I would have to define a CAS in such a way that it can be 
interpreted in any topos --then see if we can analyze CAS's by working in a 

Currently I am working on finding cycles. The idea is that we have a system 
which can be in different states. Let S be the "set of all states that the 
system can be in". Let t:S to S be a "transition function" so that if the 
system is now in state x, then, in the next time unit, it will be in state 
t(x). I then look for cycles (such as t(a) = b, t(b) = c, t(c) = a, so that 
t^3(a)=t(t(t(a)))=a --or, more generally, states x for which t^n(x)=x for some 
n, where t^n(x) = t(t(t(     t(x))))))  iterating t n times. Then I can map the 
system in "the best possible way" into a topos where it becomes cyclic, meaning 
that for every x there is some n with t^n(x)=x. So n would be a whole number in 
the topos, but whole numbers can jump around and be 3 in some places and 5 in 
other places, etc.

Just exploring this set-up has occupied me since 2001, and I have published 3 
papers on it in the TAC (a web-based journal).

I'll say more and put it in a PDF file, so I  can arrows and exponents and keep 
tabbing and spacing the way I intended it.


From: [] On Behalf Of Grant 
Holland []
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 5:29 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] invitation + introduction


I love such clarity - as expressed in your explanation of category theory. My 
reaction is "Oh, so THAT's what category theory is!" Thanks for taking the time 
to explain.


John Kennison wrote:

Thanks for asking the question. In my answer, below, I describe the technical 
terminology impressionistically. If you want more precision, the Wikipedia 
articles are usually pretty good at giving precise definitions, along with some 
sense of the underlying ideas.

Category theory claims to be a formalization of how mathematics actually works. 
For example, consider the following mathematical structures, which have been 
defined in the 19th and 20th centuries:
    Groups =                       “sets with a notion of multiplication”
    Rings   =                        “sets with notions of both multiplication 
and addition”
    Linear Spaces =          “sets in which vector operations can be defined”
    Topological Spaces = “sets with a notion of limit”
Each structure has a corresponding notion of a structure-preserving function:
   Group homomorphism = “function f for which f(xy) = f(x)f(y)”
   Ring homomorphism = “function f for which f(xy)=f(x)f(y) and 
   Linear map = “function preserving operations such as scalar mult: 
   Continuous function = “function f for which f(Lim x_n) = Lim(f(x_n)”

A category consists of a class of objects, together with a notion of 
“homomorphism” or “map” or “morphism” between these objects. The main operation 
in a category is that morphisms compose (given a morphism from X to Y and 
another from Y to Z, there is then a composite morphism from X to Z).
Examples of catgeories:
                             Objects = Groups;                Morphisms = Group 
                             Objects = Rings;                   Morphisms = 
Ring Homomorphisms
                            Objects = Linear spaces;     Morphisms = Linear maps
                            Objects = Top’l spaces;       Morphisms = Cont. 
                            Objects = Sets;                      Morphisms = 
(The above examples are respectively called the categories of groups, of rings, 
of linear spaces, of top’l spaces, and of sets.)

The claimed advantages of using categories are:
(1)     The important and natural questions that mathematicians ask are 
categorical in nature –that is they depend not on operations such as group 
multiplication, but strictly on how the morphisms compose. (that is, the 
objects are like black boxes, we don't see the limits or multiplication inside 
the box, we only see arrows, representing morphisms going from one box to 
(2)     Looking at a subject from a category-theoretic point of view sheds 
light on what is really happening and suggests new research areas.
(3)     Proving a theorem about an arbitrary category can have applications to 
all of the traditional categories mentioned above.
(4)     As would be expected, there are suitable mappings between categories, 
called functors, which enable us to compare and relate different parts of 
I work in topos theory which ambitiously proposes to study where logic comes 
from. We start by noting that many ideas in logic are closely tied to the 
category of sets.
        For example the sentence “x > 3” is true for some values of x and not 
for others (if we assume, for example, that x is a real number) The compound 
sentence “x > 3 and 3x = 12” is true on the intersection of the set where the x 
> 3 with the set where 3x = 12.
        On the other hand, “x >7 or x < 1” in true on a union. Of course “x not 
equal to 3” is true on the complement of where “x = 3”.
        Much of our assumptions about how the logical connectives “and”, “or”, 
“not” are closely connected to how intersections, unions and complements work 
in sets. But intersections, unions and (weak) complements can be defined in 
categorical terms and then they may behave differently (for example, categories 
need not obey the “law” of the excluded middle).  A topos is a category that 
resembles the category of Sets in some formal ways, but which may lead to 
non-standard logics. One example of a topos can be thought of as a category of 
sets in which the elements can change over time, such as the set of all states 
in the US. Note that the element called Virginia splits into 2 elements, West 
Virginia and Virginia, and, according to some views, elements like Georgia were 
not in the set of US states during the Civil War. The set of US states also has 
structure, such as the boundaries of the states, which can change over time.
The advantage of uses toposes is that a traditional mathematical object can be 
mapped, using a suitable functor, to a non-standard world (i.e. to a related 
object in a topos) and this can reveal some of the inner structure of the 
object. For example, an evolving system might be best viewed in a world where 
elements can change over time.

[<>] On Behalf Of Owen 
Densmore [<>]
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 12:50 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] invitation + introduction

On Apr 7, 2010, at 12:10 PM, John Kennison 
<><> wrote:

Hi Leigh,

Nick introduced me to Rosen’s “Life Itself” and I have skimmed some articles by 
Rosen.  I am both fascinated and disappointed by Rosen’s work. Fascinated by 
what Rosen says about the need to develop radically different kinds of models 
to deal with biological phenomena and disappointed by Rosen’s heavy-handed 
stabs at developing such models. And yet still stimulated because I have enough 
ego to believe that with my mathematical and category-theoretic background, I 
might succeed where Rosen failed.

Category theory has been mentioned several times, especially in the early days 
of friam. Could you help us out and discuss how it could be applied here? CT 
certainly looks fascinating but thus far I've failed to grasp it.  I'd love a 
concrete example (like how to address Rosen's world) of it's use, and possibly 
a good introduction (book, article).

    ---- Owen

I am an iPad, resistance is futile!
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