A note for all mathematicians in the group -- was told by surgeon in my
writers group that 40% of mathematicians and all others who also are able to
"see" existence of additional dimensions are now considered to be
schizophrenics.  I may be included since my first novel (trying to find a
literary agent by the way if anyone knows a good one -- Tony Hillerman's
would do, for example) describes a newly discovered element, xarium
(fictitious) which, when held in palm of hand of heroine, takes her to
another dimension (also fictitious - but hey, since I was able to describe
it, that means I am able to "see" it -- so obviously am diagnosable for
sure. )

Just wanted all you "other dimension" scientists to realize this.

(She was actually serious. Keep in mind, that the DSM used to list
homosexuals among the crazies too, so I wouldn't worry too much.)

And my novel is entitled *Of Coins, Toadplates, and Pestles* -- set mainly
in New Mexico -- discusses spiritwalking, environmental predictions over
next six decades.
want to find an agent first before published if I can. Accept any ideas.

Peggy Miller
Missoula, Montana
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