Another unhelpful reply: I used an old Dell Laptop with its original
WinXP Home OS to do that for $0. I use VNC when I need to work the OS.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 7:24 PM, Douglas Roberts <> wrote:
> I guess if you really wanted to use a Mac...
> I could build a headless micro ATX Linux box to do that for < $200.
> --Doug
> On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 5:19 PM, glen e. p. ropella
> <> wrote:
>> I've used the desktop mini that way.  I just made sure to boot it the
>> first time with peripherals attached.  Then made sure the VNC service
>> started at boot, removed the peripherals and used VNC forever after. The DVD
>> drive was quite handy for several upgrades.
>> We also ran off a network of (desktop) minis at a
>> colo.  Now it's running out of Cosmo's house on a linux box, though.
>> Owen Densmore wrote circa 10-07-30 03:47 PM:
>>> I'm considering a mac mini for a home server: backups (Time Machine),
>>> large overnight file uploading to my web site, torrents, etc.  A
>>> non-desktop utility system running snow leopard.  I plan to run it
>>> without keyboard, mouse and display .. a headless wifi networked box
>>> in a corner.
>>> Has anyone built/used such a home server?  My two main question are:
>>> 1 - "Desktop" mini vs XServe mini.  The mini comes in two flavors, a
>>> desktop version, with DVD drive and running the standard leopard
>>> desktop; and a server version, running Leopard Xserve software and
>>> with a second disk replacing the DVD drive.  The server mini is
>>> heftier and costs more.  I'm considering the server version, but not
>>> sure if I really need it.
>>> So the question is: Has anyone used a mini server and is it worth it?
>>> In particular, is the lack of a DVD drive a pain?
>>> 2 - Headless: I don't know the details of how to run a mini headless.
>>> The server version has a server admin console and apparently can do
>>> most things one needs to do.  The standard mini generally is not run
>>> headless, but can be via Apple Remote Desktop, basically a version of
>>> VNC.  I believe it is an additional cost however.  I think both
>>> versions can run ssh just fine.
>>> So the second question is: How do you run minis headless?

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