What a *clever* idea.  I can just see the headlines:  "Salami-equipped
terrorist thwarted at the Albuquerque International Airport."  I suppose the
only remaining question is:  should we use Italian hard salami, or something
less threatening...

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:

>  Nick -
> You are spot on again... too bad we'll be drinking your share of the
> bourbon tonight!
> I agree with everything you say about fascism.  Yours not a rant.  Just an
> exact description of what is happening.
> the very best kind of rant, the undeniable ones!
> But I am NOT clear why nudity is the bottom line. (};-])  We are absolutely
> passive until we find ourselves in the “showers” and are asked to take our
> clothes off?
> Actually I don't care so much about the presumed invasion of my body
> space.... though the suckers get taken in everytime by the big salami I tape
> into my trousers... you should *see* the looks on their faces!
>     So, let’s imagine a scenario in which They say, “Ok.  You’re correct!
> No Junkyard dogs at the TSA checkpoints.  However, in compensation, we are
> going to have to start reading your mail, like the Israelis do.”  (I don’t
> know if the Iraeli’s do, but that is what they are going to say.).  Look,
> something is seriously amiss when Olberman and Beck agree on something.
> Hey, TSA no problem.  Time to worry about Obamacare’s recommendation of
> universal colonoscopies.   (By the way, how do you copy a colonos, anyway?)
> Shit... (just to be colorful) you've got me there!
> PS:  As a test of my position, I went to www.aclu.org to see if they were
> on board with this hysteria.  Ooops!  They are!  LOT of interesting stuff,
> there, none of which supports my position.
> You are a gem.
>   PPS:  Did you hear or read the report that one can be exempt from BOTH
> procedures on religious grounds by claiming to be a muslim woman?
> Heck, I've always been a Muslim woman... or at least I really enjoy playing
> one on the internet!  Drives the NSA boys NUTS!
> - Steve
> *From:* friam-boun...@redfish.com 
> [mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com<friam-boun...@redfish.com>]
> *On Behalf Of *Steve Smith
> *Sent:* Sunday, November 21, 2010 4:00 AM
> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] TSA, security technology, and opting out
> Nick -
>  Nah, Steve.  I am going to rain on this parade.  Sorry.
> I wondered what that splashing/drizzling was all about!  Thanks a lot!
>  For years we all had our inseams measured without accusing tailors of
> homophilia.  There is nothing inherently undignified in the search except
> that perception makes it so.
>  So, my barber who keeps dropping his comb into my lap *isn't* making a
> pass at me?  Shoots, I'll be needing to find another barber I guess!  And
> you might not be surprised, but I've never had a tailor handle my junk while
> measuring my inseams... but then, that salesgirl at the store where I buy my
> jeans is welcome to measure my inseams... but every time I ask, she declines
> the opportunity.
>  All of this “keep your mitts off my junk” (“JUNK!” WHERE THE HELL DID
> THAT COME FROM?) is a juvenile distraction from two EXTREMELY important
> issues.
> Are the back scatter scanners safe?
> Is security based on high cost machinery (rather than intelligence)
> effective.
> It does give me pause that Michael Chertoff was, I understand, a serious
> investor in the company that makes the machines.   No I don’t have any
> proof.
> I don't suppose I disagree that these are potentially important issues.
> But I don't agree that submitting to escalating levels of invasive and
> highly questionable measures based on induced hysteria is a "good and
> necessary thing".
>  I'm still of the strong belief that one of the errant memes amok in our
> culture is the meme of fascism.  The meme that insists that the good of the
> whole is entirely dependent on and subservient to the whim of the
> bureaucracy in place (and expanding).  It is my firmly held opinion that the
> majority of the response to 9/11 has been an opportunistic one, feeding
> those who would feed this particular meme.  Fascism positively loves fear!
> I'm also completely in tune with the theme.... "just because you are
> paranoid, doesn't mean they are *not* out to get you".  Yes, the great and
> wonderful America the Beautiful has ENEMIES and they "Hate our Freedoms"
> (What?) and they *will* hijack our planes and fly them into our tallest
> buildings if given the chance...
> But I contend that there is also a rot within the souls of our own people
> who "Hate our Freedoms"  in an entirely different way.  They hate our
> freedom from fear, from administrative picayune control of everything.  Just
> go dump your wallet out on the table and look through *that junk* and tell
> me that you are not being harried by a dozen or more trivial systems which
> require you to step and fetch... driver's license (aka Universal ID),
> Insurance card(s), credit cards, Social Security Card,  Loyalty Shopping
> Cards... the rest I'm not sure I wanna know! Then go check the file cabinet,
> and the glove box of your car...  or your stack of unopened (my case) or
> recently opened (more likely) mail.  The quantity and complexity of the
> systems designed around keeping YOU in line is amazing.  Dial up a right
> wing talk radio station and listen to the rhetoric in the *advertising* on
> identity theft (guard), it is positively disgusting!
> Yes, someone hates our freedoms, but I don't think it is the 12 year old
> boys and girls spread across a great deal of the world strapping bombs onto
> their chests to blow up our tanks (those not busy stepping on our errant
> landmines)...  *they* have something seriously sad going on in *their*
> (short and likely miserable) lives as do our young men and women stuck in
> the "stop-loss" war that is consuming their prime years, but the threat is
> as much from within (all forms of paranoid hysteria and the fascist systems
> and behaviour it can fuel) as from without.
> Ooops, I think I got off on a rant there! <grin>
> - Steve
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