And what will be in that profile?   The bemused smile, the desperate poker face, the jaded look of resignation, perhaps any attempt at humor?   Perhaps you did not pay your credit card bill this month, or are behind in your party dues?   Maybe you know too much about spiders, or developmental biology?  

The cool thing, from the (imagined) terrorists perspective, is that the profile criteria must be kept secret, so no one will ever know why they have been more invasively searched.   It will appear completely arbitrary to the average person and thus, in this climate, increasingly political.

You prevent terror by not being terrorized.


On 11/21/10 3:19 PM, Nicholas Thompson wrote:



I don’t think profiling needs to be politically incorrect.




From: [] On Behalf Of Russell Gonnering
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2010 1:58 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] More Light, Less Touchy-Feely


Because we are unwilling to do the only sane thing and profile behavior, we sacrifice our liberty on the altar of political correctness.  So, fellow FRIAMers, when they start doing rectal exams to find the concealed explosives, what will our response be then?  What about the surgically implanted explosives?

The choice is not between unpleasant experiences and being blown up.  The choice is between acting like idiots or doing what actually is necessary to prevent terror.  So far, we have chosen the former.  Is it really worth it to spend billions of dollars and terrorize the innocents to appear to be “fair” to everyone?

I put my money on the idiots, as they always seem to run things. El Al should expand into the domestic US market.

Russ #3

Russell Gonnering, MD, MMM, FACS, CPHQ

On Nov 21, 2010, at 2:33 PM, wrote:

I have followed the correspondence on enhanced scanning with usual mixture of shock and incredulity.  Do people object because it’s offensive or because it’s ineffective?  It would be unpleasant but, for me, unpleasanter to be blown up by a device that had avoided the enhanced scanner.  But I haven’t enough info to make any definitive judgment.  In particular on two matters.  It seems that new bomb compounds can be concealed by flesh masses in exotic parts of the body without detection by the old scanners.  I thought that the Xmas underwear bomber had proved this. It seems that old folk, handicapped people, children and infants are ideal subjects for planted bombs, with no adverse fall-out for the Bad Hats if detected. In this wicked world the innocent are always punished.

If correct this is pretty awful news.

The strategy is for a bomber to finesse that he’d be directed through the old system, pass and end up undetected on his planned flight.  If an enhanced scan is required, then he should avoid this by all means while offering to take the old, ineffectual scan, and withdraw, undetected, unidentified and with his powder dry, to try again another day.

In such circumstances he should behave like a gullible but superior person (e.g. a Friamer) and behave with all the histrionics necessary for the exasperated TSA to simply tell him to get lost.  So this dramatic response, that some objectors seem to have chosen, and others to approve of, would make the objector highly suspect, and rightly so.

Peter Lissaman, Da Vinci Ventures

Expertise is not knowing everything, but knowing what to look for.

1454 Miracerros Loop South, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505,USA

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