Steve Smith wrote circa 11-01-04 11:31 PM:
> I think maybe we are roughly on the same page.

Mostly, yes.  However, I didn't intend to focus on the reward/punish
aspect.  Sorry for the distraction.  My primary point is about
identification.  What anyone does with the data gained by paying
attention is their business.  Indeed, what anyone regards as good and
bad behavior is their business.  I'm certain that many of my friends
think SiteGround and SoftLayer made Good decisions.  I disagree;
regardless, it's important to draw attention to their decisions so that
those attending can judge for themselves.  Those who fail to pay
attention fail in their duty to themselves and their network.

To be clear, I'm positing that the _cause_ of the systemic problem is
lack of attention.  So, calling out good and bad behavior and naming
good and bad actors is not just a good start and it's not treating the
symptom rather than the cause.  Calling it out is treating the cause.


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