Eric ,

Please do not disengage just yet, first. I did not know if the mysterious 
Writer wished to use engineering terms or to simply capitalize on Cache. It 
does not matter either way. The fact is the brain cobbled together all these 
terms long before Newton Leibniz and Descartes. So why why would it do so…


It is I believe now that we experience the world exactly as through those 
crappy little words with no dimensions. Everywhere I look the psychological 
expressions people use daily are dimensionless. Why I ask. The answer seems to 
me to be a bit like the abacus or the Go Board . It is some kind of matrix 
slash  image machine. It simply has no need for units as long as it remains 
self referential ; there is no need for zero or even numerals. It seems 
essential to have a memory , clock and pain, Booze and Smokes optional. So for 
now I suggest you have a little patience and we begin to discuss a new 
computational engine model without units or numbers.  I was not prepared for 
this when I responded and we got stuck in the mud so to speak. Accidentally I 
gave you the concept of strain energy, also a form of work . I noticed then 
Force, the Newton, was a strange little beasty while everyone was ragging on 
Work in the classical system. But the Newton of Force is always painful for me 
and I actually despise the beasty, no disrespect for Newton. I thought I knew 
what force was when I felt it and was trained to ignore that with no success. 
So I looked at my past and realized I never measured Newtons in my life!  I do 
not even think there is a Newton meter. We measure stress changes as  
resistance or strain, then we calculate Force only by also measuring something 
different such as Area. In an odd way this was revealing. I am a scientist and 
a shitty engineer, so I always cheated and worked with pounds because as a kid 
I worked in a butcher shop and could eyeball a pound of ground beef within 


How the heck could I do that without a scale, again I must have used strain in 
a muscle set and a distinctive memory of the sensation at exactly 1 pound. 
Years later I learned engineering and all about units.  Strain is just 
displacement and there are specialized proprioceptors with a uncanny 
resemblance to a standard  foil type microstrain gauge.  To measure two pounds 
I did it twice but could not accomplish it in one go. 


As a psychologist I would love to pick through your rubbish heap when I have 
time. But in principle the brain has established these engineering values in an 
alternative manner but self referentially. There in lies the revolution that 
forced us to put words to self referential concepts that did not match a little 
child or a 200lb plus heavy weight. To communicate we needed more fixed 
externalreferences, we needed universals or so it looks. Newton took some time 
in arriving. But we already had some in place. We universally know the sun is 
above and the earth below. The deer flesh is best freshly killed and water and 
hot go together.Without externals we get trapped as Solipsists or 
Existentialists, heaven forbid even romantics.


I am trying to suggest that we can in theory translate bodily sensations into 
many of the engineering values not the other way round as initially assumed was 
to be the case. I hope you can support my belief that we use something like 
matrices when thinking or maps. Considering primitive animals have uncanny 
navigational equipment on board I assumed we also had similar  rudimentary 

Philosophically we are now faced with a multiplicity of self referential 
universes and a universal language under construction and a reality constantly 
causing havoc . Plus we have a lot of crotchety old men who think they 
understand everything and old ladies who are convinced we are all fools. Now 
occasionally the mathematics has produced unimaginable creatures such as the 
Newton,Currie , the Coulomb and when we look closely we notice something 
completely new manifest itself with no conceivable sensory equivalent. Lift for 
example. Somehow we learned to fly and that is very remarkable and worth a 
little patience and a plea for indulgence perhaps even mercy( I always ask for 
more than I  need and settle for a little less)




Thank you gentlemen and Ladies. 



Vladimyr Ivan Burachynsky PhD



Sky Drive Site 


120-1053 Beaverhill Blvd.

Winnipeg,Manitoba, R2J3R2


 (204) 2548321 Land

(204) 8016064  Cell




From: [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: March-16-11 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Work! Fer Gawd and Newton's sake!


Agreed! Work, constraint, cause, etc. were all words long before Newton (if we 
are willing to translate them, many centuries before). Newton gave them very 
technical meanings in his system, but the technical meanings were "just" a 
matter of making more strict the common meanings. 

We could, if we wanted to, try to find psychological analogs closest to 
Newton's meanings, or we could try use the looser (but related) common 
meanings. In either case, the short answer to Vladimyr's question is that 
people using these terms to talk about psychological systems want them to mean 
the same things they mean when talking about physical systems. So, some want 
them want the words to be very technical terms, others want them to carry the 
connotation of general usage. It should be obvious to anyone using the terms 
that any such usage is highly metaphorical; should be, but for some reason it 
is not. 

Beyond that, as Nick pointed out, they weren't my words of choice. Personally, 
I think psychology would be a lot better off if we minimized such talk as much 
as possible. Claims like "beliefs constrain intentions" seem strange and 
potentially vacuous to me. Even if it is not totally vacuous, the amount of 
intellectual work we would have to do to unpack the claim makes me think it is 
not worth it, and I would suspect that there was probably a much more 
straightforward and empirically tractable claim that the claimant could make 
instead (maybe something like; "Past experience determines a large proportion 
of the variance in future actions," or "verbal behavior is a somewhat reliable 
predictor of the way future actions will be directed"). 

I am reminded of the long arguments psychologists have over whether some third 
factor is a "moderator" or a "mediator" of a known effect. Surely this is a 
useful distinction, but probably not one worth the amount of time and effort 
put into it. Further, the problem could probably be solved completely by 
dedicating a full sentence to the role of the third factor, rather than trying 
to come to consensus on magical one-word specialized terms. 


On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 02:23 PM, wrote:

Come on, Peoples!  Work is DEFINED in Newtonian mechanics as being done "when a 
force moves its point of application".  Thass all - and plenty enuff!  So you 
lift a box up to a shelf - you doing work, as defined by Isaac, the Laborers 
Union and most Plain Folks.  You put a whiskey jigger on a pool table - it and 
the table move, a very leetle bit, and work be done by gravity.  

Railroad lines represent useful constraints to freight cars.  Thanks to them 
the car becomes an "object that moves in predestinate grooves"!  The car is 
subject to acceleration due to all forces acting on it, but the rails try to 
keep it from cross track motion.  They does their best -  to the extent that 
they are capable.

You may generalize the technical terms "force", "work" and "constraint" as far 
as you like.  After all, they had meaning in language long before they were 
"defined" by Newton and La Grange for specific mechanical concepts.  St. Paul 
(2 nd Corinthians III, 14) said: "The love of Christ constraineth us".  I dunno 
what he meant, but the nice thing about the Bible is that you can choose for 
yourself what it means!

It seems helpful to note that the tracks constrain the response of the cars to 
applied forces (more or less!).  It's useful and human to employ the word in a 
more general sense, and it probably means roughly the same thing to most 
people. And if not, who cares?  "What's in a name?" as someone said!
Peter Lissaman, Da Vinci Ventures

Expertise is not knowing everything, but knowing what to look for.

1454 Miracerros Loop South, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505,USA

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Eric Charles

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Penn State University
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