Hi Eric
WordPress. If you get stuck or need some customizing I can help you. There are tons of plugins for almost anything - very extensible.
Robert Cordingley
cirrillian.com <http://cirrillian.com>

On 5/17/11 4:56 PM, ERIC P. CHARLES wrote:
Hey all,
Against all my wife's better judgment, I am considering starting a blog. Enough of my professional colleagues have them, and enough interesting stuff seems to be happening on them, that it seems a good idea. I was hoping for some collective wisdom about the pros and cons of different blogging platforms. I do, in theory, have the ability to host it myself, or to use Penn State's in-house system, but my initial inclination is to go with an established entity that makes it easy to do things like track other blogs and track user stats. I'm not even sure what other factors I should care about.

Again, any collective wisdom would be appreciated!



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