I completely appreciate the sentiment of hacking things to do what they weren't intended to do.

I also am sympathetic with the irritation with corporate deals that leave us with products that have what feel like arbitrary restrictions (iPhone only works with ATT)...

But at the same time... I agree with Eric's point...   vote with your feet (wallet).
  I've a friend whose first response to any new interesting piece of tech is:
I can't wait to run that thing through a band saw!

If by "enslaved to a corporate cabal" you mean that I use my cell phone mostly as a phone, I can tell you it doesn't feel that bad. Personally, I have trouble imagining why anyone would want to do otherwise. The complaints of people who have to 'go through the trouble' to jailbreak iPhones, for example, strike me as silly. If you don't like what the iPhone is, why did you buy one? It's like someone who buys a new house and then complains it is not laid out the way they want, and then complains about how hard it was to redo the floor plan: You know there were other houses, right? You know it was a perfectly functional house already, right?

Now, I'm not against tinkering with things. If you are the type of person that likes to buy things intended for one purpose and modify them for other purposes, then I support you, and am at times a comrade in arms. But if that were the case, there would be no reason to complain.

Ah well, slave signing out,


On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 12:43 PM, "glen e. p. ropella" <g...@tempusdictum.com> wrote:
This is more about the hardware manufacturer and the service provider,
not the operating system.  FWIW, Samsung is very friendly.  I have a
Motorola.  They're relatively neutral.  Verizon is not friendly.  Apple
is an enemy.  T-Mobile is neutral.  Cricket is friendly (so far).

I can't imagine anyone _not_ rooting their phone and replacing their
operating system at will.  It boggles my mind that so many tech savvy
people enslave themselves to a corporate cabal.

Owen Densmore wrote at 06/07/2011 09:27 AM:
> [Note: widened from wedtech to include friam, see attached.]
>From /.: Advocacy Group Files FCC Complaint Over Verizon Tethering Ban
> 	http://goo.gl/ynL9A 
> I believe I now am in the same spot with android as with iphone: I will
have to at least jail break any phone I own, and heck, might as well unlock it
while I'm at it.
> This surprises me.  Android was to be the hacker's delight, a Google
"no evil" phone that allows me to use it as I please.  Not a sissy
iphone where Apple rules my life and limits my options.
> After yesterdays announcement of the iTunes cloud (where they store
not only your bought media in their cloud, but any CDs you rip and have in
iTunes!!), I'm rethinking just how free Google etc are over Apple.
> I still plan to complete my conversion to gmail, and the Google ecology
has lots of advantages.  But Apple is gaining fast with everything (mail,
contacts, calendar, music, bookmarks, ...) in iCloud and accessible
> If this works, and that's a big IF, and if they can be cross-platform ..
at least windows if not linux/unix (a bigger IF!), Google will start
to look like a chaotic mess of non-integrated parts while Apple, once again,
solves the user's problem.
> 	http://daringfireball.net/2011/06/demoted

glen e. p. ropella, 971-222-9095, http://tempusdictum.com

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Eric Charles

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